Sam's Absence

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Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Hello, my fellow Hnz-ers!

I regret in saying that for the next couple of weeks I won't be on as much :-W . I have big exams (in RL :( ) coming up. Depending on my will power to study I may not be on daily. I'll try and get on as much as possible

I apoligise to those who I am RPing with and to my Professors (who may only receive attendence posts now =-/ ) I know the year has only started and what not.

Once my exams are over, I'll be back on daily! ( Cause I love you guys :wub: )

Sorry about all of this,
Sam ;-)
Good luck Sam, hope you ace the exam, dont worry about the attendance posts, you can always post in make up work :) See you soon,

Tom/Mike :rofl:
Awww I'll miss you in the few weeks that you have to spend studying instead of on HNZ. We will think about you ^_^
But really good luck on exams :)

Aw Sam, it's understandable for you to have to study.
Kick butt on your exams and hurry back to us! ^_^

Good luck! :)

Aww Sam, that's lousy.

Good luck on your exams, as much as it pains me to say this, real life does come first.

See you soon, sure you will ace the exams

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