Sara needs a crush

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
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12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Ok so Sara is a nice girl, but she's not a pushover. Presently she is being bullied and she has always had some self-esteem issues. She things she is ugly and she will take a while to realise it. She isn't a pushover and won't let people walk all over her. She needs a crush, or maybe a boyfriend-since she is only eleven. It would be more of those cute little kid things-you know. It would be someone her age or maybe say, a year older? So, any takers??

Heyy There,

I can offer you this guy. Stefan Archer. He's colourblind and
very quiet. He finds it harder than most to see the beauty in
things, but can be a great listener, and sympathetic. He'd be
wary of her at first, so they would have to be friends first.
But, I think, even if it was brief, that they could make a good
So what do you think?
This guy (Michael) can be like a older brother to her but they are close friends and he wont let any one hurt her and that sort of thing
Cool guys- I'd say that her and Stefan could be good, but he might think her strange at the start, because she is kind of dramatic as she loves drama, but she calms down after a while and I think Michael is a great idea. It would work because Sara has a twin-who is more reserved, but also more sure of herself and Sara is quiet vulnerable and insecure at times-so that could be good. So, how shall we go about starting these rps?
Hey there Maia,

Lolz, I kinda only just remembered that I had Gabby here, I dunno what you think, but maybe she could be like a mentor of sorts if you want, coz she is two years older and has been in the school longer, she'd know about secret passages and stuff that Sara doesn't Lolz, and I kinda need to get her out there :( I completely forgot she existed :shy: Lolz
Yeah, Sara had a mentor-but it kind of drifted off into nothingness so it would be good for her to have someone older to talk to who is a girl. She is fitting in well, but still gets a bit lost and confused as she isn't fully used to magic yet. So Gabrielle would be great!
Awesome I'll start a topic and pm you. I'll say they have already met and that Gabby agreed to be a sort of mentor for her. Sara can go to her for anything ok kool.

Okay, Awesome.
Would you like to start a topic or shall I?
Could you because I have alot of topics going on?? please?
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