Seeing His Sister

Danielle Warbeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
James {Main}
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Danielle waited patiently on the plane - it was landing soon - Danielle was a bit nervous this was her first time meeting Kate Moon, Ryan Moon's sister. And Danielle really wanted to make a good impression. Kate would be picking up Danielle in a limo. The plane was Scheduled to Land at 12:10 P.M., it was 11:50 A.M.

12:14 P.M.

Danielle got off the plane with one suitcase rolling behind her. It wasn't packed with much, only a nice dress and some clothes and makeup. Danielle stopped close to the exit, and looked around for Kate. Just like when she met Star Danielle had gotten a smal description of Kate. She had balck hair. And is a bit taller then you. Danielle didn't know why she had gotten a description, because she would be the only kid alone. When Danielle saw a girl, who fit the description, she walked over to her. "Hi! You must be Kate?" Danielle asked, smiling.
Kate was excited on her way to the airport.She had offered to pick up Danielle Ryan's girlfriend so they could talk.She also had wanted to come in the limo alone she liked their new limo she had only been in one before this but now it was her own personal car.She was supposed to be collecting Danielle at 12:15 just a few minutes after the plane landed.She walked out of the limo and looked around her.It was a beautiful summers day she was still getting used to the fact that it was summer time not winter like in New Zealand.

She walked into the airport and over to arrivals, they should be there any minute.She saw lots of other people waiting for there loved ones and friends she smiled it made her happy thinking that these families would be reunited soon.She also saw a few people looking at her curiously wondering why a twelve year old was her on her own.When the people started arriving she looked out for a girl younger than her and with black hair and tanned skin.When nearly all the people were out she saw a girl that looked exactly like the description coming her way.She smiled when she came over "Yup I'm Kate and you must be Danielle"She said smiling warmly and putting out her hand. "Its nice to finally meet you"She said smiling again.Daniele seemed nice she looked very pretty and she thought they could become good friends
"I am Danielle very nice to finally meet you." Danielle said shaking her hand. Suddenly Danielle wasn't very nervous anymore, maybe because she realized that this girl is only 12, and that she wouldn't be very mean. "So, you guys are rich? I'm only thinking this because I'm being picked up in a limo - not a cab." Danielle said, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't really care very much, because I'm rich too, Tyler has a big company, and other companies invest in his, so I have billions of dollars. I also have four vacation homes. One in Italy, Enland, Spain, and Toyko. I haven't been to the one in Toyko yet, Tyler only bought it last week on a buiness trip." Danielle said thinking about how nice it will be. They then stepped outside, and walked towards the limo. "Do you have any vacation homes?" Danielle asked Kate as they got into the limo. Danielle was taking a liking to Kate.

After a couple of minutes, Danielle saw a big Manor, and when the limo stopped at it Danielle, nodded, "Nice House! Tyler says the one he bought in Toyko looks like this. And I think my vacation home is close by!" Danielle said looking around, as the stepped out of the limo. "Huh! There it is!" Danielle said pointing to a house that was three houses down, it was as big as the "Moon Manor" "I just thought of something. This Manor shall now be named "Moon Manor"!" Danielle laughed.
"Nice to finally meet you too"She said smiling and leading the way to the limo "Well ya we are but its all very new just a the beginning of the year did we get the estate so I haven't been to the house lately"She said smiling.Kate nodded when Danielle talked about all her holiday homes she wished she had homes there she had always wanted to go to Italy and she hoped they could go there for a holiday one year. "No we don't dad is just still getting everything sorted"She said sighing slightly she had barely seen her dad because he was so busy getting ready gor the business people coming to the party on Saterday.

After a few minutes they arrived at her new home she was still getting used to the thought that this was her house "Oh thanks"She said smiling while getting out of the car it was quite warm out and Kate couldn't wait for a swim but she was going to get to know Danielle properly first.She smiled when Danielle suggested the Moon Manor "Has a nice ring to it"She said smiling and thinking about it.Sadly none of her family were home yet so the house was empty except for the servants and maybe Micheal or Stefan would be around.She walked in and said hello to the servants who's names she still had to learn.She asked one of them to take Danielle's suitcase up to her room.She looked around to see all the servants getting ready for the party in two days.She turned to Danielle "Okay so would you like a tour first"She asked even though she still wasn't sure of the lay out of her new house

OOCOut of Character:
Oh yeah there are two other people Micheal a family friend who is recently getting divorced and his adopted son Stefan
"Your welcome, Its very nice!" Danielle smiling at Kate. Kate was very sweet, and chill. The summer sir was pretty warm, it reminded Danielle of Spain. "I'm so used to the cool air in New Zealand, at this time, the warm air feels weird! But it reminds me of Spain when I lived there." Danielle said, flipping her hair back. "Moon Manor! We need a sign! Do you have any wood? I can make a make-shift sign! And we will write "Moon Manor!" Danielle said laughning. As they walked in the air conditioning felt good on Danielle. She saw they had some servents at their house. Danielle was surprised when Kate said she had a room. "I have a room? Wow, talk about courtesy." Danielle said smiling. Danille looked arouns, the foyer was big and Danielle defiantly liked the way it looked. "A tour! Absolutely!" Danielle said excited for a tour of the beautiful house.

OOCOut of Character:
Since Kate wants to go to Italy,maybe she can talk to Danielle and Danielle could ask, Where is one place you really want to go and Kate would say "Italy" then Danielle could say that can be arranged. And maybe Danielle could take Kate and her Family to Italy, for a vacation. I'll Pm you more Details.
"Thanks"Kate said smiling. "I know what you mean"Kate said listening "Wow you lived in Spain I've only lived in Ireland and Here"She said smiling but frowning when Danielle said get a sign "Maybe we should ask the others first"She said grinning thinking of Sara's face if she saw something like that sign up and she had never given her opinion. Kate was surprised when Daniele was surprised she had a room "Well you hardly expected to sleep on the floor and anyway we have tons of rooms"She said smiling. "Okay I'll show you the kitchen first"She said walking towards the Kitchen "Well here it is Oh and a lot of the rooms were re done so in a way they don't fit in with the house"She said going to the next room.

Half an hour later Kate had shown Danielle her Bedroom ,the Ballroom,the Libary the Garden, the Tennis court,the Swimming pool and all the other rooms "So what doe you think"She asked politely and smiling

OOCOut of Character:
Ya that sounds good! Sorry it took so long getting all the pictures!!
"Isn't it weird!" Danielle said, taking her Jacket off. "Yeah Spain, We moved to California when I was 5 years old. But if you think about it, we both lived in 2 places so we are even!" Danielle said, laughing a small bit. Danielle hoped Sara was like Star and Kate, because those 2 were both really cool! "Your right, although the reactions might be a small bit funny!" Danielle said laughing again. Danielle was having a grand time with Kate, Danielle hoped Kate was also. "True, if you made me sleep on the floor it would be the opposite of courtesy! Dont'cha think?" Danielle said, shrugging her shoulders. As Kate walked Danielle around the house, Danielle stood there in awe. None of her vacation homes could ever have a garden because no one could water them everyday. "Your house is beautiful! I want to go for a swim!" Danielle said pointing, to the pool. "Hold on!" Danielle said running up stairs, opening her suitcase, putting on a Bikini (You can guess which one is Danielle) under her clothes and walked out. "I'm ready!" Danielle yelled to Kate.

OOCOut of Character:
In the next time I post here Danielle will ask that, then maybe the next year they will go to Italy?
"I guess so"She said grinning.So far she liked Danielle Ryan had made a good choic she had to say.She hoped Sara and her parents would like her too."Ya they would"She said imaging their faces.Kate was enjoying herself Danielle would be a nice friend she hoped Danielle was having a good time also.She smiled at Danielle's awed face "Wow thanks"She said smiling and wandering over to the kitchen.But she liked Danielle's idea better."Hey thats a great idea I have beem wanting to do that ever since I came here"She said smiling and running up to her room and putting on her Bikini.She ran back down and out to the pool to where Danielle was standing.She stopped at the door and quietlly she walked up behind Danielle and yelled "Gotcha"While pushing her in.

OOCOut of Character:
Ya that sounds good I have to go to bed now or I won't be able to wake up for school!!
"I know, I'll just wait by the pool, while you, get your swim suit on." Danielle said. In the meantime, took off her clothes until only her Bikini was showing. Danielle waited for a little bit, she was getting quite bored, until she felt a hand push her, she screamed and fell in. "Dah! You got me!" Danielle yelled. shaking her fist in the air. "Curses! Foiled by Kate!" Danielle laughed. Danielle should have seen that coming as it was a very old trick. "I should have known! I'll get you next time Kate. Just wait and see. Just wait and see." Danielle said as she drifted underwater. She could hold her breath for a long time, so she crept close to Kate (Underwater) and came up and drecnched her in water! "Told Ya, I'd get you back!" Danielle laughed.
Kate started laughing her head off. "You should of seen that Danielle"She said still laughing. Of course she was laughing so much she didn't notice Danielle go underwater she didn't realise until she was covered in water."Hey"She called out doing a dive into the water. "I guess we are even now"She said threading water."So what do you think?"She asked swimming around
"Think of what? Your Dive? Great! The Pool? Cool! The house in General? AWESOME!" Danielle yelled out. The area seemed kinda quiet, so she wanted to yell really loud. "Do you like singing?" Danielle said. Flipping in the water and coming up. "I love singing!" Danielle smiled. She felt singing was a way to express herself. "I also know how to play the Guitar, and Drums. I love playing them!" Danielle said pretending to play a guitar.
Kate laughed at Danielle's reaction "Well thats great!"She said grinning.She did some ducky dives and swam for a long time underwater.Swimming was one of her favorite things to do in her spare time.Swimming pools were fun but the sea with waves was even better. "I love singing i love music"She said smiling immediatly a song started playing in her head let the sun shine by Labrinth.She soon started to hum the song."Look what you've done this song will be in my head for days"She said sighing and smiling.. "Cool I play the violin,recorder,piano and tin whistle"She said laughing at Danielle pretending to play the guitar. "So how long have you been playing music"She asked her humming getting louder without noticing
"Kate its not great! Its totally, amazing!" Danielle laughed. She did some dives with Kate, and swam in circles really fast underwater. She actually came up very dizzy afterwards. "Me too." Danielle smiled. She giggled when Kate commented, about how that song will be in her head. "Well, don't play it to me! I don't want it in my head!" Danielle yelled, as she went underwater. "You play that many? I've played the recorder before, but I don't really know how to play it, I just learned some notes, in Muggle School. But thats cool, I've always wanted to play the Piano." Danielle smiled.
"Thanks"She said smiling. She did some bomb dives and pencil jumps.She also did some lengths of the pool.She had missed swimming a lot when she had been in Hogwarts she loved the water.Even when she was a toddler she would go into the freezing cold sea.She had loved the waves when she was small and she did now too.Just to get the song in Danielle's head she started singing

"I feel a cold rush running through my hair
And you know what I don't even care
The time has past me by It's gone with the wind
All be cus the sunshined once again

Kate sang the song loudly when Danielle came up from being underwater "Now we can both have the song in our head"She said laughing and splashing Danielle. "Well my parents wants me to have the best chance in life"She said sarcatically. "Well I'm more of a violin person myself"She said grinning which she was true.She didn't like the piano and she wasn't any good at it where as she liked the vioklin and she was actually good at it."Okay so tell me stuff about you"She asked pretending to have a business type voice

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