Second Thoughts

Sonya Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Even though Sonya Blade enjoyed Durmstrang, there was a lot to be said for Hogwarts New Zealand & she often felt like maybe that was the school that she should be at. She spent most of her days with Ruben when she wasn't in class, even though most of the time she found herself driven absolutely mental by him, it was nice to have a friend. More often that not she missed the family that she had at HNZ.

Scott, and Kristen had always understood her, even if Kristen hadn't seen eye to eye with her most of the time. She shrugged these feelings off, by she still found herself a little bit saddened at the thought, although the only person in the entire school that would notice anything was Ruben, but she wasn't in the mood to see him today so she had hidden away in her special spot.
Ruben was rather surprised as he made way through the school and he spotted Sonya alone, they had become better friends as time had passed, and when she had just realised Ruben was determined to be her friend and there would be no changing it. The teen was smiling as he approached her, but he noted as he did so, that the girl looked less than happy, and even more so given that he then noticed that he was looking at her as she sat in the special spot she'd usually go to on certain occasions. Ruben wondered what on earth could be the problem, nothing had seemed that bad recently, so he approached her and took a seat next to her, "Sonya," he said as quietly as he really could manage, "Are you alright? I mean you look really sad, but maybe you are that happy sad that people get so you are actually alright," he continued looking at her features trying to pick out what was wrong with her, if she was sad or if she was something else, "Do you want a hug? Or do you want to talk for once?" he asked her, hoping that she wouldn't just push him away.
When Sonya heard the door open she had absolutely no doubts in the world as to who it was, and her assumption was quickly confirmed when he approached her. She turned away from him when he asked if he was alright, not wanting him to think of her as weak. She knew that she could back herself up if he ever got the wrong idea, but she still didn't want him to pity her. With a sigh, she put on a fake smile, and looked up at him. "Hello Ruben, yes I am fine." She told him, most likely unconvincingly. She shied away when he asked if she needed a hug, and rolled her eyes. "You know better than to think I would want a hug, or too talk about my feelings. I'm not that kind of girl." She told him. She knew he would want to persist, but just this once she hoped that he would let her be. She didn't know if she trusted him enough to know all of her deep dark feelings yet.
Ruben was not overly surprised that she said nothing was wrong, it wasn't like Sonya to admit anything, but he just knew, he could tell that something was wrong, he could feel it, it had to be that something was wrong. He smiled at her, as she rolled her eyes, and shrugged at the statement, he didn't mind what kind of girl she was even if he knew she wasn't the sort of person who cried or needed a little help from her friend. However, it did seem like today she did a little, and Ruben was more than happy to provide that, so he moved slightly closer to her, and kept his gaze upon her, with eager and friendly eyes, "You know you can tell me," he said to her, encouragingly. The boy didn't want her to feel like she didn't have anyone to talk to, she could always talk to him. He would always be willing to listen to her if she needed it, he would always want to help her if she needed it, "You know I won't tell anyone else, because you're the only person I like!" he told her reassuringly, though a lack of friends wouldn't be the only thing stopping Ruben it was more to do with the fact that she was his friend and he knew to never break the trust of the friend.
Sonya held back a sigh when Ruben kept pressing the issue towards her, but the look of annoyance on her face was not so easily hided. She wished that he would just listen to her for one time in his life, but maybe if she gave him some tiny answer that wouldn't really give anything away he would finally give up and just leave her be like she had asked him. She took a deep breath which became a sigh and just gave him a look. "I don't like it here anymore." She told him, and even though this wasn't the whole truth, it was a tiny portion of it and to anyone else in the world it would be enough. However, over the past couple of years Sonya had gotten to know Ruben quite well and she knew well enough that he didn't like to give up without a fight.
There were a multitude of things that Ruben could think was wrong with her, he thought perhaps it was just simply that she wasn't having fun at Durmstrang, which he could understand though he thought it the best school. Perhaps it had something to do with her family, or perhaps it had something to do with homework that they had to do. The durmstrang boy didn't know which it could be. Ruben looked at her, and smiled at the look she gave him, trying to encourage her to say what was wrong, and the truth wasn't too unexpected, "Oh," he couldn't help but say, "You'd prefer to be back at Hogwarts?" he asked, but he was sure he knew the answer to it, he would offer to go to it with her, but he might find it more difficult to be able to go to the school. He'd always gone to Durmstrang, and he wasn't sure how hard it was to get in, but he imagined that it was hard to get in. "Do you miss your family?" he asked perhaps it was that she was the only one at this school. His siblings were all older than him so he had no issue with that at all. The teen smiled at her, "Least here you have me, and I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty neat. Plus they don't even teach dark arts at hogwarts, how silly is that?" He knew that he couldn't really change how she felt, but maybe he could make her feel better about it, "If you wanted to go back, I wouldn't stand in your way, I could just apply too,"
Sonya looked up at Ruben when he offered to help her out and she was shocked when he even offered to apply to transfer to Hogwarts for her. It wasn't like they were strangers to each other, but the two of them didn't know much about the other. It was a strange turn of events and Sonya appreciated that he was willing to help her. "That's sweet of you, but it's not something that I could ask you to do." She didn't even know if it was something that she really wanted to do. She enjoyed Durmstrang, and she wouldn't be able to find someone like Ruben to put up with her nonsense at Hogwarts if she got accepted and he didn't, and if it was the other way around it would be much worse. He was basically her rock at this school, and even though she did miss her family and she wouldn't really miss dark arts she didn't want to risk losing that. "I'll just stay here." She told him impassively. She didn't want to give any of those feelings away in case he took it the wrong way.
Ruben knew it was a lot of to ask of a person but in that moment he really couldn't have cared about if it did or didn't. If it was what she wanted, then he would do it. He would do it for her because she was his closest and perhaps only friend, "I'd do it for you," the boy told her sincerely, the look in his face leaving nothing to question his statement, he would've done it had she wanted him to do it. Ruben was sure that any friends would do the same for each other, "What do you miss about it?" he asked, wondering if it was anything that he could something about, if it was something that he maybe create for her. If it was family, he wasn't sure what he might do, but certainly there were things that he could do for her that she might miss, "You can sort me?" he was sure that was one of the aspects of the hogwarts schools, Durmstrang didn't do that sort of thing but other schools did, he knew this. Ruben just didn't want to see his friend upset, he didn't want her to be sad, because he didn't like that. He wanted to see Sonya smile, he wanted her to feel welcome and happy in this school with him, "I'll make a fool of myself, you know I'll do it,"
Sonya gave Ruben a simple look accompanied by a half smile at his words. They meant a lot to her, and she appreciated him even if he drove her absolutely insane at the best of times. She still didn't really want to get into this kind of thing with him right now though, so she gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before proceeding to change the subject to something else. "How are your classes going?" She asked him, hoping that he would at the very least accept the subject change but she knew enough about Ruben to know that he wasn't always the best at dropping subjects but at the same time she also hoped that her display of affection would take him by surprise enough.
The half smile she gave was enough to make Ruben feel a little better about what he was saying, thinking he was definitely on the right track for helping her, for making her feel better, and he just wanted to make her feel a little better about things. He was surprised when she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a quick hug and kissed his cheek, Sonya had never been the affectionate type after all and this was probably the most affectionate she had ever been towards him. His cheeks blushed deeply as she began the new conversation, but his mind was still stuck on the fact that she had been sad, the half smile and now the kiss on the cheek, "Classes.." he trailed off, his mind almost visibly thinking about all that had just happened, "Are you sure you're okay? Nothing else you want to talk about? No crazy family stories to share" he asked, Ruben just wanted to be sure that the girl was okay, that his best friend wasn't sad any more. He knew that Durmstrang was no Hogwarts but he was hopeful she might find things about the school to enjoy. Classes were more interesting, as were the people, but he'd always been at durmstrang, "but you know classes here are just the best, all this work for the exams is just so much fun. Potions is by far the easiest one I have but it's like duhh of course, it's following instructions as long as you can read you'll be just fine. How are you finding them?"
Sonya rolled her eyes at Ruben as the eventual question he asked to make sure that she was okay. She had expected no less from him, but she still let it slide through her mind as she attempted to turn the conversation to something completely different where she wouldn't have to spill her innermost feelings to someone, and even though that person was Ruben she still didn't feel overly comfortable talking about her feelings. She gave him a smile as a way of answer, and thought over his next words. "Yeah, potions is pretty simple, but Charms is my natural zone." She told him, drawing her wand and flicking it to demonstrate. She drew her name in the air and smiled as it faded away when she was done. "See? Easy peasy." She told him with a smirk. She'd never really had trouble at school because she buried herself in study most of the time to keep herself busy, and her minds off other things.
Ruben watch with interest as she demonstrated her skills in charms, certainly something amazing. He nodded at her joyfully, "I can see!" he told her, he didn't have that sort of natural skill, well, he did, but it was in potions and it wasn't like he wipe out a cauldron and show off like she could. He wondered in that moment what she might do with her future, where she would chose to go. He had a brother in New Zealand so at least if she chose that he had somewhere to go when he chose to go visit her. He would want to always be friends, so no matter where she went they would keep being friends, "What do you want to do after school? Something in charms probably right?" he asked, definitely interested in what she had to say, definitely interested in what she planned for the future. He hoped that it might include him, but he wasn't sure, they were friends, and while he'd definitely started having feelings for her, he couldn't be sure that she at all felt the same way. He hoped that she did, "Will you move back to New Zealand then?" he asked, genuinely curious, he knew that at the end of school they had so many options open to them as wizards, the highest type of education from durmstrang made them desirable people.
Sonya smiled at Reuben as he seemed to enjoy her little show with her magic. She wasn't the kind of one to show off usually, but it was a nice way to change the subject and it seemed to work so she grinned at that. As much as she was enjoying this little conversation with Reuben she still didn't like to be seen as a victim or have anyone feel sorry for her so she had wanted to steer things away from that topic as soon as she could. She pondered his next question, and at the same time she realised that she had absolutely no idea what she wanted to do. "I don't know yet." She told him, answering both of his questions at once. She would probably move back to New Zealand, but she didn't know for sure and there was every chance that she might change her mind. "What are you going to do?" She asked him.
Ruben hadn't thought about the future all that much, one of his brothers was an auror, the other worked in the ministry in New Zealand, he was the only one without a plan, though it seemed that she also didn't have a plan. That she was much like him still pretty unsure of what she was going to do. The boy wondered however if he would move, much like Sonya he had family elsewhere and the question about whether or not to join them always weighed heavily upon his mind. The teen wondered if she would move back, given her reaction now he assumed that she would, and he had no issue with that, she was her own person who was he to get in the way of her life. The question of if he would follow her was a different matter, "I haven't decided," he said with a chuckle, smiling slightly, "Being an auror sounds fun but I don't think I'd be good at it," Ruben shrugged a little, "There's still plenty of time for us to decide," he commented with a shrug, he didn't want to blurt out that he didn't want to be away from her, but he thought it. He smiled at her, "But know, no matter where you go, your friend Ruben will always be just around the corner, there to annoy you," the durmstrang boy easily joked with her.

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