Second Years, Lesson Three

"Good morning, everyone. Surviving?" There were a few equally tired expressions on the students, and Gabrielle couldn't help but feel sympathetic. The halfway point in the semester is where things tended to lull, after all, and she also tended to get exhausted. "I won't keep you all too long today, we'll just have a short lecture then I'll give you a small research assignment for homework." There were a few groans, and she smirked into her teacup, finishing the brew before it got cold.

"We've got an interesting and somewhat divisive figure to talk about today. The lady Morgan Le Fey, also known as 'Morgana'. If you recall back in first year you might remember mention of her when you learned about Merlin, yes?" There were a few blank stares - it had been some time ago now - but some recognition amongst some. That was enough to satisfy her, and she continued. "She's mostly known as King Arthur's half sister, by his mother Igraine and her first husband prior to Uther Pendragon, and was a powerful sorceress in her own right. She was an exceptional healer, so it was told. She was believed to have resided in the Straits of Messina, off the coast of Italy. In this area, the strange currents can draw phosphorescent creatures from the depths to make strange lights appear to hover above the water. This is a phenomenon known as 'Fata Morgana'."

Gabrielle paused to give the students a chance to catch up with their notes, rolling her shoulders and neck to prevent herself from tensing up too much. "Perhaps this draws from the positive interpretations of the lady Morgana. She had an exceptional gift for healing, which caused some people to consider her as being a fae being, or even a goddess of sorts. Some tales speak of Morgana aiding King Arthur at the Battle of Camlann, prior to his death."

"On the other hand, there are tales of her villainy, too. She stole King Arthur's sword, Excalibur - the one said to have been gifted to him by the Lady of the Lake - and schemed to plot his death and usurp his throne. Some tales expand upon this, suggesting she may have been a lover of Merlin, amongst others, and antagonised the Knights of the Round Table as well as the King himself. Even so, it is believed that she and Arthur still reconciled right before his death."
Gabrielle raised an eyebrow, looking over the class. "People are complicated creatures. You can't really just think in terms of 'good' or 'evil', you know?" She gave a little laugh at herself with that. Something about this year's syllabus just made her go in to fable mode. Sometimes she just really couldn't help herself.

"Well, I promised you a shorter lecture today, so we'll leave it at that. From one healer to another, though - I'd like for your homework for you to give me a short essay on Paracelsus, please. If you're interested in studying to be a healer he's someone who I think you should certainly familiarize yourself with." There was still a little bit of time before the end of class, but Gabrielle wasn't planning on keeping them long. "Let me know if you're having any difficulty at any stage, otherwise have a good week!"

RP the lesson. Extra credit for short essay (one or two paragraphs is fine), please include your sources.
Susie tried not to look too keen as she strolled into the History of Magic classroom and sat down. If she kept up this level of enthusiasm, her classmates were going to start calling her a nerd. She just didn't understand how anybody couldn't be interested in history. It was so interesting, and often romantic - much more romantic than the modern day. Although Susie supposed she ought to be grateful for her modern luxuries. She titled her page 'Morgan Le Fey / Morgana' and began to take notes, circling parts she wanted to research in more depth later. Nobody had ever told her there was such thing as a fae being. Or maybe, a bit like the story with the transfiguration and the dragon, there was a mythical element to it too. The only thing that annoyed her about history was that there were some things that would never be confirmed. Satisfied she'd taken enough notes, she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out.
Sayuri jotted down notes for History of Magic, at least she found this week's lesson to be more interesting than the last. She thought that Morgan Le Fey was a more interesting conversation topic than Merlin. A lot of things about Merlin were already frequently known or discussed while Morgana, powerful in her own right, was rarely mentioned. Men, she snorted. Besides all that was known about her painted quite the picture - a healer, a villain, a schemer, a reconciler. She was all too amused when the professor mentioned categorizing good or evil. Well, if things were that simple then world peace would achievable now would it? When homework was assigned, Sayuri quietly sighed. It wasn't that she was against the homework but Paracelsus just wasn't the most interesting research topic - especially since she had no intention to go into the field of healing.
Winnie walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She nodded at the mention of the homework they would get and then took her quill to write down what the professor then went on to say about Morgan le Fey. She was trying to get everything that the professor was saying about her down, given that this was important and interesting. She didn’t want to miss any of it. The professor’s lecture was much shorter than the one previously, but she was rather excited for the homework, she took a note of it and then headed out of the room and to the library so that she could get to it.

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