Second Years Lesson One (Hufflepuff and Gryffindor)

Mallory was both relieved and nervous to be back. She had set up the classroom again the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. Amara was curled up with Maxim underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep as well (as if she'd gone and spelled all her little minions to rest, when really it had just been a long night) and all of Mallory’s notes and lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, turned to face out to the rows of seats so she could sit and still supervise her students.

She had decorated the desk with a line of flowers, most of them shorter, creating a small barrier along the edge of the desk that she could still see over. She had taken care getting dressed that morning, her light powder blue robes swishing gently around her feet and her dark mahogany hair pulled back in a braided chignon. Peter was thankfully a calmer child, dramatic when he wanted to be, but fascinated with watching her to the point where she could get ready for the day. She couldn't imagine what it would be like with two babies, but she was excited to find out.

She rose from her desk as the students filed in, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. She clapped her hands lightly to get their attention, looking over the fresh young faces of the second years. “Dobroye utro, good morning my dears,” She greeted gently, her Russian accent a more subtle but still there. “My name is Professor Mallory Grayveson, and I’ll be your Professor until fifth year,” She raised a hand, the chalk raising to write out her name in an elegant script behind her.

Feeling a little more confident after her first lesson had gone well, her stance was more relaxed as she turned back to her second-year students, one hand falling to rest on her growing baby bump. “Today's lesson is fairly simple, my dears. We’ll be covering the cleaning charm. Repeat after me; Scourgify." She went over the wand movement and the spell twice, making sure everyone saw. "I have a list here, of the charms we’ll cover this semester. Today, I would like you to go over this chapter and try the charm here in class.

Mallory waved her hand, and dirtied dishes appeared in front of each student. “I am right here, of course, if you have any questions or need any assistance. For extra credit, if you wish, you can write a short essay on the different ways you can use this charm. It doesn’t have to be much, a few paragraphs at least, but do put some thought into it, dears.” She encouraged, smiling warmly at her students as she moved to sit at her desk, the reading list appearing on the board. “I do have paper copies of this list, if you would like to gather one on your way out today,” She added, settling into her seat and smiling as she felt Amara twining around her legs. “My office is open, my dears, from breakfast until dinner every day, so feel free to stop by and see me.”

Cleaning Charm
Locking Charm
Unlocking Charm
Repairing Charm
Repelling Charm
Homenum Revelio

~Roleplay the lesson for full marks
~Write a short essay (No more than 100 words) about what a cleaning charm would be good for, to earn yourself 5 additional house points.​
Felix wasn't exactly excited to be getting back to classes, because that would mean homework, which meant less time hanging out with his friends. If he was going to make a difference to the lives of others though, he knew he was going to have to at least try to get to a position where others respected him, which was why he was now sat obediently in his first charms lesson of the semester. He'd slipped into a seat beside Jonah before the Hufflepuff could protest. He hadn't seen much of his best friend recently and he missed him, and just hoped Eurydice wasn't about to start glaring at him again for it. Making some notes as the professor explained the different charms they'd be working on, Felix did his best to concentrate throughout the lesson until they were dismissed.
Daiki walked into the charms classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced up at the professor as the woman got started and then nodded along. He repeated the incantation that the professor was making them say and then the wand movement too. He liked this spell, this was a good spell to know. Daiki looked at the dirty dish which appeared in front of him and then began trying to cast the spell. ”Scourgify,” he said once, and then a second time, and then it worked. He practiced the spell a couple more times before the lesson was then wrapped up and he was able to leave the room.
Tori hated the beginning of the semester because she felt like they didn’t learn much. Last year it had been all about introducing themselves of course, but this year they were getting into it quicker, yet it still wasn’t the hard hitting stuff she was more interested in. Still, she wasn’t entirely sure it mattered this year, since she wouldn’t even be here next year. Telling her friends about that was gonna suck. She listened as Professor Grayveson talked about the charms they would be covering this semester, and she rolled her eyes at the cleaning charm, useful, sure, but not something she was immediately enamoured with, after all, she wanted to learn spells that would help her with duelling and this certainly wasn’t that. She picked up her wand and waved it like the professor was telling them to, practicing the incantation as she did so. “Scourgify,” she mimicked, hoping she was getting it down right. Still, it would be an easy spell to test, she supposed. She wouldn’t need to aim at at people so it was nice for a change. She practiced the spell until the end of class and then headed out in search of her friends.​
Eurydice wasn't really sure how she felt about the new professor. She really liked Professor Potter from last year and it was such a shame that they wouldn't have her for this semester as well. She supposed she could see why Eli and Sayuri weren't quite happy with having the professor. At the very least, she didn't have a baby in the classroom anymore. She was quite sure though that there would be another baby in the classroom soon enough since the lady seemed to be pregnant. Eury watched as the professor instructed them on Scourgify. She could have used this spell last year but hadn't known it yet. Still, she doubted it would have helped at this point. When the professor made dirty dishes appear in before them, Eury took a step back away from the dishes because this was just disgusting. Why would she want to practice on dirty dishes. Who knew who ate from these? Nope. Nope. "I'm not practicing on those," she told @Rose Edogawa as she stared at the dishes in horror before deciding it was time to leave. She could practice the spell on other things. And that was how Eurydice, without telling the professor, decided to make for the door, carefully making to avoid coming into contact with the dishes.
Charms was not Prim’s favourite class, but she didn’t mind the professor. The woman seemed nice, and she seemed to know her job which was good. She took some notes as the professor gave them a bit of an overview of what they would be learning, Scourgify for this first class seemed to be a good one to learn and she was excited to learn it because it felt like it would be a good one to help at home. They were not really supposed to use magic outside of school, but her parents weren’t specifically against it, and it was hard to tell exactly who was doing magic anyway, usually. Maybe she couldn’t use it at home, but it would only be a couple of years. She murmured the spell under her breath along with professor, doing the movements without her wand before she picked up her wand to practice on the dishes. She watched Eury get up and leave, turning to see her roommate exit. Well, if there was any homework she would get it for her. “Scourgify,” she practiced a couple of time before she got it right, but she was satisfied with the results as the class ended and she grabbed the essay for Eury as well, incase she wanted some extra points for Hufflepuff.
The cleaning charm is a really useful spell for cleaning emergencies, because you can use it to sanitise workspaces and even your potions lab before you accidentally contaminate your work. It's equally useful in Herbology because some of the plants need a little sprucing when they're dirty and for magical creatures that need a bath. It's simple and it's effective.​
Jonah stared at the dirty dish in front of him, gripping his wand a little tighter than necessary. This was his first Charms class since he'd failed last year and got a Dreadful in the class. He'd been working hard on catching up on his theory and he and Lumos had gotten him caught up in all the First Year Charms spells too. The other spells still needed work, but Jonah was able to cast last year's Charms spells just fine now as long as he remained calm. Lumos had also made sure to have him start studying Charms ahead. While it made things tricky because that meant that last semester he was taking all his classes, and self-studying Charms with Lumos on top of that. Now it was time to put all the practice to the test. He was going to clean this plate. "Scourgify." It barely shifted the grime and his lips pressed into a thin line. He could do this, he practiced. He barely paid attention to Eurydice walking out of the class before he tried again. "Scourgify," he insisted. This time the charm worked. For the most part. The plate was a lot cleaner but still had bits of residue. He bit his lip. He wasn't going to leave until he got a plate clean with one cast.

(He got it down seven plates and about 20 casts later.)

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