Secrets in the Ice

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Ai Adlam

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana. V
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
so I'm asking you to move back a little</COLOR></FONT><i></i>


Do you think I wear a vest, putting me to the test.<COLOR color="#FF6000"><i></i>

<FONT font="edwardian script itc">♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

This is Ai
Her name means love and she was born on Valentines Day but Ai herself is the most unfriendly girl in the world. She was raised by a pureblood grandmother how hates everything and everyone. Ai herself caught several insults at the hands of her grandmother and even some blows at the end of her wand. Surprisingly enough the family itself is known to be friendly in Russia. The grandmother is bitter because of her only child's death. Ai became bitter because of her grandmother's treatment and the death of her twin. All she has ever known is the cold.

This is the plot
Ai had a secret though. She was in love with a Gryffendor half blood something that her grandmother had told her she was too good to even consider. The half blood part of course. Even though Ai is a half blood herself the lessons that where drilled into her still stand. She was scared and hid her boyfriend from everyone. Soon though it seemed like the boy had enough and dissapered from the school all together.

Ai, though she would never show it, thinks that no one will be able to crack her ice again. I want her to be wrong. What I want is for a boy to meet Ai and totally hate her at first. The rivalry would go from classes to insult contests even (if the student plays) to the violin which is one of the only things that Ai loves. One day though they become isolated for some reason. They banter of course but then comes a kiss that nether one of them wanted. Ai of course would blame him and possibly try to hurt him but then the memory of the kiss would stay with them. Eventually they would end up together as her secret.

This is the boy?
Anywhere from fourth year to maybe sixth so there's not that big of an age gap. Halfblood to muggleborn so Ai can be totally embarrassed that she's seeing him and it would be a huge slap in the face when it come out into the open. Sweet maybe or smart mouthed like Ai is from time to time. Post here if interested in playing this out with me

template: JAMIEEEZ!
banner: Ana
lyrics: Trouble
who: Skindred
where: lyrics mode
and looking like: Hanna Beth
Hey Ana. :woot:

I could offer you Sirius if you like. You already know how he is with the RP between Hoshi and Sirius, but With his new life style, he doesn't have many people he hates, but Ai could be one of them he would start to hate because he would remember his old life style and then try to change things around him by arguing, ranting and what not. And like you have planned, in the end, they could be together. :p What do you think? ^_^
Seems like a good match for frozen solid Ai. For every comment that she has he could have a comeback that would completely irritate Ai. Would you like me to start something Ham?
Yes, Please Ana. :wub: And I might change Sirius's PB soon. :D
Cool I'll send you the link then :D
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