Open Searching for Hufflepuff

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 5th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
Open after Emzies posts with Gregory Friend For as long as Anisha could remember, she had always had the urge to know everything. So being in a new place like Hogwarts just gave her the urge to go explore and learn as much as she could. Her first order of business was figuring out where the other common rooms were, and getting inside if she could. Thanks to Indi, she knew the Slytherin common room was in the dungeons. After asking around a bit, she got the idea the Hufflepuff one was near the library, which seemed like a weird choice. Shouldn't the Ravenclaw one be there? Anisha started searching around the fourth floor corridor, trying to look behind a few paintings in case the entrance was behind one.
Gregory stumbled out of the common room. He was trying his best to just keep his nose down and stay out of people's way. he wanted to make friends, but the bruising on his nose, and the reminder of Cassius' words kept him from trying too much. He managed to catch himself and had begun heading towards the exit of the fourth floor to go to the great hall for something to eat. It was where he noticed someone, looking behind paintings. The paintings themselves did not look happy about this, and Gregory was curious. But he didn't want to approach...worried that if did he would end up with another elbow in his face, and what if this time they broke his glasses. "Are you looking for something?" Gregory asked, keeping his distance from the girl.
Anisha wasn't having much success so far. Was Hufflepuff hidden behind a trapdoor or something? Under the floor? Anisha was just about to crouch down to inspect the floor when she heard someone speaking to her. She looked up to see a boy she recognized vaguely from sorting. She nodded. "I'm looking for Hufflepuff." She said. "The common room, you know? I heard it's around here." She said, looking at the boy hopefully. Maybe he knew?
Gregory took a small step back when she looked at him. He hoped the the bridge of his glasses would cover the worse of the remaining bruise. He was confused as to why she was looking for Hufflepuff. He wasn't sure if she was a hufflepuff but probably not if she'd already lost her way. "Yeah, I can show you were it is," he said, "You're not far from it," he conceed with a shrug, she liekly would've found it with enough time. "You're not a Hufflepuff though...right?"
Anisha was pleased to hear the boy said she wasn't far from it, straightening up. She considered him for a moment, wondering if he would take her to Hufflepuff if he knew she wasn't one. She shifted a bit from foot to foot, eventually deciding to be honest. "...No." She admitted. "But I'm curious." She shrugged. "You don't have to let me in, I just want to see where it is. Ravenclaw is next on my list to find." She explained.
Gregory had been pretty certain that she hadn't been a Hufflepuff, but he was assured somewhat that she was just looking to know where everyone was. He nodded. ”Okay, but you're definitely not getting in,” he said. He didn't want to get into trouble, and he was sure letting someone else who wasn't of the house into a dorm room would end up getting into trouble. He motioned towards where it was, and then began walking towards where he'd just come from. ”I'm Gregory, by the way,” he introduced himself. ”Why are you looking for Hufflepuff?”
Anisha was a little disappointed when the boy immediately said she wasn't getting in, but she shrugged in acceptance. It wasn't like she wanted anyone to get in trouble for her. "Alright." She said, though she was very curious about what it was like. She followed the boy curiously, looking around for the entrance. As he introduced himself, she turned to him. "Anisha." She explained, gesturing to herself. "I'm just curious." She added with a shrug. "Don't you want to know as much about the castle as possible?"
Gregory nodded at her introduction, Anisha. He wasn't too surprised that she was curious about the castle. He was too, to a degree. Gregory just wasn't too interested in other dorms and was trying to do his exploring a little more carefully. Mostly, that he didn't want to accidentally once again run into Cass. ”I do...but don't need to know it all immediately,” Gregory told her with a shrug. ”What have you learned so far?” he was curious is she had explored more, perhaps she would know more and be interested in telling him all about it.

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