Sadi on bird Watch

Liam Madden

Active Member
With a bucket set in front of him and the flocks of many citizens walking by, Liam Madden had no shame being a beggar. In fact he was the top beggar when he was here, some place in London, England. Wherever it was, Liam gave to shits about what they thought of him. He collected dough to make him think that way. His pocket every night left almost full, but never did he solicited the place twice in a row. It was always some place else the next day, he came back to the spot when he was running low on funds. His pocket maybe full at some point during the day, however his clothes were never fancy, nor did he kept up with his looks hardly. He look homely rocking his long jacket, that had holes in every place you can imagine, except his pockets. He look run down, but smell fine, his face was clear of dirt or stains of any kind. He wore a hat flip backwards and gloves that covered his hand, they were soft but he hid that away too. Liam maybe out of wits sometimes but the man was smart. His knowledge was vast out here, but his ways were twisted and sadistic to call him sane.

You'll know why when he gets to know you a little better. For now he pose as beggar on the streets, accepting every name of the book from those taunting him, till he snaps and that's when you know his indifferent side that some are afraid to know of. Otherwise he was fine when you left him alone and gave him a few pounds to make his pocket heavy. He appreciate it very much when you did that, a man had to live some how.
Tempest was happy to find herself free from school. The young Durmstrang student hadn't really been there all that long, but already she had decided that the place kind of completely sucked. Or maybe that was just the cynic in her. Whatever it was, all Tempest knew was that she had the whole day to herself, and decided to floo to London. She'd never really been one for shopping, preferring to spend her time practicing routines, but everyone was allowed to make exceptions when they felt like it. Walking through the streets of a town fairly new to her, she spotted a beggar not much further ahead; which to be honest, took the sheltered girl by surprise. Tempest was usually one to ignore the homeless. It wasn't that the girl was cruel, but as a child her parents had always made sure to hurry her past such people. She was a curious young girl, and Mr and Mrs Sun didn't exactly wish to encourage that. At least not in the form of befriending beggars. Today, however, Tem was unaccompanied, and she couldn't help but find herself straying from the path just a little. Fishing out a coin from the pocket of her coat, she flicked it into a man's collection bucket. Their eyes met briefly, and Tempest had to admit that her parents seemed to be right when they told her about how downright unnerving some people could be. She turned away quickly, glancing towards the row of cosy shops she hoped to get to sooner rather than later. "Have a nice day, or whatever."
Coins fell right into the bucket, metal hitting the tin can gather the man attention right away to the giver. Quickly he study the outline and small figure of the girl passing by, who had given away some funds, perhaps in pity of his appearance. The man allowed her to walk away, in a frequents of time, till that little voice inside of him to follow the innocent creature. Bouncing up to his feet, he stuff all the coins into his deep pockets, the coins rang sweet monotone to the crazed man ears. Finding the opportunity to stop her, he saw his chance when something small as lipsticks rolled onto the cracks sidewalks behind her while the girl continued to sauntered away. "Hey you, with the skirt" he pick up the small metal object inside was a tube stick for the pretty girl's lip. one he would probably like to see her wear before she left out of his life briefly as she came. He stop a short distant away, waiting for her to move, stop, or look back. He was waiting for his chance to grow bigger than it was at the current time.
A voiced called out to Tempest, speaking about her clothing almost uncomfortably suggestively. Why, on this of any day, did she have to wear something that showed off her legs? Usually she'd be found in baggy pants or shorts to dance in, but today she had uncharacteristically favoured a skirt. Not that the young girl wanted to believe that her choice of dress really had much to do with anything, but the fact was, people never noticed her when she was her tomboy self. Tempest couldn't decide if this was a good or bad thing. Stepping backwards to avoid the crowd of busy Londoners, she turned to face the guy that she had given money to just a few moments earlier. "Yeah?" she replied rather brusquely, not being the type of girl to take intimidation from anyone. Although, he was admittedly a rather creepy man, with the way he was staring at her in such a strange manner. A shiver rushing down the back of her neck, Tempest hoped that this encounter wouldn't last longer than necessary, and let her eyes drift towards the people around her. She needed to be sure that the situation she now found herself in was a safe one. You could be sure that this was the type of person Tempest would not be following down an alleyway any time soon.

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