Closed See You Again

Asher Renner

Ashes Singer- Tattooed- Family Man
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
(Archie Baby)
Flexible Eight inch Ash wood with unicorn hair core
1/21/2026 (37)
Asher had been absolutely shocked and surprised when his dad reached out, asking him if he wanted to see his uncle. He had been quick to answer, and the next thing he knew, he'd made a date to meet up with the man for lunch. Asher was stoked, and had made sure to clear out his entire afternoon and book them a good table and one of the best restaurants he knew. He was meant to meet up with his uncle at a park near the restaurant, and Ash was early. He was waiting, hands shoved in his suit pockets. He wasn't sure what to expect, but it had to be good, didn't it? He hummed, rocking on his feet impatiently as he waited for his uncle to show up.
Eddie couldn't help but feel a little nervous for what was ahead. The man hadn't seen Asher in such a long time and he hoped he wouldn't be too hard to recognise. He thought about what he would say to him and how he would say it. He wondered if Asher would even have much to say to him at all. Eddie was thankful to be meeting up with him however, and so apparated around the corner from the park where they said they'd meet. He kept his head down, balling his hands into fists by his sides to stop them from shaking nervously as he walked. When he spotted Asher up ahead, he couldn't help the smile that formed. "Asher." he said, very excited to see the boy who was now a man. If he didn't control himself he was sure he could hug him. "I-it's me, Eddie. How have you been?"
Asher turned at the sound of the voice, his entire face lighting up. "Uncle E!" Unable to help himself, he laughed and dashed forward, smacking into his uncle and tossing his arms around the man. "Damn, you got so old," Ash laughed in delight, hugging his uncle for several moments before pulling back. He kept his hands on Eddie's arms, smirking impishly. "Straight off, uncle E, tell me the truth. Tell me you're finally back for pops." Ash winked playfully. "C'mon, don't hold out on me," He knocked his uncles shoulder lightly, smiling brightly.
Eddie couldn't help the bright smile on his face as he saw his nephew approach him. He genuinely seemed happy and excited, and Eddie definitely felt the same. Asher was much taller, had many more tattoos, and Eddie felt a small sense of pride for him just for getting through all of those years. "You look pretty old too." he joked, genuinely surprised at how much he had grown. He chuckled as Asher embraced him, happy to finally see him again. As he asked if he was there for his father, Eddie looked down with a small smile and slightly flushed cheeks. "Yeah I guess so." he replied. "But I'm also happy to see you again too, and your little sisters of course." He cared about the children as much as Abner and was willing to prove that to them. "So where are we headed?"
Asher laughed lightly, pleased with the mans answer. "Good. Don't bother lying to the girls either, I've already told them everything," he winked playfully, reaching for his uncles hand to pull him along. "It's a little bit of a walk but the evening is nice. It'll give us a minute to talk on the way," he beamed at his uncle.

Asher started towards the restaurant, one hand in his pocket. "First off, don't bother lying. When I was fourteen I woke up in the middle of the night a few days after Christmas. Dad was drunk and in moms lap whining about you like the crybaby drunk he always is. I went to her and found out everything," Asher rolled his eyes, before laughing and knocking his shoulder against his uncles. "I swear, if you had waited much longer I was about ready to drag you back myself."
Eddie felt a little sad that Asher would think he would lie to him or the girls. He wanted more than ever to prove himself, and so happily let Asher lead the way. He didn't mind the walk, glad to take the opportunity to talk to Asher again after so long. He twiddled with his thumbs a little and looked down as Asher spoke. He should have known Cara would tell him everything. "So, um, do you think... my love for your dad, and vice versa, was pretty obvious then?" he asked, feeling a little nervous. He hadn't ever loved anyone the way that he loved Abner, and perhaps he was a little less discreet than he thought he had been about it. Asher was probably the best person to talk to about it now that Cara was gone as he was a mature adult now, and knew his father pretty well.
Asher ran a hand through his hair, considering his uncles question. "Ehhhh.... yes and no," he replied. "Mom probably didn't have all the details, but she had enough. I know that pops considered you off limits when you guys were kids, and he buried his feelings deep enough he forgot they were there until, well, y'know," Ash stuck both hands in his pockets. "Before that, it was always the three of us," Ash smiled at the memories. "But he was always- well, himself. Open, cuddly, affectionate. He was the same way with you that he was with mom. Honestly I never noticed. But also, like, knowing now, it's obvious looking back that you two were into each other,"

Asher dragged his lower lip through his teeth. "After you took off... I know pops was a lot more withdrawn. Quieter. I caught him staring out the window sometimes, every now and then I could tell he'd been crying. Mom was never around much, and he's never had any friends really. Things were pretty... empty, I guess, after you left." Asher shrugged. "But yeah, the answer is yes and no. You don't see it, but once you know it's the most obvious thing ever."

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