Noel was reading over some of the homework assignments from the first years, figuring to start with it right away. But than the second years began to walk in the classroom and he put the assignments beside him on an pile, to focus on this class. He than stood up and welcomed them with an friendly smile. When everyone was inside he closed the door with an easy wave of his hand. And took an good look of the group of students he had in front of them. '' Hello everyone and welcome back to another year of Defence Against the Dark Arts.'' He was sure the students could tell by now that he was an different face than previous year. So he would explain and introduce himself for them. ''For the ones who forgot. My name is Noel Waldgrave. And I’m your professor for Defence Against the Dark arts for the upcoming years.'' He than explained making sure he watched the students in the eye. He didn’t had to go through the rules, since it must be clear by now for the second years, and they knew the fundamental basics of the Dark Arts.

He than walked towards the middle of the classroom and continued. '' In this semester we will talk about a variety of prank-like curses and jinxes. Like the Jelly-Leg Curse and the Trip Jinx, for example. In addition to that, we will also be handling the counter-spells for these prank-like curses and jinxes.'' He than saw some exciting faces but some seemed to be hoping for more than talking. '' And ofcourse that means that you will be practising these in class yourselves.'' He than said and gave an small playful wink as suddenly some seemed to be very excited and smiled. He than paused and walked back to the front to stand there. He than turned to the blackboard behind him and looked back to the class for an moment. '' I will be using the blackboard behind me to write things down. I would advise you to write along with me.'' He paused an moment to let the people who hadn’t already take their stuff could do that now. He than turned around to the class. '' So, who can tell me the definition of a curse or a jinx?'' He than asked while looking around. And pointed at an person close. And smiled and nodded approvingly as the student answered. ''Very well.'' He said and gave them a smile. And turned towards the blackboard to write the good definition down. Than moved on turning to the class again. ''And who can tell me the difference between a jinx and a curse?'' He than asked, choosing an different student in the back to answer. And than gave an friendly smile as they gave their answer. '' That’s right, good job.'' He than replied. Satisfied with it he writed it down on the blackboard. And looked at the students to see when he could continue.

He than let the blackboard for what it was for now and leaned at his desk. '' Next week we will practice our first jinx.'' He than dropped and knew they would be excited, most of them than at least. He would let them know next week that he didn’t want fooling around. For now he let them be excited. As he looked at the time, he figured it was time to close it off. '' The time is almost up. For homework, I want everyone to write down the names of three jinxes and three curses, and write down the effects of each jinx and curse. It has to be turned in before the start of next week’s class.'' He told them and made sure that, that messenge was clear. He than gave them an friendly smile and went sitting down at his desk. And dismissed the class, to return to the first years homework.

Please review the DADA Class Policy for first through fourth years.

Roleplay the lesson. As stated above, complete the assignment for extra credit:
- List three jinxes and the effects of each
- List three curses and the effects of each

The first two students to answer Professor Waldgrave’s questions will also receive extra credit. Only one question for one student please.
Magne had done his best throughout the longer break to not just slip back into only speaking Greek. He needed to not lose the English he had picked up. It had worked marginally well, in that he certainly felt less out of his depth than he had upon first arriving. Things weren’t perfect in his understanding, but he certainly felt less of a barrier between him and the other students. He did no longer have Valerius, but he was sure he could figure this out regardless, he would manage - he would have to. The ravenclaw was getting himself together, not forgetting the helpful dictionaries which he needed less, but was sure he’d come up against new terms that he did not understand. The ravenclaw left the dorm and went to class.

Magne walked into the defence against the dark arts and took the same spot in the room as he had in the previous year of it. Unless the professor said otherwise, he wasn’t keen to move. He’d picked a good seat in the previous semester, he wasn’t about to give it up. The ravenclaw took out his notes and books as the professor got started. The man reintroduced himself and then began telling them they’d be covering prank like curses. Magne took a few notes from what the professor was saying, but wasn’t able to answer the question. He wasn’t sure he knew the answer. Either in general or how to then phrase it in English. His english was better but it did still fall short in many places. He listened as other people spoke and then eventually the professor was moving on. He looked to the homework they had and then headed out of the room.

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Camille hoped this year would be better, that she would feel home more at Hogwarts. She had to be here for a while, so it was important for it to feel as an second home. She couldn't hide in the greenhouse everytime with her dad. At least some people seemed to show an interest in her, which she didn't understood so much. And had to find an way in, it was good that people were nice. But some were scary too. It was an scary big place, with a lot of people.

The blonde made her way to the classroom and found her usual spot in the middle. She gave Noel an small smile, the fact that her cousin was teaching this class made it an bit less scary perhaps. But it wasn't her favorite class at all. She listened as Noel started the lesson. Prank jinxes didn't sound nice. And she wondered if people would use it on eachother in school. She did as Noel asked and writed along, also June told her to do so it was good advice to take notes in class. But it was hard to keep up with everything sometimes. The professor asked two questions and Camille didn't raised her hand, she didn't dared too. She writed down the homework and would prepare herself to practice her first jinx next week. As the lesson ended she left the room.

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Tanith was feeling as nervous as ever as she settled back into life at the castle. She wasn't feeling as bad as last year, but she was also worried after her poor performance last semester. She couldn't let her nerves get the best of her like they had last year. After talking with Tessa and Twila about it, Tanith had started on a new routine, waking up a few hours before she needed to. She drank a bottle of water, read from her inspirational book, took a little longer to shower and get ready, and just meditated in the morning before everyone else got up.

She was still nervous, sure, but it wasn't as overwhelming as it had been. She took a seat near the back, waiting for Thomas to show up, giving him a small smile as he did. She turned to the Professor then, and took a few notes of the lesson given. She made it through class in one piece, and with a sigh of relief she gathered her things and rushed out. @Thomas Fitzgerald

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Ambrose was keen to be at school and get back into the swing of things. Spending the break at home had been a strong reminder of how much more fun he had now that he got to spend the biggest part of his time at Hogwarts. Things were easier over here. Calmer. In some ways he was a little less free than he was at home but the little voice inside his head kept telling him that was a good thing. Structure was good for him. For his peace of mind.

Taking a seat in the defence against the dark arts classroom Ambrose made sure to pay attention to professor Waldgrave when he started the lesson. Prank-like curses and jinxes sounded fun but he doubted they would be allowed to use them outside of class. Although maybe he should sign up for duelling? Surely then he would be able to use them. Ambrose took notes as the professor spoke and raised his hand at one of the questions. "A jinx is meant to cause irritation, mostly used for amusement but with no intention of actually hurting someone. A curse is meant to actually harm someone." He answered before making sure he had written it all down. By the end of the lesson Ambrose had a solid definition of a jinx and a curse and was a little excited they got to practice a jinx next week.

- Impediment Jinx: slows down the target
- Leek Jinx: causes leeks to sprout from target's ears
- Trip Jinx: casues the target to trip

- Babbling Curse: causes target to start babbling uncontrollably
- Flagrante Curse: causes object to emit heat when touched
- Killing Curse: kills

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Cyrus headed into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and took a seat next to Ambrose. Professor Waldgrave introuced himslef and then went on to talk about what they would learn this year. Apparently the semester was going to focus on prank-like jnxes and curses, which didn't really interest Cyrus that much. He raised his hand at the question, but Ambrose was picked to answer instead. He was quietly impressed by the other boy's answer, not sure if he could have worded it that well. Cyrus took some notes on the lesson, though it was a short one. He was a little apprehensive as the professor said they would practice their first jinx next week. Cyrus noted down the homework, then left the classroom once they were dismissed.

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