Closed School Shopping

Daniel nodded."If you study lots, you'll be fine. I'm nervous about the classes too, since my parents want me to get good grades." His family made sure everyone studied well and got into a good university.
Kara agreed. "I plan to take a dozen notes, too." She said, worrying that she might miss some important information. "When we go shopping for our school stuff, I was thinking we go get our wands first. Then maybe our books?" Since the two of them were going to supply shopping together, she wanted to figure out some kind of plan, even though it was still some time away.
Daniel agreed."Wands sound good. I think books should definitely come second, since we need them to study." He liked the idea of making a plan, since it was important to get everything."I don't know how long everything will take. Do you think we'll be able to get everything in time?"
Kara smiled, happy that Daniel had agreed with her on the schedule. "The main things that take up time will be the wand and books, I think as long as we get those two things done first it will be okay." Taking a moment to think about if they would really have enough time. School shopping season was always busy, but if other students managed to do it just fine every year, the two of them together making a plan should be able to handle it. "There will be lots of people, I'm sure. The bookstore will have the largest chunk of items we will need. Then I think it's just some equipment that should be fairly easy to grab quickly, oh and robes. We will need to get our school uniforms and robe sets." She quite liked the idea of having a uniform, they didn't have them at her previous school.
Daniel nodded."Uniforms sound great." He had always worn uniforms at his old school, but it made it one less thing to think about."I'm looking forward to the bookstore. That should be fun!" He loved looking for books and reading about new topics.
"We are going to have a lot of stuff to fill our trunks up." Kara thought for a moment about what it would be like on the train. The sound of shoppers passing them was hardly noticeable to her because she was already deep in thought. She imagined going to the train station, waving goodbye to her parents, and hopping on. The view was probably incredible. "We should meet at the train station. Maybe we could find a compartment together easier that way. I don't know. What do you think?"
Daniel nodded."That sounds great! Mum would be happy to know I was with someone, instead of by myself." He didn't mention his Dad, since he was trying to stay clear of the fact he wasn't coming to see him off."Have you meet many other students? Like, people in our year?"
Kara realized his parents probably couldn't see him through the passage, only witches and wizards could pass. She was glad she decided to make that plan. "I have met a few others. Jacinta, Nicole, and Evan. I wonder what houses they will be sorted in." Kara realized she had already met a few people in her year and that made her more comfortable. Daniel was the only one she had gotten close to. "I haven't hung out with them though, I just met them." Thinking back to the day they met in the coffee shop, she wondered about the other girl. "Do you think Juniper is magical? The girl from the coffee shop?"
Daniel grinned."That's quite a few people!" He thought back to the coffee shop."I'm not sure. I thought it would be easier to find out if people were magical. I guess not." He had hoped to meet more magical people, so then he wouldn't be going to school in a totally different setting. However, knowing Kara was helping heaps with his fears.
Kara thought about it. It would be nice if the Statue of Secrecy didn't exist, just so it's easier to figure out if somebody is also magical. "It's not like we can wear flashing signs. I know some wear purple but that seems too generic nowadays." She pondered for a moment. "I guess it's nice that we have places only we can go, then everybody that's there is magical."
"Yeah, having magical places makes it easier." Not that I can go to those place easily, he thought. It was a shame not having magical parents. It limited where he could go. He had a look inside the shop and saw Sam and Carrie finishing their purchases."I'm looking forward to when I can tell Sam. Carrie probably won't be allowed to know for a while, but Sam should learn soon."
Kara thought about how she would feel if she couldn't tell her brother about magic. Luckily, her whole family was magical, but what if they weren't? "That must be kind of difficult." She looked at the ground. "Not being able to tell them." Her mind lingered on the thought a little longer. "Does anybody else in your family know? Outside of your parents? What if you've got like a magical aunt or something but she didn't tell you because she was trying to keep the secret." Kara was trying to be helpful.
Daniel shrugged."Maybe, it would make sense. We don't really see our aunt or uncles very often." He grinned. Maybe that was it!"I'm going to do some family research now. That'd be super interesting!" He loved the idea of having a magical family member. That would be great! he thought.
Kara smiled widely at Daniel. “Let me know if you need help researching your family tree or what you find. Magical or not family heritage is fun to learn about.” She knew a decent amount about her family and where they came from, but was honestly curious how far back it goes. Maybe they could do some research on their families together sometime. “I don’t know much past my grandparents and it would be fun to learn more. I wonder if I have more magical relatives than I think.”
Daniel grinned."It sounds like a super interesting project." He stopped talking, since the girls had walked out the door."Where to now, girls?" They didn't answer, but instead walked in front. He laughed and shrugged, following them."I wonder how much information there'd be on family members," he said quietly to Kara."If they were, you know, different. How much would be known."
Kara followed behind his sisters with him. She wondered if there was a magical library outside of Hogwarts. “At the very least we could research in the library at Hogwarts. We can spend the time before we get there researching our family members and try to find their origins. Then we can figure out if there is a magical history of them at Hogwarts in books or old yearbooks. I’m sure they have info from other schools.”
Daniel nodded, already making a plan in his head."That'd be super cool. Surely there would be old yearbooks or something." He grinned."Hopefully if they went there, they'll be easy to find." He loved the idea of having magical relatives. Maybe he wouldn't feel so left out.
Kara stretched her arms and looked around. She had a lot of things she wanted to research and a lot of things she wanted to do. “I feel like there won’t be enough time at a Hogwarts to learn everything I want to learn.” She said softly. “I know there are ways to learn more after we graduate, but Hogwarts just seems like the best place to do it.” Kara hoped she’d be as good as she wanted to be at potions. It’s what she wanted to do the most.
Daniel shrugged."Seven years seems like a long time, but I think it will go quickly. We need to plan our time so not a minute is wasted." He loved the idea of spending every spare minute learning new things, even if they weren't for school. He agreed with Kara, Hogwarts seemed like the best place to learn things.
Kara agreed. "You're right. Seven years is a long time, but planning would still be useful." She wondered what their class schedule would be like and how she could manage her study time. There was still plenty of time to worry about that, for now, she needed to focus on preparing for school. "We need to focus on preparing for school anyway."
Daniel nodded."We do need to focus on that. Going unprepared wouldn't be a good way to start." He thought about what it would be like, buying everything. Getting his wand sounded amazing, yet confusing."How do we get our wands? Do we just pick one and use it?"
Kara hasn’t done much research about wands, but was familiar with the process. “The wand chooses the user. The wandmaker gives us different ones they think will work and we try them out until the wand works. That’s the one that chooses us.” She said, she didn’t understand it exactly but got the gist of the idea.
Daniel nodded slowly, kind of getting the idea."That makes sense," he said."It sounds like it takes a while. How many wands do these shops have? If they have people coming in all the time, they must have a lot!" He wondered what the shop would look like. Probably wall to floor shelves of wands, he thought to himself. That'd be cool to see.
Kara pondered about that for a moment. She had only been in there a few times, she try to avoid the store so that her patience wasn’t tempted. “Probably hundreds but I really don’t know for sure. There are so many.” Kara wondered who made all of the wands and if it was just one person. “Wandmaking seems kind of interesting honestly.”
Daniel wondered what would be like."I wonder if one person makes them. I think I would like doing it for a bit of time, but I'd get bored of doing the same thing over and over again." He wasn't sure what the process was, but it sounded repetitive.

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