Second Years, Lesson Three


Second Years, Lesson Three: Learning Statua (chipmunk into statue)

As Edward entered the classroom from his office, he greeted the students already present before taking his own seat, waiting for the latecomers to file inside before pointing his wand at the door to close it. "Good morning everyone. Who remembers covering a lesson with your previous professor in which transfiguration was discussed as a punishment used to turn offending wizards into statues?" It came with no surprise that most of the class raised their hands, which he was glad about. At least it meant his students had been paying attention in previous years too.

"We are going to perform something quite similar to this today." Edward remarked, to some shocked faces of the students. He bent down, pulling up a spacious cage containing a handful of chipmunks running around on a leafy habitat inside. "There is one difference. These animals will not be left as a statue for a length of time, unlike witches and wizards who were punished this way. As soon as I have graded your work, I will transfigure them back. This process will not harm the chipmunks, physically or otherwise. No, I did not raid a forest and capture them myself." He joked. "They've been conjured specifically for this lesson, so they aren't, to put it one way, real. I don't want to hear any objections, please. This branch of Transfiguration is necessary for even attempting later branches, so if you refuse to do the work now, you might as well not do this course at all." Edward explained to them, knowing some students might feel they are harming animals.

Edward began to hand each of his student a chipmunk. He had inherited them from the previous professor, causing them to be quite docile, and used to a magical learning environment. He couldn't have students chasing them around all lesson, possibly harming the animal or themselves. Real chipmunks or not, it wasn't something he wanted to see. "Be careful and treat them with care. We don't want either of you harmed."

"The wand moment is the same as last week," He explained as he wandered around the room. "Visualise your chipmunk turning into a statue of any material, the easiest and most common being wood or stone, then cast the spell. Metals are a little more difficult to do. The incantation is 'Statua'. Have fun and if you have any problems, I will be around to help you out." He wandered back to his desk at the front, tapping the remaining chipmunk with the tip of his wand. It lost its brown colour, instead shifting into a statue of white marble. He left the chipmunk that way for a minute so his students could see before turning it back the way it was before.

Homework: Roleplay successfully transfiguring a chipmunk into a statue for full marks. Feel free to roleplay myself helping you. If you would like further interaction with your character, tag @Professor Edward Pirrip
His conversation with Professor Pirrip had not necessarily gone as he would have liked, but it was better than nothing, he supposed. Especially when it could have been a conversation that would have become more of a problem. Still, the professor knew he was interested in it, and that could only be a good thing, right? He’d been interested since first year, even before that really, having grown up with magic he knew a bit about it. Not a lot admittedly, but a bit. When they were given the chipmunks, Eli looked at it, surprised by how calm it seemed. The chipmunks back home in Japan weren’t this calm. Also not this big. Perhaps it was used to what was about to happen, or it could be that it didn’t know what was about to happen. Eli frowned and then pursed his lips in concentration. He noted again that Jonah didn’t seem to be in class, which sucked because he liked having Jonah nearby. He wasn’t sure why his brother wasn’t in the class, but he didn’t have time to think about it right now. He pictured the chipmunk frozen, its little body still as a statue before he tapped it three times and intoned, “Statua.” The chipmunk stiffened immediatley before turning to stone and Eli watched it eerily. Creepy. What was the difference between this and another spell he’d seen at the duelling? Duro? He’d read it turned things to stone too. Could it be that it was because this was specifically for chipmunks? That seemed silly. He would have to ask later.​

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