Open Safety Concerns

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Helios Obasi

kid brother | scaredy cat
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (13)
Helios was not particularly keen on parties, and this ball was no different. He was wearing the suit that his sister had packed for him, but was glancing around the room in some deep concern. The music was definitely too loud, everyone was too close together, all the food and drinks tables could not be safe. None of this could be safe. it couldn't be. The hufflepuff was searching around looking for a chaperone or someone that he could take his complaints about this dance to.
Kyousuke didn't really like balls in particular. He didn't know why he'd decided to go, except that he thought it might be a good look to show face. His dad had packed a suit for him anyway, and maybe he could lie and say he went when he didn't but that didn't feel right. He was watching everyone - people dancing, people talking - but no one he really knew that well. He felt out of place, and the music was far too loud for his tastes. Kyousuke found someone who was in his year who he'd never really spoken to - and he looked like he was maybe looking for someone. Although Kyousuke didn't think he could really help, he decided to ask after him anyway. "Are you alright?" Kyousuke asked, his voice a little monotone and face somewhat expressionless.
Helios was stopped by one of the smart kinds of his class. A slytheirn. he nodded his head, and then paused and seemed to think about it before half nodding. "Well, I'm looking for a professor, but I'm fine," he said. "The music is too loud, the food and drink is just all out with no one watching, and the room is really busy," he said, explaining exactly what he needed the professor for.
Kyousuke agreed about the music, but the rest of it sounded odd. "Is there a problem with food not being watched?" Kyousuke asked skeptically. What did this kid think would happen, that someone would come along and spike everything? The idea hadn't occurred to Kyousuke but now it had and for a moment he felt silly for trusting that the food would be fine. Then he second-guessed himself; no, it was more ridiculous to assume someone would be bothered to interfere with the food. He couldn't help but think this student would be wasting a professor's time.
Helios nodded. "Well yeah," he said. "There are multiple kids touching at it, with no hand cleaning stations, and what if I grab a chocolate cookie, get some chocolate on my hand and accidently then get it on an oatmeal biscuit, and then someone else comes along who has a chocolate allergy and picks up the biscuit with no chocolate and then has a reaction because I spread chocolate," he said, with a completely straight tone, as if this was the logical thing that would happen.
Kyousuke blinked. This boy had obviously thought things through to an extent that even Kyousuke hadn't anticipated. He was taken aback for a moment, not responding straightaway but taking a brief pause. "I don't know about that," Kyousuke said slowly, not quite confident. "Also there's professors around. If that happened, it'd be fixed quickly. Allergies aren't that difficult to deal with." Kyousuke gathered more confidence as he spoke, certain that everything was above board at the ball. Though a small, niggling doubt had entered his mind.
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