School Brings No More

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hey guys,

I've just started my next academic year and realised how much time this will take up. I've come to the conclusion, once more, that I cannot keep everyone I have and do all my work effectively so almost all of my characters are going away. Teddy here will stay as he is my main and is involved in a lot of things. Plus I've never been able to give him up. I am also keeping Gareth Knight as he is a shopkeeper and I can handle his work load.

The IC reason they're leaving :

Noemi Costello : She got scared that she was pregnant again, she ran away with the child, taking Shane with her aswell.

Kalforovich Household : After the death of Benson Kalforovich, Taneaka decided to move away to the home in Italy, inviting all her children and family friends to join them if they wished. People going with her include; Markov, Sydney, the toddlers and Adonia so she can learn more about her newly found sister.

Jessi Emmeton : The maternal grandparents of the cousins discovered their situation and has offered to take them in. Jessi and the children left to their home in a small, remote, part of New Zealand, leaving Teddy and Alfie in their house alone after Tracy was taken into hospital.

Best of luck with school! :hug:
We'll miss some of your other characters
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