Second Years Lesson Two

Mallory was sometimes surprised by how much she loved this job. Even with the crankier kids, she just loved being here, loved teaching them. She was always looking forward to lessons. She smiled, humming as she adjusted her robes, a lilac today, with a little sprig of lilacs to match tucked into her mahogany curls. She smiled at the students as they came in, rubbing Amara lightly behind the ears as they seated themselves. The Sphynx cat stretched, yawned, and curled back up on top of Mallory’s paperwork. Maxim was somewhere in her room, not wanting to be seen that day.

Mallory stood, moving in front of the students and greeting them all warmly. “Dobroye utro,” she smoothed a hand over her robes. “To begin class, I would like to review last weeks charm, to make sure you understand what we’ve already done. Can anyone tell me what the charm was?” She smiled, calling on a student. “That’s right, dorogoy, Scourgify, two points for you. Can anyone else tell me the wand motion for it?” Mallory laughed warmly when given the proper answer. “Very good, my dear, it’s an ‘s’ motion. Two points for you as well.

Mallory flicked her hand, the chalk rising to the board. “Alright, my dears, look to the board. For class today, I want you to answer these three questions and turn them in to me on your way out. They probably won’t take you long, so once you’ve finished, please take the time to read the chapter for next weeks charms, Alohomora, and Colloportus. The locking and unlocking charms. You can also use the time to practice the Scourgify charm if you’d like. I’ll be available at all times, if you need me,” Mallory smiled, moving to settle back at her desk as students began to file out again.
Homework said:
1. Name something that has a lock.
2. Name something that does not have a lock, but should.
3. How are you finding Charms so far?

Points for first posters to answer the questions. Five points for homework. Full marks for study/attendance posts, one point for practicing last weeks spell.
Rose didn’t like charms, and it wasn’t just because of the professor like it was for her siblings. She just didn’t like classes in general so it was hard to really take any of them particularly seriously honestly. She sat and listened to what Professor Grayveson said, taking notes quickly to make sure she had it all down, though she wasn’t much of a note taker honestly, she wasn’t really a fan. Scourgify was hardly an exciting spell to learn, but she’d seen her dad use it and her mum when they were doing the dishes mostly. Once she’d written al her answers in the quiz thing they were given, she quickly packed up and heard out, no longer willing to deal with being in a classroom for longer than she had to be. It always gave her the jitters.​
The more spells she learned, the more eager she was to learn them, and honestly maybe that was a good thing, though it didn’t help with her ability to take in the information any easier. She still wasn’t the best at actually studying, she still required Eoghan or Lili for that. Sometimes she wondered if she just used people, gathering those around her that were helpful, but surely she wasn’t really that kind of person right? But if she was, what kind of use did she have to other people? She wasn’t smart like Lili and Eoghan, she wasn’t funny like Susie or loyal like Jasper. Even Susie was smart in her own way though, she wasn’t just funny, she had that emotional intelligence that she just knew things were going on. Still, she did find herself wondering. She put her hand up to answer the question, “Scourgify”, and then grinned when she was awarded points.

She liked Grayveson’s energy. She knew some of her classmates found the woman annoying, but she didn’t think so, and she quickly looked down at the questions when they were told to do them. These seemed simple enough and so she quickly got to work (her trunk had a lock, and honestly, the snack cupboard at home should have one to keep everyone out) before she stopped at the third question. So far charms wasn’t her worst class, and it was one she enjoyed, even if she struggled with all the reading they seemed to have to do. Almost as much as in History of Magic, though maybe not quite. Once she was done with the little quiz thing, she put all her attention on practicing the scourgify charm again. Hardly exciting, but definitely useful.
1. Name something that has a lock. My trunk!
2. Name something that does not have a lock, but should. The snack cupboard at home
3. How are you finding Charms so far? I think it's great, some spells are tricky, but I like learning how to use it in every day life.
Jonah sat quietly, fidgeting as he listened to the review lesson. In the last week, he had practiced Scourgify, over and over again until he was sure that he could clean something with just one cast. Or at least get it in some state of cleanliness. It was not easy to forget last week's frustration. He focused on answering the questions on the board, scribbling them quickly. He considered doing the reading in the classroom but decided against it so he stood and quickly scurried out of the classroom after handing in his work.
Felix was enjoying his Charms classes quite a lot, and maybe that was to do with the fact that he felt like it was something he was actually good at for a change, but either way he was happy for another one. He sat in his usual seat and listened as the professor asked them some questions. "An S motion," he called out for the second one, hoping that he was right. It wasn't even about house points, so much as it felt validating for someone to not only notice him but tell him he was doing a good job. He got to work answering the homework questions the best he could, and before he knew it the class had already come to another end. Packing up his things he headed out with the rest of the second years, feeling accomplished.

1. Name something that has a lock. The greenhouse to my Aunt's plants
2. Name something that does not have a lock, but should. The curtains around my bed.
3. How are you finding Charms so far? One of my favourite subjects!

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