Second Years Lesson One (Gryffindor and Hufflepuff)

Mallory had set up the classroom the way she liked, giving it a quick cleaning that morning before arranging her desk. She was sure the name was nesting, techinally, but she just liked to have things tidy. Amara was curled underneath her large oak desk, fast asleep with Maxim snuggled in against her, and all of Mallory’s notes and lesson plans were arranged neatly on the desk itself, turned to face out to the rows of seats so she could sit and still supervise her students.

She had decorated the desk with a line of flowers, most of them shorter, creating a small barrier along the edge of the desk that she could still see over. She had taken care getting dressed that morning, her light powder blue robes swishing gently around her feet and her dark mahogany hair pulled back in a braided chignon.

She sipped on her water, staying seated as the students filed in, smiling kindly as the last of them settled in their seats. She clapped her hands lightly to get their attention, looking over the fresh young faces of the second years. “Dobroye utro, good morning my dears,” She greeted gently, her Russian accent a more subtle but still there. “My name is Professor Mallory Grayveson, and I’ll be your Professor until fifth year,” She raised a hand, the chalk raising to write out her name in an elegant script behind her.

Feeling a little more confident after her first lesson had gone well, her stance was more relaxed as she turned back to her second-year students. “Today's lesson is fairly simple, my dears. We’ll be covering the cleaning charm. Repeat after me; Scourgify." She went over the wand movement and the spell twice, making sure everyone saw. "I have a list here, of the charms we’ll cover this semester. Today, I would like you to go over this chapter and try the charm here in class.

Mallory waved her hand, and dirtied dishes appeared in front of each student. “I am right here, of course, if you have any questions or need any assistance. For extra credit, if you wish, you can write a short essay on the different ways you can use this charm. It doesn’t have to be much, a few paragraphs at least, but do put some thought into it, dears.” She encouraged, smiling warmly at her students as she moved to sit at her desk, the reading list appearing on the board. “I do have paper copies of this list, if you would like to gather one on your way out today,” She added, settling into her seat and smiling as she felt Amara twining around her legs. “My office is open, my dears, from breakfast until dinner every day, so feel free to stop by and see me.”

Cleaning Charm
Locking Charm
Unlocking Charm
Repairing Charm
Repelling Charm
Homenum Revelio

~Roleplay the lesson for full marks
~Write a short essay (No more than 100 words) about what a cleaning charm would be good for, to earn yourself 5 additional house points.​
Apolline had been thinking about her electives all christmas break. She knew it wouldn’t matter too much what she picked, that she’d be able to figure out things around it, if a career path that she wanted cropped up, but truly she wasn’t sure about what she wanted. The gryffindor knew she had time, that this decision about her electives was in this semester, but that she didn’t have to make it immediately upon returning to the school. She was getting her things together,, gathering up the different things she needed for the day ahead and then headed out of the dorm and to class.

Apolline walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved towards the professor at the front of the room, as the woman got started. Apolline was keen to get started on whatever they would do in this lesson. She was pleased that they were just getting straight into it. That they would be just doing a spell immediately. The gryffindor repeated the incantation with the professor and then the wand movement too. Apolline then glanced at the dirty plate which was in front of her and then took her wand. She thought about it being clean as the professor was telling them to remember to take a lesson guide before leaving. She was focused on the plate in front of her. Apolline waved her wand in the motion she was supposed to and then said. ”Scourgify,” she had to do the spell a couple of times but was pleased when it did finally work. She practiced the spell until she had to leave, at which point she did.
Helios had really tried to bargain for his place at home. It had to be better and safer to be at home, but his sister had a boyfriend, or something close to that, so of course she was back to having no time for him. Or so he perceived her to have no time for him. Though they had spent plenty of time together over the break. He just knew that this would go badly for him, that she just wasn’t seeing what he was seeing and wasn’t able to predict what he was predicting would happen. So he was stuck back at school, and needing to spend time doing classes. He headed out of the dorm with plenty of time to make a safe journey to his class.

Helios walked into the charms classroom and took a spot near the middle of the room. He took out his quill and his parchment as the professor got started. They were able to do a spell. He was quite eager, especially the cleaning charm, this was going to be the most useful spell he’d know. The boy repeated the incantation and repeated the wand movement. Then he had a dirt plate in front of him. He nearly vomited at the sight of it. But he tried to ignore it, focusing on the fact he wanted it clean. He did the wand movement and said ”Scourgify,” he was very glad when it was immediately clean. He didn’t want to practice more, but did, until he was able to leave.
Aroha entered the classroom, feeling a bit better about charms now her wand behaved itself most of the time, which was a great improvement from before. She listened to the professor, then started to practice the spell. Her wand seemed to be in a good mood, or maybe Aroha was just good at cleaning spells, but it was surprisingly easy to clean the dirty dishes. Pleased with herself, she finished up the lesson and took a parchment of the spells they'd be learning. Looked interesting enough, she thought.

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