Mallory was sometimes surprised by how much she loved this job. Even with the crankier kids, she just loved being here, loved teaching them. She was always looking forward to lessons. She smiled, humming as she adjusted her robes, a lilac today, with a little sprig of lilacs to match tucked into her mahogany curls. She smiled at the students as they came in, rubbing Amara lightly behind the ears as they seated themselves. The Sphynx cat stretched, yawned, and curled back up on top of Mallory’s paperwork. Maxim was somewhere in her room, not wanting to be seen that day.
Mallory stood, moving in front of the students and greeting them all warmly. “Dobroye utro,” she smoothed a hand over her robes. “To begin class, I would like to review last weeks charm, to make sure you understand what we’ve already done. Can anyone tell me what the charm was?” She smiled, calling on a student. “That’s right, dorogoy, Scourgify, two points for you. Can anyone else tell me the wand motion for it?” Mallory laughed warmly when given the proper answer. “Very good, my dear, it’s an ‘s’ motion. Two points for you as well.”
Mallory flicked her hand, the chalk rising to the board. “Alright, my dears, look to the board. For class today, I want you to answer these three questions and turn them in to me on your way out. They probably won’t take you long, so once you’ve finished, please take the time to read the chapter for next weeks charms, Alohomora, and Colloportus. The locking and unlocking charms. You can also use the time to practice the Scourgify charm if you’d like. I’ll be available at all times, if you need me,” Mallory smiled, moving to settle back at her desk as students began to file out again.
Homework said:
1. Name something that has a lock.
2. Name something that does not have a lock, but should.
3. How are you finding Charms so far?
Points for first posters to answer the questions. Five points for homework. Full marks for study/attendance posts, one point for practicing last weeks spell.
Mallory stood, moving in front of the students and greeting them all warmly. “Dobroye utro,” she smoothed a hand over her robes. “To begin class, I would like to review last weeks charm, to make sure you understand what we’ve already done. Can anyone tell me what the charm was?” She smiled, calling on a student. “That’s right, dorogoy, Scourgify, two points for you. Can anyone else tell me the wand motion for it?” Mallory laughed warmly when given the proper answer. “Very good, my dear, it’s an ‘s’ motion. Two points for you as well.”
Mallory flicked her hand, the chalk rising to the board. “Alright, my dears, look to the board. For class today, I want you to answer these three questions and turn them in to me on your way out. They probably won’t take you long, so once you’ve finished, please take the time to read the chapter for next weeks charms, Alohomora, and Colloportus. The locking and unlocking charms. You can also use the time to practice the Scourgify charm if you’d like. I’ll be available at all times, if you need me,” Mallory smiled, moving to settle back at her desk as students began to file out again.
Homework said:
1. Name something that has a lock.
2. Name something that does not have a lock, but should.
3. How are you finding Charms so far?
Points for first posters to answer the questions. Five points for homework. Full marks for study/attendance posts, one point for practicing last weeks spell.