Sapphire *cringe* Cahill

OOC First Name
This is a Character Development. And it's all written in First Person, by the lovely Sapphire Cahill herself. Questions would be adored!
(Sapphire tends to be a little patronizing, so bear with me)

Full Name:
- My name’s Sapphire. I don’t even want to know what my parents were smoking when they named me that. It’s a stupid jewel name, but my parents went jewel-naming-crazy for me and my sisters. At least Emerald can call herself Emmy, which is an okay name. You can’t get many decent nicknames out of Sapphire either. People call me Saph or Saphy. I don’t particularly adore those nicknames
, but whatever, there’s not much I can do about it. Last name's Cahill. It's a last name. It will probably get changed if I get married, that is a big 'if'. Cahill means battle. I don't really know much about the last name. I don't find it that important. Middle name. Don't have one. Okay, I lied. Jezebel. You can't blame a person for hating their middle name.

Date of Birth:
- My birthday's June the twentieth. If people forget that, they will be shot.

Current Age:
- I'm eleven. That's like ten years old plus one birthday, for all you morons out there.

Basic Appearance:
- My appearance, one of my favourite subjects. Not. Why do you even want to know this? You have eyes, don't you? Okay, okay, I'll describe! Pushy...

Let’s start off with the basics than, shall we? I’m 5”2,
which is about as close to average as I think I could ever get. I have brown hair and green eyes. My eyes are a little rounder than most people’s eyes apparently, and a weird dark purple colour, which is probably just the light. My hair always looks windblown. But still, nothing overly special. Just insanely average.

I'm ‘lucky’ enough to have clear skin. Pretty pale, too, but I don't
know if that's lucky. Most people don't think so. A lot of the stupid girls back home think that there’s nothing more important than having a tan. I’ll bet that they don't know that a few hundred years ago, a tan meant you were so poor you had to work outside, deeming you a peasant and unworthy of beauty. Plus, tanned people have a higher chance of getting cancer. Anyway.

I’m not really that pretty, or so I’ve been told. My sisters are a lot prettier than me. Honestly, I do not care if I’m gorgeous or not. I actually prefer looking average. My least favourite feature of my
body is my ears. They are kind of gigantic. And pointed, like and elf’s ears too. I always wear my hair down for that reason.

Um, can we move on now?

- Who am I? That’s a really great question actually. Fantastic. I'm still trying to figure that out myself, actually. I can't believe that you actually want to know what's in my head. Scary place...

Am I good? Well, I've never considered myself a nice person, but I haven't thought of myself as a mean one either. I'm just not a people person. Mother likes to use the word apathetic. She just likes to use big
words that nobody cares about. I like big words too, just a bit. It’s a stupid trait that I inherited from her. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. But I’m guessing that you want to know stuff about me. You already know that I don’t like people, right? Wrong. People are a little boring sometimes, but you do need them to survive. I’m not a total loner (though I sometimes wish I could be), mum made sure of that. I can be friendly if I want to be. The fact that I usually don’t want to be friendly is irrelevant. I guess I’d describe myself as rebellious and sarcastic. Cynical, also. Pessimistic, sceptical and contemptuous are other words that have been used to describe me. Oh, and some say that I’m a little patronising (that means I talk down to people). They’re just words though, so whatever.

- You want to know about my family? Are you kidding me?
Well apart from being the biggest bunch of kooks*.... Sorr-ee! Honestly, why on earth do I have to do this. I have a mother. And I have a father. Yes, very good. Most people have those things, see. I live with my mother and my step-father. You still with me? So, yes, my parents are not together. They are not divorced. Mother dearest gave birth to me when she was eighteen. I don't know my father, but I know who he is. He works at some stupid psychiatry place. I would love to get an appointment there and tell him that I have abandonment issues. But, whatever. He's not important.

I have an older foster sister called Topaz and a younger sister called Emerald. I also have two lovely step-sisters, Opal and Jade, who are twins. And
then there is baby Ruby. All of them have jewel names. It is rather sickening. Ah well, I have a cousin named Cinderella.

You could say that I have an interesting relationship with my family. Mother hates me. She says that I am a waste of space, should act more like a lady, blah blah blah. I don't like her either, so it's okay. She makes me call her mother, not mum or mom or anything. She says she feels old if I do. The best way to describe her is 'a self-absorbed, high maintenance control freak'. That sums her up almost perfectly. She's a ballerina, so apparently she's allowed to be self-absorbed.

Step-father, who's name is Derick, is okay. If I
set fire to the house, he won't ground me. I know this from experience. We tolerate each other, but that's really all I can say. He's pretty chilled. He would have to be to deal with mother.

My sisters are... Well, let's start with Tope. Topaz is the closest of all my siblings. Technically, she's a foster kid and not my sister. She is the daughter of one of mother's friends who died, so that's why she lives with us. She's not bad, for a beauty queen. She doesn't like it when I talk about mother and stuff. I guess it's 'cos her own mum died or something.

Emmy's nice... Too nice. I swear, that girl is the most friendly person in the universe. She annoys me, but she's not too bad. Opal and Jade are just weird. Jade is the most
stuck-up snob I have ever met. We don't talk to each other, which suits me fine. Opal's a little bit dizzy. She's always off in her own little world. She's nice enough and doesn't mind when I rant on about mother though.

*kooks, a derisive term that Sapphire likes to use to describe her family and other idiots. She has many more derisive names for people. Insulting people seems to be one of her hobbies.

- I have no pets whatsoever. I used to have a goldfish, but
the family cat ate it. Then the cat got hit by a truck. After that = no pets. I wouldn't mind a puffskein though, just because they are wizarding pets and mother would hate it. Or maybe an owl... I wouldn't mind getting a pygmy owl or something. Or maybe a goat, so it would eat my homework.

Area of Residence:
- Born in New Zealand, in a super-awesome place called Thames. Mother hated it there, so we moved to Sydney. We live in Sydney now, but travel every holidays. If I get to pick which
country we go to next, I'm picking somewhere that mother would hate. Maybe the Outback...

Blood Status:
- I don't know! I'm going to say muggle born, but I don' t know what dad is.

- British and Irish. Apparently I have traces of an Irish accent.

Special Abilities:
- None?

Interests or Hobbies:
- Don't tell anyone, or I will have to shoot you, but I like dancing. I love ballet. I'm good at it too. Only I would never let mother know this, because ballet is her thing, and she would turn my life into total ballet hell. I'm not joking. She would pull me out of Hogwarts to go to some
dance academy, though I'm not sure how bad that would be. But still, she'd expect me to be the best dancer that the world has ever seen. I like dancing as a hobby, not a career. I love to surf too. Living in Sydney does have its perks such as the beach.

Additional Skills:
- Seriously? How should I know that? I dunno, I'm pretty good at climbing trees? And I'm flexible?

- My strength is my wit and athletic ability. And my ability to not totally explode at people who annoy me. I can be calm... Sometimes.

- I have none.
[writer intervention] Obviously, Sapphire here has many
weaknesses, such as being close-mind and arrogance. The fact that she won't admit that she has weaknesses is a weakness too. I would have to say that her disrespect for authority is a huge weakness too.

Describe your character in three words:
- Arrogant, sarcastic, loner

Favourite place to be:
- I would say hands down, the beach in Sydney, but it gets crowded heaps. There's a room in our house than never gets used, so I made it into a mini ballet studio with a barre and everything. That could probably be my favourite place.

- Friends? Who needs friends when you can have enemies? Plus, I have a notebook, what more do I really need?

Hogwarts House:
- I'm unsorted. I don't see the big deal with houses. I might be in Gryffindor or Slytherin, but I really don't care.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Are you kidding me? Ambitions? Hoping the place
catches on fire, for one thing!
[writer intervention] Little pyromaniac, Saphy... She does want friends at Hogwarts, and some non-embarrassing grades would be loved by her.

Best school subjects:
- School hasn't started yet

Worst school subjects:
- Read above

Extracurricular Activities:
- Seriously? You want me to actually participate in things in my own time? What have you been smoking?

- Sometime in th far off future.

Current Job:
- Dude, I'm eleven! I don't have a job!

Plans for your future:
- Don't even ask. Not a ballet dancer. Not a wizarding career either, methinks.


Your Patronus:
- Uhh.. maybe a cat? They symbolize independence
and stuff, and I'm pretty independent.

Your Patronus memory:
- Being given ballet shoes from Topaz. Sneakers are impossible to do ballet in, and I really didn't think Topaz would care about it. We became closer after that.

Your Boggart:
- Bees. I'm allergic to bee stings. Spiders are also pretty scary.

Your Animagus:
- Well, I'm not an Animagus, am I? So really, what does it matter? Okay, okay... I'd be a wolf or a fox. No reason, I'm just saying I'd rather be one of those over something else.

Mirror of Erised:
- I would probably see myself being prettier. Well, not prettier exactly. I wouldn't look any different, but people would see me as being prettier...
[writer intervention] Sapphire really wants her mother to tell her that she's pretty. A vain dream, yes, but it is what Sapphire wants more than anything.

A page from your diary:
- [writer intervetion] Leaving blank because the rest of this Development is like a diary. (And I honestly couldn't be bothered. xD )
Hi there, Saph! Wow, you seem to have Sapphire pretty figured out. I do have plenty of questions, though. :) I like how you did this in first person, it was quite interesting to read- and it really gave me a good feel for what Saph is like.

1. Why did Saph's parents give her and her sisters jewel names? Any particular reason?

2. Why does Saph have pointed ears? She's human, isn't she?

3. Why is Topaz named after a jewel if she's a foster child?

4. What's Saph's mother's name?

5. You say under the personality section that Saph isn't a total loner, but later on, when you describe your character in three words, you say that she is a loner. Why the contradiction?

6. Why is Jade such a snob?

7. How does Saph feel about being a Slytherin? What does she think of Hogwarts now?

That's it for now. I'm sure I'll have more later. ^_^
Questions! W00tz! :lol:

1. Why did Saph's parents give her and her sisters jewel names? Any particular reason?
Katerina (Sapphire's mother) and Clara (Topaz's mother) were best friends growing up and they agreed to name any daughters they had after jewels. It was a friendship thing, and a way of being unique.

2. Why does Saph have pointed ears? She's human, isn't she?
She is human, yes. Her ears are slightly pointed simply because of genetics. They aren't overly noticeable, but Sapphire is quite an insecure girl and thinks that they are.

3. Why is Topaz named after a jewel if she's a foster child?
See question 1.

4. What's Saph's mother's name?
Katerina Lynn Cahill.

5. You say under the personality section that Saph isn't a total loner, but later on, when you describe your character in three words, you say that she is a loner. Why the contradiction?
Saph would choose to be alone rather than with other people, but Katerina didn't want her daughter not to be popular. If Saph had the choice, she would be a loner.

6. Why is Jade such a snob?
She thinks that she's better than everyone because she's the eldest twin, and she's also used to getting what she wants. Opal would have been similar to her, but Opal is just a very nice person (albeit, not too bright).

7. How does Saph feel about being a Slytherin? What does she think of Hogwarts now?
Saph didn't really care what house she was in the first place, so it doesn't make a world of difference to her that she's in Slytherin. She finds Hogwarts interesting, neither good or bad. She still hasn't made up her mind about whether or not she likes it.
Good answers. ^_^

1. So, why does Saph want to be a loner?

2. What are Saph's best subjects (at Hogwarts,) or what do you think will be her best subjects?

3. Why do Katerina and Saph have such a bad relationship? How is Katerina with her other children, and if her relationship with them is different, why doesn't she treat Saph the same?

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