School staff and seventh (and other older) years

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
I really shouldnt be starting a topic here but i am but I am only posing for one of my accounts. if you are interested in any of my others then PM me orreply here.


Professor Elvera Le Fey
Professor Le Fey is the divination professor. She is 21, turning 22 in november. she is known for always having cakes in her classroom and in a few respects acting like one of the students. she is friendly and acts maybe like a little bit of a mother or aunt or older sister to her students.
however she could do with a few more adult friends around the castle as she hasn't got many and in a few months time she is going to get some news then she could really use some support. professors, nurses and other staff are welcome. one of her former professors would be interesting.

let me know what you think


Actually I think I may as well ad Chayton here. He had just transferred to HNZ at a seventh year hufflepuff from Orion academy in alaska. he is about 3/4 Native american and 1/4 giant. meaning him standing at 9 foot 3 he is the tallest person to bee in the school. though despite his size he is rather insecure and shy, always feeling slightly self conscious about his size.
a little more about him he likes muggle things particularly mechanics and has over the last year fixed up an old jeep for his dad. he isn't really into sport. he does read a bit but pretty much only technical stuff.
what he needs is friends. maybe people to feel uncomfortable around someone so big and maybe some to make fun of him about it (either joking or serious, he is likely get upset if they do as he transferred from orion because he was being picked on about his size (as well as another reason) he doesn't need a romantic anything as that is already sorted (the other reason he transferred Chadlyn :wub: ) any other ideas just let me know
Mia (again)
She could have a chat with Abby. Abby is always up for a chat :)
that sounds good.
do you want to start one or would you rather me to? maybe the staff table or the professors common room?
Ooh Ooh Ooh!
Just saw this!
My Professor, Elodie is 19 turning 20 and is in serious need of some plottings. I think her and Elvera would get on.
OOh OOH ooh. I think Elvera and Elodie will get on really well. I have thought that for a while. do you want to start one or do you want me to?
Sweet. I'll start something if you like after I do this one xD
Could you start please?
sure I will start one this evening.
Teigs: here it is in the professors common room and called hot chocolate with marshmallows
Alright, I shall reply soon :)
Chayton and Sapphire should talk. They're both in Hufflepuff and Sapphire is nice to everyone. Not to mention that I always love Rping with with you Mia :D
Ana. I was wondering how long it would be until you said something. Yeah I think they will get on however a little busy moment And have pleanty of plots going as well as ini work. but cirtantly in a couple of weeks when I get my assignment done.
Also when the time Gomes to it I can see sapphire being there for elvera. Thought I will pm you the detailed of that and why.
Oh please do now I am intreagued. As for the busy part I totally understand
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