Sculpting Ruth

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Ruth Adler-Roux

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand, Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire, 12 ½"
What do I want?

-Possibly a future husband

When do I want them?

Well, as soon as is possible.

Ok, so specifics.

Friends: Any gender, any blood status. I need to learn more about Ruth's character and what she likes, what she hates.
I will roleplay with pretty much anyone but I do prefer experienced roleplayers.

Enemies: Any gender, any blood status. I just want to shape Ruth's feelings towards blood statuses and so forth. They don't have to be enemies because of blood status issues but I will try to work things in somehow.

Husband: Male, obviously. Pureblood wanted. Ruth believes in the Adler virtue of keeping the blood pure. Doesn't matter what his feelings are towards muggle/mudmuggle-borns, e.t.c. I can work with pretty much anything but I wont necessarily have Ruth marry them at the drop of a hat.
But yes, that does mean so-called 'evil' males are welcome. Ruth is ready to embrace any sort of relationship. Even if it means obeying her husband 100%. She does what she does for the sake of blood purity.
Age is not an issue. Preferably someone still able to reproduce. xD
I can offer Emer Laude as a friend. She's a little older, muggle-born, very hippie-ish. Check out her biography here. She works in Makutu Mall and lives near there with her 5 kids.

It's possible you could hate her, but she wouldn't hate you back unless you did something to her kids. And that would be low. Low, man.
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