Second Years, Lesson Two

'' Goodmorning everyone.'' Noel than greeted his students with an friendly smile. ''You may recall that I told you to bring your wands with you to class this week,'' Noel started once everyone was seated. '' We will be practicing our first jinx this week. Before we start, I want to remind everyone that there will be no fooling around while your wands are drawn. Ignore that rule and you will find yourself dusting off old books in the library for the entire semester. Good, now that that's out of the way, we can begin! I need a volunteer for a demonstration.'' He smiled as a few hands went up in the air. ''I'll be casting a jinx on you.'' As he thought, some lowered their hands while others seemed more excited. '' You are in good hands. I'll reverse it afterwards, so there is nothing to worry about.'' He picked one of the students who still had their hands raised and called them forward. ''If you could stand facing the class, please, thank you.'' He rolled up his sleeves and continued. ''The Jelly-Legs Jinx does what you would expect it to do. It causes your target's legs to wobble like jelly.'' With a reassuring smile aimed at the student volunteer, Noel raised his wand, waved it and said the incantation. ''Locomotor Wibbly!'' He watched as the volunteer found themselves fighting to keep their balance. Once the class had a moment to take in the effects of the jinx, Noel lifted his wand again to cast the counter-charm. ''Thank you. Five extra points for your house,'' he said, sending the student back to their seat. ''There will be similar opportunities during the semester, so now would be the time to tell me whether you would be comfortable with volunteering or not. Come see me after class if you want to talk about it.''

Prank-jinxes like the Jelly-Legs Jinx and others were almost inevitable at a magic school. Some in this class would likely practice them on others outside of this classroom, so he thought it best to have them practice these kinds of spells in a safe environment instead. Though it would be fun to have a student dust off an entire section of the library. They would without a doubt learn their lesson after two dozen or so books. ''For the rest of the time, I want you to pair up with someone else and practice the Jelly-Legs Jinx. Again, the incantation is Locomotor Wibbly.'' Noel then shared the counter-charm with them so that they could reverse the jinx themselves. ''You may also practice Stupefy and Protego once you've done the Jelly-Legs Jinx a couple of times. Good luck.'' He than walked around the classroom to make sure everything was going safe.

Roleplay the lesson. If you choose to roleplay with each other be sure to include tags! You can also tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you like some interaction. I try my best to respond. Extra credit to the first student who volunteers for the demonstration!
The reason Felix did what he did with the Student Advocation, was because he'd seen firsthand too many students who were in difficult situations with no support. As he sat in his DADA class, hearing that the Professor actually wanted to practice the spells on the students before the students would be using on each other reminded him perhaps his feedback table had been more than necessary. His eyes had widened when a student volunteered, and while it was a little different that someone had chosen to put themselves in that position, it was different for the rest of the class that was then expected to follow through and copy the example. "What if we don't want to?" Felix asked out loud. Those that did, could. But what about those that didn't want to subject themselves to the effect of a spell? Those who hadn't joined the SDA, had no intention of fighting dark magic when they were older, or weren't comfortable with another student performing magic on them. Even if no one else said anything, there could have been others in the room that felt the same way and that alone was enough for Felix to say something. "We can still learn it by reading about it and watching those that do want to do it." Maybe the professor would let them off the hook if it wasn't something they were comfortable with.

@Professor Noel Waldgrave
Tori liked Defence the class, for the most part, but she didn’t like Professor Waldgrave or his clearly unhinged ideals when it came to learning in the classroom. She wasn’t sure, after furst year, and understanding more about magic, that she agreed with a Professor casting spells on students. It would have made or sense for him to cast it on someone else. Like another consenting adult. As mcuh as she appreciated a hands on lesson, this wasn’t really that, it was more… abusive, was the word she would have said. Adults using spells on children seemed a bit… well, she wasn’t sure her mother would agree to this. Her dad probably would, but he was sort of like that. Even the promise of a counter-spell didn’t sit right with her. She nodded her agreement with Felix, thinking he was probably right. “What if it goes wrong? What if someone falls and hits their head?” she didn’t see a nurse, so she wasn’t sure the professor had thought about that.​
Sayuri could not believe the sheer audacity that was happening in this class. She'd known that they would be practicing jinxes and hexes, but to practice them on fellow students. And there wasn't even a nurse around. And the utter stupidity to ask for volunteers. Then again, the headmaster does condone casting spells on students so perhaps this was par for the course. "Why don't you demonstrate them on yourself Professor?" Sayuri asked in a sweet tone. "You're taller so all of us would be able to see you and the effects of the spells all the way to the back. And surely someone competent enough to be a Defense Professor wouldn't need their legs to reverse the spell," she added for good measure. "At least then it won't be mistaken for abuse of power, not to mention abuse of the students, but that could be just me." Not that the professor could take the hint of course. While the spell itself would be useful, and the explanation clear, she really didn't see the point of them casting them on one another to learn the spell. Casting against one another to practice defending against the spell, yes. Casting against one another to practice it as offensive, yes. Casting against one another to get it right for the first time? That's like her aikido coach throwing her on the floor none too gently after showing her the stance she has to take. Or Jonah's coach swatting him with the wooden sword. Or Corey's karate coach just kicking him to teach a new move. When it came time to pair up, Sayuri made sure to not let go of Rose. "You're going to do the jinx. I'm not throwing that spell at you unless you're sure you can keep up a shield," she muttered to her sister. "I really don't know why we can't use the training dummies for this. Seems like they would come handy for these lessons," she said way louder because maybe then the professor would get the idea.

@Rose Edogawa
Rose barely managed to hold back a snicker as her sister absolutely ripped into the professor, though she tried to cover her face with her hair so he wouldn’t be any the wiser. Sayuri kind of had a point too, honestly, why not just jinx himself? It would have certainly been way more entertaining, in her opinion, and then they could see what the effect would be like to see as well - a bit harder to tell on themselves - it made perfect sense to her. She doubted anything would happen though - typical of this school - so when they were told to pair up, Sayuri clamped onto her immediately and she didn’t want to argue, but she did sigh rather dramatically. She looked over to where Amory was, throwing him an apologetic smile. “Fine, fine,” she muttered, rolling her eyes playfully. She at least knew Sayuri would not try to take her legs out from under her.

@Amory Raven @Sayuri Edogawa
Honestly DADA felt like a cycle of experimenting on your own classmates as though they were nothing but guinea pigs or lab rats. It felt quite inhumane for an adult to be demonstrating such jinxes on children which was why Amory just nodded his head in silent agreement to his best friend. Let Felix do what he seemed to be doing best lately, speak up and against such things. He was rather proud to see the progress the Gryffindor had made in a year, though he wasn't going to say it out loud. Perhaps the Professor would see reason behind Felix's request who knows. Amory gave nod with a smile to Rose who looked at him apologetically, in a form of saying it was fine.
Winnie walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved towards the professor at the front of the class as the man told them they would be practicing a jinx. She was quite eager to do this, quite eager to cast a spell. She listened to what the professor said and repeated the incantation with the others in the room. She let someone else volunteer to have the spell put on them, she really didn’t want to have to do that. Then the professor just let them try it. Winnie paired up with someone else in the class and got to work. She pointed her wand and then said. ”Locomotor Wibbly,” and after a few tries she was able to get it to work. Winnie practiced the spell until the lesson was wrapped up and she was able to pack up her things and leave the room.

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