Scared, can you tell?

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Angela was terrified now. It wasn't more then a few days into the school year, and already her secret was threatened to be revealed. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as she entered the forest, which was supposedly off limits. If that was the case, she could be alone; and she hoped she could. For the first time in a while Angela could let it all out, let her tears flow. She walked in a bit too far, but not to the point that she might get lost, and slid down one of the tree trunks. She felt the warm liquids cascade down her porcelain cheeks, and hugged her knees to her chest. What was she going to do? She needed to tell someone, but who? She looked at her wrist, the one he had grabbed, it was already turning a sickly color; a bruise resulting from her lack of iron. She wondered if anyone did come in there, and what would they say if they saw her. She heard a crack, but ignored it. It was a forest after all. A dark, scary, forest.
Kala made her way through the beautiful woods, Her drawings in hand. Up ahead she saw a familier figure. Recognizing her she sprinted forward, her nimble feet carring her quickly. "Angela! Hey!" She reached her and tugged at her, then her eyes moved down to the wrist she had been looking at. It had turned a sickly shade of green blue, the shade of a new bruise. She looked up at Angela, a rage forming in her green eyes. "Who did this." Her voice was low, and scary.
Angela rubbed the wrist a little, but tried to pull her sleeve down as a familier voice rang through the woods. She failed in doing so and Kala saw the bruises. In a scary tone, she asked who had done it. Angela would have lied and said she had fallen, but the bruises made the shape of a hand mark. A hand mark that could only fit his hand. She looked up at Kala, hoping that she couldn't tell that she had been crying. "I um, i was sparring." She lied. Her green eyes widening slightly. Had Kala cut her hair?
Kala glared at her, holding up Angela's wrist in front of her face. She could see the shape of the hand print, and it wasn't hard to tell by Angela's tone of voice that she was lying. She squinted into her eyes, her face close. With one motion she dropped Angela's wrist and took a stepped back a little bit. She folded her arms about her chest. "Your lying to me. Don't. Now who, why, what is at stake, and how badly do I have to whoop his a$$."
Angela looked away from the wrist, it pained her to see the bruise; it only reminded her of what was going on. She kept her eyes down, not wanting to see Kala's face. She wasn't aloud to tell her. Teddy said that if she told... "K-Kala, i can't tell you. I... i just can't." She didn't want anyone to know her secret. And if Kala knew, she would go after him, and he would know. She couldn't risk it at all.
Kala gave her a cold look and turned her back. "So you're choosing the person who did this to you over me?" Kala turned back to face her with a hateful glare. She folded her arms around herself, feeling betrayed. "I thought you wanted me to protect you Angela. I thought you'd want to be with my protector, my friend." She shook her head. "Your letting that person win you know. You could be putting our friendship in danger, keeping secrets." She stood back, watching to see if anything she said would sink in.
The words that spilled out of Kala's mouth were hurtful and hateful. She let a few tears slide down her cheeks. "No, it's not that. I just know you'll..... you
ll go after him." She said standing up. Her knees were a bit weak, and her right foot was asleep. She brushed off her jeans and looked at her. "It's all freakin' Sarah's fault." She said angrily. "It's... It's Teddy Cameron."
Kala gave her a sad look, knowing it must have been because of her brother. She engulfed her friend in her long arms, giving her a friendly peck on her head. Like Kari used to do when she was a child. "I'll fix this some how Angela. I promise you this." She squeezed her, but not enough to hurt. "I will fix this."
She snuggled into Kala's shoulder, glad to have someone hugging her. It was comforting. When Kala promised to fix this, it made Angela a bit afraid. "If he finds out i told... he'll... he'll tell everything." She said
Kala pulled back and looked Angela in the face. "What do you mean he'll tell? Angela, What does he know?"
She looked away from Kala, unable to look into her glistening green eyes. "everything." She whispered.
Angela nodded. She regretted that Teddy had talked her into telling him. Saying they were basically family.
She gave her another hug. "Don't worry hun. I'll take care of this."
Angela gripped Kala's arm. "You can't say anyhting. Please! Promise me!"
Kala shook her head. "I don't make promises I can't keep." She folded her arms around herself. "He wont tell a sole though, That I can promise you."
Angela looked Kala strait in the eyes and nodded. "Promise not to get kicked out though." She said in an almost joking tone.
She bit her lip. She really wanted to beat that kids butt, he had no right to hurt Angela. So she nodded, hoping Angela would realize the nod meant she probably would get kicked out.
Angela sighed. "Darn it." Seh muttered. "What if i said if you get kicked out i will send the tickle monster after you?"
Kala smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'm not ticklish so that wouldn't work."
She rolled her eyes. "Well I'll still send it after you, and it will annoy you to death."

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