Say What Now?

Raven Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Willow 15" Essense of Belladonna and Serpent's Fang
So, Durmstrang wasn't that big of a deal for Raven Mirayinov, whom was working on changing her horrible first name permanently to Raven. It was her seventh year and she still never kissed a boy, never liked a boy, and some wondered what was wrong with her. As beautiful as she was, she was deadly, with a wand and with accuracy she could curse someone into the next week. She was just as deadly to some as she was to others. Her beautiful face was just flawless, but there was that coldness about her that just radiated from her skin. Green eyes sparkled with endurance as she approached the apartment that she stayed in, in Germany while she was on a break from Durmstrang. Once she fiddled with the keys, she opened the front door of her apartment on the third floor, and she gazed around the flat. One could tell that it was definitely Raven's apartment. Her father bought it for her, and it was scattered with many paintings and other art supplies. Scattered around the house, over the furniture draped with plastic to keep the paint from ruining it. Great to be home, for a little while that is... thought the blonde for a moment before throwing her things to the side of the couch, and her green eyes washed over the scenery, before she wondered what she was going to do in here.

Raven combed her hair with her fingers before sitting on a stool, and brushing her legs that were covered with black leggings, her gray shirt long enough to cover her mid thighs, and then there was that black vest that was just very stylish in the muggle world. She liked both styles, so she did not mind it. Raven took off her heels and she rubbed lotion on her feet as well as massage them. Her door was barely open, but once she glanced up, a smile crossed her face. Raven rarely showed much emotion at all, and being known at Durmstrang as the 'Girl with No Feelings' it was rare to even see something like this on her face. She wondered what she was doing here. But her green eyes dimmed a bit, when she could see the conflicted emotions. Raven wanted to open her arms and just embrace the brunette. "Kalli, what is wrong?" murmured Raven with her Bulgarian accented voice. She jumped up from her stool, and she hoped that there was nothing seriously wrong. This girl was one of the only girls that knew of her love for art. Both of the girls had some harsh families, Raven had a male run on her father's side, and a female run on her mother's that was now deceased. She was entirely conflicted, her father being the Mighty Patriarch, and her mother being a Matriarch. It was obvious that she was destined for leadership, but many times Raven backed down from any seat of power. She did not want it, need it, she wanted to be on her own and wanted to paint the world.
Kallisto used to always tell herself that she could make it through anything that ever came between her and being happy about life. But she never really accounted for all the things that she couldn't why they had happened. Like she couldn't explain why people died. How to make someone fall in love with you, and she certainly couldn't explain why her boyfriend decided to dump her. From what she could tell their relationship was going completely fine. Nothing had even seemed slightly wrong with anything about their relationship. They were going out on date's a few nights a week, they never fought about anything, heck it even went as far as to say that Kallisto had gotten intimate with him. It had all been perfect since the day she met him during one of her drawing seminar's in the city. They both bonded over the proper drawing technique of a palm tree and she was utterly stumped when she found out that he wasn't good at a scenery drawer either. Kallisto had to have him after that and it didn't take her long for her pretty face to get a hold of him. It didn't take her long to fall for him either. But their relationship to him was probably utter crap in the end because not only did he cheat on her and let her find out the hard way, but then he dumped her right in front of the girl he cheated on her with. Because of this she hated him. Kallisto hated all men like him. They were disgusting pigs that only wanted to hurt poor girls like her. How could he of all people do this to her? He told her he loved her and would always be there for her. Little did she know that while she was giving up her life to make him happy, he was going behind her back screwing some ugly blonde. Kallisto should have killed them both. But she was being too nice and stomped off. To head to the first place her legs could carry her to.

Now here she was in front of Raven, at the younger woman's apartment looking like she had just lost her puppy or something. She was asked what was wrong and before she knew it a squeaky sob escaped Kallisto's tall stature. Her tattooed arms came to wipe the tears from her knit shirt and she tried to bite out what was wrong. I hate men Raven. I hate them." She gasped out through her smallish sobs that gave away her hurt. Boys always pulled her hair when she was younger, broke her things, they were too rough, and they were certainly the worst half of the relationships. Her eyes lifted to Raven and with purpled orbs building up with tears she shook her head. Her black locks flying around her face wildly. "My boyfriend cheated on me, then dumped my right in front of the girl he cheated on me with." Kallisto explained as she choked back another sob and leaned against the wall. There should be no tears over a guy like that but she had liked him at one point too. Men were absolutely disgusting these days.
Raven never thought that she would see the day that Kallisto would be involved with a male. Raven never really told her how to be actually. She never liked men anyways, and did not know what was wrong with her. Late puberty or something? Maybe she was destined to be alone, like her late mother was for the most part. But she liked her father enough to love him, and want to be around him. And then she died in childbirth. Liyla was a good mother to Raven, even though she gave her a name she hated which was why she was always going by her middle name. Raven made sure that her blonde hair was intact as her green eyes stared into pools of purple. They were entirely beautiful, and she wondered what could be causing her friend so much harm. Raven really felt for her, and wanted her to be happy with someone, or just be happy without dropping art. Raven might have been good at painting scenery but she was not good at anything other than that. Sure, she made pottery and stuff, but she loved making it colorful too. Raven narrowed her green eyes when she heard the sob escape Kallisto, and Raven bit her tongue. Oh no, what happened? She waited for an explanation, because it had to be quite large for Kallisto to be really upset like this. Raven frowned and she hoped that whomever did this wrong would die and burn for all eternity, because no one deserved this. It was not until Kallisto said that she hated men through small sobs, when Raven had an idea of what was going on. Men, they ruined everything.

They did not deserve most women, if not all. They were the worst. Sure, she had brothers and stuff, but they seemed to be legit and all right. But no one else. Anyone that did not have the grace to have her blood running through their veins just did not deserve to live. Raven approached her a little more when she heard the biggest part of the news. He cheated on her? On top of that, dumped her? No no, no one does that to Kallisto and gets away with it. Raven pulled the brunette into a tight embrace, her hand caressing through Kallisto's gorgeous hair. Raven murmured, "I am so sorry, Kallisto. You are so much better than her, and you don't deserve the treatment." Raven placed her hands on Kallisto's shoulders, before she stared at her in pure beautiful purple eyes. Raven was angry, almost jealous even that someone managed to get this close to Kallisto just to harm her in the end. Raven would never hurt her however. She would never let that happen. Raven murmured, "Men are undeserving of such beautiful creatures such as ourselves. Let's sit down and see what we can do about this." Raven walked over to the couch, and she realized that it was just too messy. Taking Kallisto's hand, Raven led her into her bedroom which was decorated with paintings, and the colors were green and purple. She patted the bed, as she sat down on the zebra printed blankets. "Now, we need to make him pay." But how could they do it? Raven wanted to help out, and she wanted Kallisto to feel better. Both hated men, so what now?
Kallisto was a little surprised to be hugged by Raven. Especially because she rarely ever got hugs from anyone when she was really upset, and second because the blonde in the room didn't seem like the type to go around giving people hugs for stuff. But she smiled softly and tried to suck up the tears. She felt her hair being caressed and she was suddenly reminded of the way her used to stroke her hair when she was really little and had a nightmare in the middle of the night. But that hadn't happened in years so Kallisto sort of missed the feeling. The feeling of having some give a rat's ass in general about her or her feelings. Her parents had stopped caring about her years ago, her siblings were all gone and off somewhere where she couldn't find them or talk to them when she needed someone to comfort her. "You don't have to be sorry. It's not like it's your fault that he cheated on me or anything. I know I don't deserve such treatment but like..I can't help but wonder, what did I do wrong?" She breathed out and went up to wipe at her eyes quickly. They still leaked out at a slow pace but she was beginning to feel a little bit better. At least someone cared about her feelings or her not being happy so that was enough to make her feel a little bit less like she was nothing but crap and everything. When Raven pulled away she looked into Kallisto's eyes, she seemed to like them which caused the dark haired girl to turn a light shade of red. It sometimes bothered her when people stared at her eyes because she knew that they were abnormal and stuff. Kallisto always felt like she was being judged of poorly or as some sort of freak because they weren't normal for anyone to really have. Though Kallisto swore that she saw more and more people with mis-colored eyes every day. Even though she knew that it wasn't a common feature and sometimes she wished that she had normal eyes like everyone else did. Even if they did make her stand out.

"I really liked him though. I wanted him for years and when I finally got him...I thought everything was going s-s-so perfect. But I guess I m-must have missed s-something." When some people cried they stuttered and couldn't pronounce words really easily. Kallisto was one of those people that had a heard time speaking and crying at the same time. She wasn't even really crying either. Just sniffling and trying to catch her bearings so she could speak with Raven and not sound like a bloody mess while she did it. Raven took a hold of Kallisto's hand and started to take her somewhere. Where/what this place was that they were going to was unknown to her but when they entered a bedroom it took her less than a moment to figure out that they were in Raven's bedroom. It was really nicely decorated and Kallisto smiled as she sat down an idly viewed the room. Her eyes widened slightly and she flicked them over to Raven. Her darkened hair floating around her like a cape. Her eyebrow slowly rose itself up so that she was staring at Raven with such a blank but curious look. "Make him pay? Like get revenge on him or something?" She wasn't horrified by it being mentioned, but she had never heard of someone opt for revenge. She also never thought of ever getting revenge on a person before. The thought of her actually being cruel was a little bit foreign and a little bit out of her character. Or was it?
It never occurred to Raven that she would have never comfort someone unless she really deserved it. Raven may not have been lovable and all, but she only showed affection when the time called for it. And this time, Kallisto was the first to experience it. She was just hoping that everything would end up fine for the older brunette. Raven was glad that the tears had slowed a little bit and that alone let her know that she was doing a good job with comforting her best friend. Raven listened to the words that came from Kallisto's lips, and she may not have to be sorry and it was not her fault, but she could have done something about it to have prevented it. Perhaps she would have been able to see it coming in the long run actually. The Durmstrang student shook her head, and her long, blonde locks fell around her shoulders as her head went from side to side. Raven replied softly, "You did nothing wrong. Obviously, that boy knew nothing about how great you are and how awesome you can be. Kallisto, I think it might have been because the boy probably was mentally retarded." She rolled her emerald green eyes. How could someone do this to someone so wonderful as her friend? How could someone be that heartless? Cheating on someone was bad enough but then dumping another was even worse at the same time. Raven took a moment to collect it that the brunette was blushing at one point. Why would her friend start blushing when Raven was staring through into her eyes? Was there something wrong? Raven decided that she would not worry too much over it right now anyway. It might have been a trick of her eye or something. She would just dismiss it right now. Raven hoped that she would not be bothered by it, but hoped that it did not bother the brunette.

Kallisto spoke even more and she started stuttering a bit as well. She was saddened by the fact that Kallisto really liked the man, and then there was something else as well. Something small, but it was negative and that was not what Kallisto right now. Kallisto needed some comfort, and she really wished she knew what it was like so that she could say something better to lighten the mood up a little more than what it was now. Raven murmured, "I wished that I knew what it was like, so that I could give you the best advise to help you get over him. But like I said before, he doesn't deserve you, and he sounds more worthless than a mudblood." The room itself was rather roomy and all, but the colors were something unique. She liked the colors green and purple, even though it never crossed her that she had green eyes and then Kallisto had purple eyes. Raven folded her legs underneath her as she slipped off her shoes so that she would not have her shoes all over the queen sized bed. Raven saw the blank look and then she seemed almost curious. Raven smirked lightly, a darker look washing over her smooth and beautiful face. Raven nodded and her voice was soft but there was ice as well as it was darker than before, "Yes, revenge." Her eyes seemed to have flashed a little a darker green. Though she did not know what that should be anyway. "How badly did the boy hurt you? Don't you want him to make him suffer for hurting you and making you feel humiliated?" The way that Raven was playing this out, it was just too good for it to really pass up. The opportunity would have to arise, and spark her interest. But what would they do? It had to be something because that boy did not even deserve to live. Raven allowed her arm to support her weight on the bed, as she waited for Kallisto's response.
This wouldn't have been half as awkward as it currently was if Kallisto hadn't done stuff with her boyfriend not too long before she found out that he was cheating on her. Should she even mention that to Raven or should she just keep her mouth shut and keep feeling sorry for herself and everything? "Um Raven, I need to confess something before you keep defending me like you are." Kallisto started and brushed some of her black hair behind her ears and looked down at the floor for a moment. Being raised up as a proper lady in society she thought that going into sexual activity before marriage and with a guy that she had not properly introduced into her family was as close to a sin as it could get. That made it harder to admit to Raven too because so far she was being the nicest that anyone had been to her and she didn't want that to get messed up because a boy lied to her and promised her the world to do things with him. She was impure because of him and a part of her didn't know whether it was acceptable that he lived on after doing that and breaking her heart. It was unfair to her to go through all of this when she tried so hard to be a good girlfriend to him. "I um, slept with him..only once though. That's what makes this hurt so much more. He took something of mine that I can never get back. Can you still really say that I have done nothing?" Kallisto had to force the tears away once again because she didn't want to start crying again and possible get onto Raven's nerves and everything. At the current standings she was the only one who knew of her predicament and she was the only one nice enough to care about whether or not Kallisto managed through this or not. Of all the times she wished Kasura was actually around it was now. Kasura would have told her like it was and there was always going to be a time when a little sister needed advice from her big sister. It would never been filled either, but right now at least Kallisto had Raven to talk to.

"Don't you dare wish that you knew what it's like to suffer through this, Raven! Because it really sucks." Kallisto told the girl sitting next to her sternly. Although this was overall Raven's decision to feel how she wanted to feel about things, one would never want to suffer from an actual heartbreak. It stung like a million bee's stinging someone all over their body or something. Even if she wanted to offer some real advice to Kallisto, she should never wish that upon herself. Even the mightiest of ruler's could not handle the harmful nature of a heartbreak. Then Raven started to talk about getting revenge and Kallisto raised her tattooed arms to run her fingers through her hair absently like a brush or a comb. Though the blonde had a point Kallisto wasn't sure how anyone could get revenge on another person without getting caught in the first place. "Well sure I want him to suffer. I want him to suffer a lot, but I don't exactly know how I'd get him back at all. I'm not so good at this revenge stuff." Kallisto puckered out her lip before she bit down on it and sighed. Sure she was creative and everything, but her mind was nothing short of empty of plans. Hopefully Raven would have one then.
Raven was halted in her thoughts about Kallisto when she said that she needed to confess something. Did Kallisto cheat on him too? That would be the only occasion where Raven would stop defending her. At least the only thing that did come into her mind anyway. She brushed her blonde hair to the side, and her emerald green eyes searched Kallisto's purple eyes, looking for the answer that she was trying to find. Before she would have to say it at least. Oh how she wished she was a Legilimens right now. It would save her the agony of having to wait seconds before Kallisto would reveal. Then the bomb was dropped, and Raven's lips parted because she was in shock. Kallisto slept with the boy too? But in her mind, it was not Kallisto that was in the wrong. Raven still felt something negative about it. That was when she found out what to call it, jealousy. She was jealous of this boy, for being able to do so many things with Kallisto. Raven never really thought about it however, except now. Why she was so accepting of a friend when she turned everyone else away. Why she was drawn to Kallisto and only gave her physical affection, and then mental attention. Always lending an ear for her to listen to. And a shoulder now to cry on. Raven shook her head and she said, "All the more reason for him to have worshiped your feet. You allowed him to touch you, to kiss you and all that, and this is how he repays you? Tears and the feeling of being defiled? No, this is not the way it should be, Kali." Raven seemed a little on edge now, but she scooted a little closer to her on the bed, and placed a hand on her shoulder, to comfort her.

"I already know a lot of pain anyway. I know what it is like to lose a mother, so it can't be much worse than that. I really wished I knew how to help you completely and not just go about assuming," Raven shrugged, almost sadly. She wanted to be able to empathize, but then again, did she really want to know how it felt to have her heart ripped out and stomped on like an aluminum can. Raven may not really want to know what it feels like, but she wanted to help Kallisto back on her feet in any way possible. Raven folded her hands on her lap, before she closed her green eyes in thought. Kallisto was not too good on revenge stuff, but neither was Raven right now. Opening her eyes again, she turned to look at the brunette when she repeated in her mind that she wanted the man to suffer. Raven murmured, "We will make him suffer, Kallisto Malkov. We will make sure that he wished that he had never been born." Raven brushed some hair out of Kallisto's face, her hand lingering on the side of her head. Raven was just so close, and then she did something that was just out of pure instinct. Raven softly pressed her lips against Kallisto's in a gentle, warm kiss. Raven never acted like someone that crushed on another, but it was apparent that Raven liked Kallisto; she was jealous over that boy, she opened up only to her, it was quite obvious that Raven had feelings for her. Raven pulled away softly, and a clever idea came to mind. However, before she could voice it, she would have to see if Kallisto even liked being kissed by a girl. Not just any girl, but Raven Mirayinov, someone who was risking their friendship just over one kiss.
So she was still being defended by Raven? Even though she had pretty much let him trick her into giving up something that she never should have in the first place. It wasn't the way it should be but it wasn't like she could help herself from being negative and harsh on herself. She felt like an idiot and she felt like it was something that she did that made him cheat. What gave the man the right to think it was all right to just go ahead and do things behind their woman's back and mess around with another woman? What made them even consider that maybe it was okay to do that sort of thing to someone and think that it was no big deal and they would get over it in the end. "I still feel like there was something I could have done Raven. My mother told me that men were difficult because they lost their interest too quickly. But then again my older sister used to tell me that they were just dumb in general and there was no woman that could fix the problems they cause people. I don't know Raven...I'm just confused and I really wish I had just never met him." Kallisto sighed and glanced at the hand that landed onto her shoulder. It would have been way to easy to say that she was very unlucky right now but only a fool would say that this was the end for her. Kallisto still had a lot going for her and even she knew that much. Smiling at Raven she tried to let her know that she was extremely thankful that someone was here to listen to her confession and her words. She acted very good in Kasura's place and that was good for a friendship in order for it to last. But now they had to face a recovery phase and Kallisto wasn't sure if Raven would be willing to go that far for her friend, because it was rough.

"Yeah, but at least you knew that your mother loved you. You knew that to her you'd always be perfect and that she would be proud of you always. With him I could never tell that and now that he's gone and done this, I know what he really thinks." Kallisto poked her lower lip out and sighed under her breath softly. She didn't mean to sound so negative either but she was hurting and she felt so used right now. Then she felt her friend beside her brush some of her hair out of her face. This felt a little weird and not to mention a little bit close but she assumed it was just because her friend was trying to comfort her and everything. Raven reflected carefully on herself and how she needed to get revenge on her ex boyfriend and suddenly that was when a bomb was dropped on the whole situation. Raven was suddenly kissing Kallisto and the purple eyed girl widened her eyes until the kiss was broken where she then just sat there. " that how we are supposed to get revenge?" Kallisto didn't yell because she wasn't really sure what was up and if that was supposed to happen in the first place. Why would Raven want to kiss her like that?
Raven could not help but defend a girl in need. The boy had tricked her into sexual intercourse, and that was just not good at all. Raven did not think that it was fair on Kallisto's part. Raven moved her blonde hair over her shoulder, and she hoped that Kallisto did not think that she do anything in order to get the boy to cheat on her. Raven allowed her green eyes to stay on the spread on the bed for the time period. She shook her head when she said that there was something that she could have done. Raven informed, "The only thing that could have been done was dumping him on the side of the road. Your older sister is right though. Men cause a lot more problems than they are worth. They are better off just being sperm donors and leaving us females alone." Raven really had a thing against the men, and she just liked her family which were her brothers and her cousins and only them alone. Raven really did not like dealing with men at all. Raven preferred to stick alone or with a close circle of friends. She had no idea if there was anyone else that she wanted to deal with them anyway. Raven really only preferred some people with her company anyway. She only liked Kallisto in her home now anyway. She only trusted her in her home, and seeing her paintings. They were both artists and just had so much in common, it was just amazing to the young blonde.

With her green eyes bowed slightly, she knew that her mother loved her and all, and so did her family, but there was just so much pressure. Her mother once wanted her to lead the Mirayinov family into the next generation of females, but she did not want that at all. Raven shook her head, "Not really. My mom, she kind of... She was a little on the nuts side cause she was in love with a man that could not love. Anyways, that boy does not have a smart thought in his head, and you need to know that." But the fact remained a mystery as to why he had done it other than the fact that he was mentally retarded, but there was another issue now. Why did Raven kiss her best friend? Why did those warm feelings in her stomach never go away? Raven bit her lip and she smirked a bit, before she hopped off the bed, and she paced her bedroom. Raven beamed, "I don't know why I did that, but well, it felt right, so apologies. However, every boy's dream is to get in bed with a woman, sometimes they would love it if they had two women." Raven shifted her emerald green eyes over to Kallisto and thought that she was a genius. Raven continued, "So, what we do, is simple. Lure him in here thinking he will get a treat by really screwing two beautiful girls, but really, we end up taking revenge, and ending that maggot's life!" Raven had no idea how literal Kallisto would take it, but it could be done, could it not?

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