Scenic Route

Chantal Himmelreich

Active Member
Chantal had always found it to be a great stress reliever to take walks just along the lake's shoreline, which lay just outside the boundaries of Durmstrang Institute. It let her thoughts wander to wherever she pleased them to be, and also to let the pressure from school and friends just slide off her fair shoulders and off into the crystal clear water that lapped up on the rocky shoreline a few feet to her right.

Flipping a lock of bright blonde hair over her shoulder, she continued on her way. The sun was just setting over the treeline and gave the forest a luminescent glow, and the water an even more spectacular reflection of greens and reds blurring together to almost make her eyes sore.

In this tranquil place, only minutes from her school, she found herself thinking again. It's not as if she didn't think at all in school or at her room, but here she felt her mind tug off the tarp that covered her true emotions, letting her explore them with grace and precision. It was here, she began to wonder about the world around her.

She slowed down her pace and blinked her bright eyes twice, surveying the viewable area for a place to sit down. Aside from a few large mossy rocks, and a decaying tree stump, there were no suitable places for her to rest. Sighing, she wrapped her arms around her lean body, and continued on.

"This place seems so peaceful all the time, I wonder if anyone else comes down here, just like me" , She said softly, smiling to herself at the said thought.

It amazed her how untouched the woods were, how unscathed they seem to be despite the havoc and terror raging on around them. It wasn't like her to notice such things, but here was different. Here reflected a time and a place where peace and tranquility had existed.

Straying from her thoughts, she opened her eyes to find her favourite grassy hill overlooking the lake, it was silent and as peaceful as could be. Far away, she heard birds chirping avidly back and forth to each other. She smiled softly, lieing herself down, not caring how she lied since there was no one around to see her. She was still in her uniform, after all.
Maximilian walked along the beach of a lake that was just outside of school boundries. He had found the lake a few years ago but never had the chance to really go back and explore. But now in his sixth year which he found very relaxing he managed to have more free time, he usually spent it on making different outfits for his sister who shared the same fashion sense for girl's clothing as he did.

Moving along he watched as a few birds flew aruond effortlessly and he felt inspired. Following them up to a green hill he watched as they took off into the sky. Continuing up a small path to the top of the hill he looked around.

Maxxie could see everything around the lake's perimiter from up there. He went along looking around the lake not bothering to check around his feet when he was suddenly falling over onto the ground. Pushing himself up he looked back to see what had tripped him, then he noticed a girl. He reconized her from a few classes they shared but never had bothered to talk to before. His eyes were wide unsure of what to do.
Chantal let out a yelp when she felt something, or more so, someone, tripped on her. Really, she didn't expect that at all, for all she knew, the place was something that is quite hidden from the other students. Pushing herself up through the use of her elbows, she tried to see whoever it was that had just decided to disturb her peaceful time to herself. She had to squint her eyes a few times to adjust to the sunlight and to see the said person much clearly.

Looking at the said person, Chantal noticed how surprised and probably, nervous the boy had looked. Of course, she did recognized him, they were in quite the same classes after al, and well, he was pretty popular for being some sort of a designer. Sighing to herself, she had tried to muster a smile, a warm one to show that she was apologetic for being the reason of his tripping. "Sorry, I didn't realized that anyone would be coming here." She said, hoping that he, in no other way, would not get angry with her. Though it was fully her fault for lying there without giving any care to the world, she knew that he was at fault too, but she wouldn't say that out loud, will she?
Maximilian sat up from his place on the grond. He pushed his hair out of his face wondering if the girl was going to be mad with him. He managed a half smile at the one she showed him but he wasn't comforted by it. Maxxie wasn't sure if she was upset with him tripping over her or if she was just suprised by it. She was talking to him and he knew he would have to reply to her so he didn't seem like some crazy person. "I wasn't watching where I was going. The lake just captivated my vision, but now something else seems have hold of it," he said with a cheesy smile, but not on that was sleezy, more of a joke.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry Lame I know :p
Chantal had had to laugh at the boy's expression, she wasn't quite sure what to make out of it. Yet, she felt her mood lighten up a little. She's not mad at him if that was what he was thinking, for honestly, she was thankful, cause probably, just probably, her day would become much more interesting by then. "You're pretty funny." She commented, sitting up properly with her legs crossed in front of her. "Pardon but, what's you name then?" She asked, smiling warmly at the said guy, it might sound weird that she was the one who had asked for the name, yet, she didn't mind, she wanted to have some friends, and hopefully, he can be one.

OOCOut of Character:
:D it's fine ^_^
Maximilian shrugged his shoulders at her, compliment? He never thought of himself as a funny type of guy. Honestly he was just telling her the truth, something that always seemed to pop outof his mouth no matter the case. He lost alot of friends that way, but gained a few others which was good for him. Of course his younger sister Adalyn seemed to gain the same trait as him, though she was alittle more blunt about it. Maybe this girl pegged him right and his way of telling the truth was more in humor sounding then anything else. "Well, it is the truth, the way I see it here," he said gesturing towards the lake and then to her. Both were two very different kinds of beauty but Max wasn't sure if he was into girl's that much. Of course he couldn't really know considering he has never been out with one before and the same for guys. 16 year old Maxxie Jez has never dated anyone in his life, sad but true. "Maximilian Jez, 6th year. You?" He asked sticking his hand out to the girl wondering where this odd sense of bravery was coming from. He didn't know why he seemed to be so brave all of the sudden. Never before had he been able to talk to other people the way it now all seemed to easy with the girl sitting infront of him.

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