James listened as Kiera spoke about how much her mother's changed not quite sure if he believed that though he would like for them all to be one happy family even if that didn't seem likely to happen. It was interesting to think about how spoiled their child was likely to become considering how both James' family and Kiera's family going to respond to them. Everything changed however once he heard Kiera cry out in pain, his eyes followed her's as he saw the blood. James felt himself turn pale as the blood seemed to rush from his body as well as his wife's. James grabbed his wife before she fainted "don't worry, it's going to be alright" James said to his wife as he focused, they had to get to Saint Mungo's so that his wife could be looked at. James held his wife close as he thought about Saint Mungo's in London, it would be difficult but he would try to take her there, hopefully the person that meant most to him could be helped. James closed his eyes and focused hard as he felt the sensation that came with apparating take over both himself and his wife, the next few hours would be a tornado of information and waiting.
James sat in the dark room next to his wife, his eyes were red and his family stood next to him feeling the pain that he suffered as he waited for his wife to wake from her sleep. It was hard to think about, Kiera had lost the baby and was lucky to be alive. It all seemed to happen so suddenly and without proper reason, James didn't understand however he did grieve. James grieved for the loss of the baby and the future that had been theirs for only a brief moment, James grieved for the pain that he knew his wife would feel when she woke to find that the life that had been growing inside of her was no more. Ravyn was on her way but it didn't matter, nothing seemed to matter to James at the moment as James placed his hands over his face and breathed into them once more. It felt as though he had been doing that for the last several years instead of hours and he seemed to only want it to stop, to go back to the morning so that he could do something, anything to save their world. James removed his hands as he looked down at his wife remembering what it was that the Healers had told him, complications, time, nothing could've been done.