Second chance

Erik Drage

Potioneer | Healing | Unprepared
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew 12'' Core of Jackalope Antler
April 27, 2018 (37)
Erik was thrilled when he was offered early graduation from the program. He was doing well, better than expected. He had the option to stay for the next week and a half, or take a partial refund and go early. Of course, they recommended regular follow-up, but it didn’t have to be there in Canada. It was terrifying, but he took the plunge. Erik packed up his suitcase, had a farewell dinner with Evan and Elijah, and then went on his way.

Returning to New Zealand was scary. Here were his failures, family who didn’t want him (and some that did,) and reminders that he wasn’t wanted. Except there was Lou, who turned all of that around. Erik stepped off the overnight boat he’d taken. He hadn’t been able to sleep, and his stomach was still roiling with seasickness. How he managed to apparate to Lou’s house, he didn’t know.

The sun was low in the sky. He reached to knock, but the door opened before he could even touch it. Lou must have enchanted it so he could enter anytime he wanted. Unable to keep himself from smiling, he stepped over the threshold and looked around. This was his new home. He took a deep breath and wandered inside.

Things looked different, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He moved through the entrance hall, the kitchen, to the living room. Where a passed out Lou was sprawled on the sofa. Concern was etched into his features. He hadn’t even taken his boots off, and they were caked with mud. Lou must have been absolutely exhausted. Setting his suitcase quietly on the floor, Erik approached him, leaning over and kissing him lightly on the forehead.

@Lou Prindeou
The few days Lou had spent with Erik had been both a blessing and a curse. He would do it again, and he would never regret it, but the aching hole that Erik always left had flared up again as soon as Lou left Canada. He'd barely slept in weeks, he struggled to eat. Lou was trying, he was, but it was hard when it felt like half of him was missing. He had stayed out in the fields late the night before, doing his best to try and wear himself down. A few recent storms had given him plenty to do.

He'd trudged in early that morning, when the sun had started to rise, and had just collapsed onto the couch. He had fallen asleep quickly. He stirred, though, when he felt something on his forehead. He groaned, barely awake, and rolled a bit.
“Hey, Lou,” Erik said, his voice quiet as he touched Lou’s shoulder. “I’m back.” His lover still didn’t seem quite awake. Hoping he hadn’t disturbed Lou’s rest too much, he moved to grab a blanket from the armchair, spreading it over Lou up to the shoulders. It wasn’t quite long enough to cover his feet. However, it didn’t really matter with his shoes on. Erik stood there, wondering if he should fix something to eat. Lou looked like he had been conked out for a long time.
Lous' eyes opened slowly as both Eriks' voice and the weight of a blanket sunk in. He sat up, groggy. "What…?" He sat up, yawning. He was confused, and automatically he pulled Erik into his lap. "Dream," he decided softly, nuzzling into Erik easily. It felt very vivid for a dream, but Lou couldn't think it wasn't just yet. He'd barely been asleep, judging by the lighting. "Good dream," he sighed, smiling softly.
Merlin, Lou was adorable when he was half awake. Erik did his best not to laugh. He leaned into Lou, kissing him on the cheek. "Glad to know I'm not a bad dream," he said softly.
Lou hummed a moment in agreement, before it hit him that Erik was there. Lou leaned back, startled. "Erik?" He breathed, unthinkingly reaching up to brush Eriks hair back. Without warning Lou lunged forward and caught the man up in a sweet kiss, pulling him close and holding on tightly.
Erik had no time to respond as Lou grabbed him. He kissed Lou back, enjoying the taste of his partner's lips. It had been several weeks since they'd last seen each other. Erik felt rejuvenated, excited, ready to tackle the next adventure. Lou still looked worn down. When he had a moment to pull away, he leaned back, grinning. "Sorry for the short notice."
Lou chuckled, nuzzling into Eriks neck and leaning back. "I don't mind." He whispered, pressing a kiss to the man's skin. "How long?" He asked, trying to calculate in his head how many days of work he could miss before it was an issue. The tally was looking at about two weeks.
Erik shook his head. "No, Lou, this is it. I'm staying." He settled his head against the back of the couch. "I got to leave early. Good progress, and all." He smiled, wondering how Lou would take the news. He knew it was a sudden change. Erik's head was still reeling from all of it.
Lou hesitated when Erik spoke, turning to look at him with wide eyes. "What?" He breathed, his heart stuttering in his chest. His entire body softened, and he chased after Erik, kissing him again, tenderly. "Erik," Lou breathed, his voice shaking. He turned, pulling the man closer.
“That’s if,” Erik said, pausing and kissing Lou on the nose, “you want me to stay.” He peeled off his jacket and threw it across the armchair. The change in seasons between the hemispheres was always startling. Here, it was still warm, although not at the height of summer anymore.
Lou chuckled and shook his head. "If. As if there's any question," Lou teased the other man, reaching out to tuck Erik's hair behind his ear. "We've talked about this already, butterfly. I've built this house myself, you know. I've built it for two. If you aren't against sharing a room, I've built a second walk in closet. You have a proper potions shed in the backyard, fully stocked, with your own little relaxing area behind it. I want this to feel like home for you, Erik." Lou spoke seriously, offering out his hand to the other man. "I want you to be comfortable here, with me. I want you to stay." He spoke softly.
“Would be pretty awkward if we didn’t share a room…” Erik mused, smirking back at Lou. His eyes widened as Lou described the house to him. “Whoa- you’re going to have to give me a tour sometime.” That said, he was more than happy just to be here, close and present with Lou. Erik tried not to be overwhelmed at the thought of all the blood, sweat, and tears Lou had put into this place, and into them. He didn’t deserve any of this, not really. This was a new start for the both of them.
Lou chuckled, holding Erik close a moment before standing and offering out his hand. "Who says we have to wait? I could give you that tour now," he offered. "Or if you'd like, you cane look around while I shower and clean up." He mused over a counter offer, thinking Erik might like a minute alone to take everything in. Lou knew he had done a lot. "Once I'm clean we can go out to town and find somewhere to eat," he continued, thinking what he really needed was food and sleep. He'd probably sleep a lot better if Erik cuddled with him.
Erik sat back into the sofa, resting his head on the back of it. "A tour sounds wonderful," he said, closing his eyes, "but no rush. I'd love to go out to dinner with you." He smiled up at Lou. Erik still felt like an intruder in Lou's life; he was lucky the other man had let him in.

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