Second Generation

Elio Zephyr

finders keepers + I found you 💫
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Killian <3
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (29)
At first, Elio that thought it to be a good idea to try and scale the outside wall of Hogwarts. It was an old building, leaving plenty of handholds and small gaps in the brick that would elevate the Gryffindor upwards, and while he had no destination in mind he'd taken to it like a fish in water, scaling the wall almost to the height of a fully grown giant, before his brown eyes accidentally glanced downwards. Remembering his fear of heights, he clung to the wall, his pulse racing in his chest and his hands becoming instantly sweaty as his stomach dropped beneath him. He loved to climb and feel the progress of moving through higher, but falling was out of the question. The anxiety of the drop below had the Gryffindor frozen against the side of the building, and while there was a small platform he could likely shimmy his way across to, the thought of dropping ten feet out the sky had him fixed, every muscle unwilling to cooperate.

There wasn't even anyone near by, or at least not close enough for him to call out to, what had he been thinking? Moving only his eyes as he considered that if he shifted his weight just a centimetre, something would give way, he contemplated his options. The first year couldn't really think straight in this position, and his arms and legs were quickly tiring through a mixture of strength and fear, and he knew he would have to do something soon. Either he would end up on the ledge or the floor, and one was certainly more preferable to the other. Taking a few seconds to catch his courage, he could feel himself slipping as he propelled himself forward, reaching out to grab at the ledge, however with such slippy hands he missed completely, and for a few second he grappled at thin air as he felt himself falling.

It was only a few seconds, and only a few feet, but it felt like eternity until his body collided with the floor. He groaned under the pain, although it wasn't anything worse than he'd experienced before. No doubt he'd soon forget his own fear once again and be back up the wall, but taking a few seconds to make sure he was all in one piece, he called out in case anyone was nearby. "Zephyr down, requesting back up." He lifted a hand to his face, at least his glasses would be fine. He didn't need to explain to his parents how he'd managed to break a third pair in two months.
It was still early in the school year but Leila couldn't seem to make herself comfortable like she had before. Geo wasn't talking to her or Jess and the relationship between Jess and herself was not completely back to normal either. It was the only time that Leila had ever thought about staying at home for a bit longer as she couldn't face going back to the castle when her whole life had been turned upside down only a few weeks ago at that party. She still hadn't told Ulrich what had happened either. She didn't know what she would say to him... my best friend kissed me and I don't know how I feel about it? She really liked Ulrich but she really liked Jess and she wasn't sure if if was in the same way. The whole thing was very confusing and she couldn't really talk to anyone about it. The thoughts just kept going round and around in her head. She could talk to Aaron but he was off with his own friends, Mads was off travelling so it was difficult to get a reply by letter and Nora had enough on her hands with the babies so it was hopeless.

The only thing for it was to go for a walk around the castle to try and clear her head. The last thing she needed was for her grades to suffer because she couldn't think about anything else. She grabbed her hoodie and walked out of her dorm room and headed towards the lawn. She was quite in her own world and didn't even see a young student scaling the wall in front of her. It was only when she heard a thud and a voice calling out a name that she recognised that she finally broke out of her daydream. "Oh my god!" she gasped and she propelled herself forward to make sure the person was okay. "Where did you come from?" she asked the boy and she crouched down beside him. "Can you stand?" she wondered as she offered her hand to the boy.
As Elio lay on the grass staring up and the sky and making sure his bones were in one piece, his vision was obstructed by a girl peering down at him. Instead of explaining, he just raised one arm into the air, pointing up to where he was a few moments ago. "I'd like to think so." Elio's sweaty hand took hold of hers, pulling himself up and back onto his feet, before stretching and trying to brush down some of the grass stains on his shirt. His heart was still pumping quickly around in his chest at the adrenaline of being faced with one of his worst fears, and he turned to peer at the wall once again. "You know, I actually had that. I would have been fine if I hadn't looked down." Swiping both mits against his jeans to this time get a proper hold, he took a few steps back over to the bricks, one foot already finding purchase once again. No way was a wall going to beat him, and besides, he wanted to see what was at the top. He didn't want to be impolite, but a climb was very distracting, and while he called out over his shoulder he hoped she wouldn't mind that he had things to do while they spoke. "Why are you here?" It wasn't like many students came around this way, not that he'd seen anyway.
Leila followed the boys arm that pointed towards the nearest wall that he had evidently just vacated. Her eyes scanned the wall to try and see how he could have possibly climbed it but she couldn't understand it. "You were up there?" she asked, her eyes widening in her surprise as she looked at him back on the floor. She pulled him up with all her strength trying to not to let his hand slip from hers, only smiling when he was standing back on his feet. Well, that was until he decided that he wanted another go at scaling the wall. Leila didn't know this boy that well, save for his name, but she didn't want him to climb wall only to fall off again! "Erm.. Zephyr... Is that really a good idea, do you think?" she called to him as he had already set off the wall once more. She followed him over to the bottom of the wall and watched as he began to find the perfect foothold. "I... just came here for a walk?" she decided, the last thing she wanted to do was to unload all her troubles on the younger student. "Do you make a habit of this climbing stuff Zephyr?" she asked the Gryffindor as she wondered what other dangerous things he might turn to.
Isabelle was enjoying her time at Hogwarts. She was already surrounded with lots of homework for classes so figured to spend a visit at the library. Though Isabelle wanted to meet up with her family soon. She wanted to ask some stuff to Leila and Aaron. Aaron was a prefect and he could help her for sure she figured. Isabelle would have enjoyed it to be sorted into Gryffindor, secretly she hoped too but she was happy with Ravenclaw too. It wasn't like she couldn't see her family less. The brunette decided to take a walk outside before going to the library. Isabelle always enjoyed spending time outside, inside she felt closed off and she needed to catch some breath before studying. The brunette walked a bit further and noticed someone lying onto the floor and someone was helping him. Isabelle couldn't handle it to walk by, so walked over to the two. When she got closer she noticed her cousin Leila. '' Hi Leila! What's going on here? Everything all right?'' the brunette asked while looking at the two. She had seen the boy before at sorting she, and figured Leila was just helping out.

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