Seeing a Familiar Face!

Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Kiera had gotten up early this morning to make sure that she could make it to breakfast before her classes started. She had her clean Gryffindor uniform on with her Head Girl badge pinned to her chest. She entered the hall with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Kiera spotted someone across the room. She stared in disbelief. Were her eyes playing tricks on her! Kiera took off running towards the older girl, something that probably looked very un-Head Girlish. Kiera squeeled as she wrapped her arms around Cyndi. "Ohmygosh! What are you doing here!!??" she asked, excitement all over her face.
Cyndi walked into the Great Hall and slowly walked toward the Staff table, where she was supposed to sit. She was still getting used to her new role in the school, and hadn't really gotten a chance to see her old friends. She figured that they were probably busy getting back into the swing of things, and since she had been busy preparing for her class, there was little else on her mind.

As she stood next to the staff table, Cyndi spotted Kiera standing across the room. Suddenly, her friend sprinted across the room toward her, and within a second the pair were hugging. She giggled at Kiera's excitement and gave her friend a smile. "Oh, it turns out I didn't graduate after all..." she said jokingly, "No, just kidding." Cyndi had kept the news secret for the entire summer from everyone but Estrella, but was now bursting to tell, " The truth is...I was asked by Dippet to be an assistant Ancient Runes professor, and since I couldn't live without you guys, I accepted." She stepped back a bit to see Kiera's reaction.
Kiera's eyes widened in surprise at Cyndi's news. How could she had kept this from her all summer?! Kiera's face showed the excitement that she was feeling. She hugged her friend tightly at this news. "I'm soo happy you are back! Congratulations! I need a friend back when I lost Andromeda. I can't believe this! How did you not tell me at the competition?! Can you move back in the tower with us?" she said all in a rush. Kiera was practically jumping up and down with excitement.
Cyndi listened to the rush of words from Kiera, pleased that her friend was so happy at her return. "Thanks. I wanted it to be a surprise because it is just more fun that way. Besides, I was busy enjoying you beating your muggle friend at Nationals and wiping the smile off of Nina's face" she said teasingly. Nationals had been fun to watch with Alex and even James, though she certainly could have done without Nina's cattiness toward Kiera. Looking down at Kiera's uniform, Cyndi spotted Kiera's headgirl badge and pointed at it smiling, "Hey, it looks like you were keeping something too. Congratulations yourself! Was this the big surprise you were going to tell me?"

"I'm not sure I'm allowed to move back into room number 4. I think some of my students might find it wierd if I was rooming next door to them" Cyndi said with a playful frown. She was still trying to figure out her room accomodations and for now was sharing with Professor Dippet. Thinking about something Kiera had said, her playful frown became real and her eyebrow quirked up. "And, what's this about losing Andy?"
Kiera grinned as Cyndi talked about Nationals. It had definitely been fun and she hadn't gotten hurt! Kiera had been very pleased that some of her closest friends showed up. Alex and James had even been cordial to each other. It was even more fun to see Nina's face after the competition. Then she remembered the recent events. "Thanks for coming again. It was really great. Actually though Nina and I have a sort of truce going on. I think you might even call it a friendship." she said with a smile on her face.

Kiera laughed as Cyndi spotted her badge on her chest. "Yeah but I didn't mean to keep it from you." she objected. "I was going to tell you at the competition but I couldn't in front of Arielle." Kiera said, grinning widely. "It gets better too. Guess who our Head Boy is?" she said, her eyes shinning. Kiera nodded her head. "I suppose you have a point about the rooming though I wish you didn't." she said truthfully.

Kiera grimaced as Cyndi asked what was going on with Andy. Kiera rolled her eyes. "You mean besides the fact she has gone over to the dark side?" she said sarcastically. "The girl was down right nasty to me on two different occasions. She's like a loose woman, running around with a different boy every day and she criticizes me out for what happened last term with Alex and James. It was really hurtful" she said her face slipping into a pout. Her eyes showed the sadness she felt. "I thought that ordeal was over. Alex forgave me. Why does she have to rub it in my face?" she asked, really not understanding.
Cyndi listened to Kiera with a smile on her face. It really felt good to be back even though things would be a little different for her now. When Kiera asked Cyndi to guess who the head boy was, her smile widened. "No way...Alex?! That is so cute!"

The young professor was shocked to see Kiera grimace as the subject turned to Andy. She crossed her arms across her shock, and her face darkened as she listened to what Andy had done to Kiera and what she was doing around the school. She had seemed fine enough at the wedding and it truly didn't seem like her to suddenly begin running around with a bunch of guys. Shaking her head, Cyndi pulled her friend into another hug, and said, "I'm sorry she threw that back at you. That wasn't nice of her." Then, added in a disbelief, "I can't believe she'd do those things..."
Kiera laughed as Cyndi guessed correctly that Alex was Head Boy. It had definitely been a pleasant surprise to Kiera when they had both received their letters. Alex on the other hand hadn't been so excited. Kiera grinned as Cyndi said it was cute. She personally found that it was cute too. "He wasn't even half as excited as you are at the news. That morning wasn't exactly a pleasant one." she said, remembering that they had been asleep in the same bed when the owls arrived. Kiera blushed at the thought. It had been innocent; she had a nightmare and went to Alex for comfort. Falling asleep had been an accident.

Kiera's smile faded as the talk turned back to Andy. The girl was not her friend anymore. "Its alright. It wasn't you ripping me and Kat to shreds." she said to Cyndi. The older girl had never been anything but nice to her. "Oh believe it. She's turning into the village bicycle." she said using the old term for a slut.
Cyndi eye's widened as Kiera called Andy the village bicycle. "I haven't seen either her or Kat around...maybe I should talk to them." she said absentmindedly, wanting to do something to help Kiera.

Trying to turn the conversation to happier things, Cyndi said "You should come visit my class sometime. I'll be teaching the third and fourth years." She was very nervous about how things would go in her class, especially since some of the students were bound to be Gryffindors who she had lived with. "I'm really nervous" she confessed.
Kiera rolled her eyes as Cyndi suggested talking to Andy. "Yeah good luck with that." she said with a snort. Cyndi might have a bit more luck than Kiera did with Andy. "Kat on the other hand, do talk to her. There was a nasty break up with her and Sumner. She is devastated. She spends all her time crying." Kiera said with a sad voice. It broke her heart to see her best friend so upset.

"Oh really?! Could I do that? That would be so much fun!" Kiera asked excitedly as Cyndi said she could come to a class. "I love Ancient Runes. It's great really." she said honestly.
Cyndi bit her lip as she listened to Kiera tell her about the breakup between Sumner and Kat. "Oh my...I had no idea" she said with a sigh. Cyndi had spent much of the summer settling into her new apartment and meeting new people in the Harbor, and she felt bad that she hadn't known about the breakup. Last she had seen them, the couple had looked fine to her, but it seemed that a lot had changed since Estrella and Jaken's wedding. "I guess this summer was pretty eventful..." Cyndi said with a shake of her head.

Cyndi nodded as Kiera asked if she could really come one day. "Yea, why not? I'll let you know though...I want to get settled first" She
Kiera nodded sadly at Cyndi. "Yes, I think it was eventful for loads of our friends." she said, knowing what she had been hearing through the grapevine. "You know Alex got in a car wreck this summer. He wrapped the car around the tree. It was lucky that he wasn't hurt worse but he did have to stay in the hospital for a few nights." she told her friend. "I don't think we need another summer like the last one." she said shaking her head.

Kiera's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh I can't wait! It will be so interesting to see you teaching a class. Of course, you will be great at it. Just let me know and I'll be there!" she said with a grin.
Cyndi gasped as Kiera told her about Alex's car accident. She figured that he must be fine though, considering she had seen him in the hallway the other day and the fact that Kiera was speaking about it all so calmly. "Whoa" she breathed out, "He's lucky he's a wizard..." She knew that those with magic in their blood seemed to be less fragile than people without it. She liked Alex and especially liked how happy he made Kiera, and didn't want to see or hear that anything terrible happened to him. "I'm glad he's ok" she said quietly to her best friend as they stood in the Great Hall.
Kiera nodded her head. "Yeah he was lucky. Only a few broken bones but he is much better." she said, happily. Kiera would have been devastated if anything happened to Alex. She really loved him and she was completely happy with him. Kiera looked at her best friend. She pursed her lips in a sly smile. "So Cyndi, anything new in your love life?" she asked curiously.
Cyndi shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno" she said honestly, "I met this guy named Benjamin from Durmstrang and we had a really great time together over the summer" she blushed as she remembered flirting with him and apparating to the river. "but..." she trailed off and shrugged again. Benjamin was definitely good looking and seemed like a nice guy, but he hadn't called or anything since then, so she didn't know where they really stood.
Kiera smiled as she heard Cyndi talk about a boy named Benjamin and that she had spent time over the summer with him. She was smiling so Kiera took that as a good sign. However Kiera frowned as Cyndi's voice trailed off. Had something bad happened? Kiera looked curiously at the older girl. "But?" she asked, wanting more information. Kiera pursed her lips. "Am I going to have to beat him up?" she asked, knowing that she would be glad to duel him if he hurt her best friend in any way. Kiera was a very petite girl who had a great deal of power. She shouldn't be underestimated.
Cyndi shook her head and frowned. "I's complicated. We hung out together and he even took me to see this treehouse that he built when he was a kid. Everything was fine and we had a lot of fun together." She smiled and then it faded, "but, he hasn't called or sent an owl or anything since then."

When Kiera asked if she should beat Benjamin up, Cyndi gave a little laugh and told her, "I'll get back to you on that." She gave her friend a smile to let her know that she would be fine.
Kiera frowned. She didn't like that this boy who Cyndi seemed to like hadn't made any attempt to contact her. Kiera hoped that he would though. She wanted her best friend to be happy, just like she was with Alex. Kiera attempted a smile at Cyndi. "Well it sounds like he was pretty nice. Maybe he will Owl you soon." she said hopefully.
Cyndi gave Kiera a look. "Yea, maybe. I don't think I'll hold my breath though." She sighed and then changed the subject, "How are your classes going? Have the professors given you the NEWT lectures yet?" She remembered how anxious those first few days had been for her with the professors all mentioning how important NEWTs were and that they would be here sooner than anyone thought.
Kiera nodded her head as Cyndi said she wouldn't hold her breath. She supposed that was the best idea. Kiera didn't want to see her friend get hurt. Kiera laughed at Cyndi's next question. "Oh I've only gotten that lecture in lets see.." she said pretending to count. "Every class so far." she said laughing again. "I suppose classes are going well so far. I still have the same classes I've had since third year. I never dropped any so its a pretty full load." she admitted. "But I've been studying nonstop. I'm determined to do well." she said with a smile.
Cyndi laughed at Kiera's answer. She shook her head with a smile on her face as her friend said she hadn't dropped any classes since taking on her electives. "Wow...after my OWLs, I had to drop some...I think I would've gone crazy if I had kept all of my classes. I'm sure you'll do great though." Cyndi knew that her friend was smart and a good student, so she had no worries about her friend's ability to succeed.
Kiera laughed as Cyndi answered. She shook her head. "Ya know, I might go crazy this year." she said grinning. "It was smart of you to drop some classes. Alex told me I was mental to take this many classes." she said laughing. It had been one of the first things he had ever said to her. Kiera bit her lip. "I hope so." she replied to Cyndi as she said that she would do great.
"Nah, Alex will probably make sure that doesn't happen." Cyndi said with a grin and then added, "I made it out ok. No crazy that I notice."
Kiera grinned. "No, he makes things a lot less serious around here." she said laughing. He always seemed to know just how to make her relax. Kiera snorted. "That's what you think." she said teasingly.
"Hey!" Cyndi said with a mock hurt look on her face which quickly turned back to a smile. "Well, I'm going to grab some breakfast because I've got to go and prepare my lesson. Tell Alex I said hi" Cyndi got ready to head up to the staff table and then stopped. " jinxing the roomies...even if they drive you insane" she warned. Cyndi said the last part jokingly, though a part of her was serious about it. She couldn't believe what had been going on with them, and was determined to get to the bottom of it all.
Kiera grinned at Cyndi. She needed to get on to her lesson. "Good luck teaching! Let me know when I can come watch you lesson." she said giving her 'sister' a hug. "Oh and I will tell Alex hello from you." she said, making a mental note not to forget it. Kiera was happy Cyndi was back. Kiera frowned as Cyndi said she couldn't hex her roomies. "I might end up hexing wolf girl in her sleep if she doesn't straighten up." she said only partially kidding. "See you later!" Kiera told her best friend before turning and rushing to her class.

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