Second Years, Lesson One

Landon stood at the door to the Herbology greenhouse with a box of earmuffs in his arms. It would be his first lesson today teaching the second years and he was very excited. He was so excited that he could barely sleep the night before and he hoped his students felt the same way. "Please, take a pair." Landon told the second years, passing them each a pair of earmuffs as they entered the room. The professor didn't want his students to pass out during their first lesson and would make it his duty to look after each and every one of them. The man was very prepared for today's lesson and decorated his classroom with still pictures of muggle plants to add some colour to the room and make it feel like his old home back in America. He also hoped that it would make his students feel comfortable which were his number one priority.

When he was sure that everyone had arrived and took a pair of earmuffs, Landon put down the box and walked to the front of his classroom, ready to begin. "Welcome to your second year of Herbology! For those who may not know, I'm Professor Carter." Landon paused and smiled around the classroom at all the familiar faces from the year before. "Your second year is a rather exciting year, yet can be quite difficult, and involves a lot of hands-on work with Mandrakes. Can anyone tell me what a mandrake is?" The man looked around the room and pointed to a student sitting at the front of the room. "A mandrake is an ugly plant that you can chop up and use in potions." they said confidently, making the professor laugh. He already loved his class and they weren't even halfway through the lesson yet. "Yes, a mandrake is pretty ugly indeed! 5 Points to your house for making me laugh.

"Mandrake, or Mandragora, are not in fact plants but are roots. They have special magical healing properties and are used a lot in hospitals like St. Mungos."
Landon tapped the board behind him with his wand and a piece of chalk began to draw a detailed picture of a mandrake. "They look a bit like a mutated baby, and are definitely not the prettiest to look at, but we'll be dealing with them a lot this year, hence the earmuffs I have handed you all. The mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone that hears it and without the earmuffs you'll all be passing out one by one. You will be bringing these earmuffs to every lesson. If ever you forget them, it's alright because I'll always have spares." The man looked around at his students, some of which were getting quite bored with the lecture. Looking at his wristwatch, he noticed it was almost time for them to leave. "That will be all for today." he said, hoping his students had enjoyed his first lesson with them. "Next lesson we will be doing a lot more than sitting around and listening to me talk. You may all go. Don't forget the earmuffs."


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