Running Ragged

Kat grinned as Margo talked and had to fight back a giggle when the other girl said she talks too much. She did talk quite a lot, but Kat didn't mind. "We are pretty similar I suppose." She smiled as the girl described her best friend, Kat had never met the girl herself, actually she'd never even head of her before now. She wasn't quite sure how to respond so she simply smiled politely and said, "Odette sounds lovely, maybe I'll run across her sometime."

She paused for a moment and shrugged slightly "You're right, I would rather have a few close friends than a lot of only okay ones. But then, sometimes you have to go through a bunch of okay ones to find the right ones. I hope that made sense." She crinkled her nose and laughed lightly.

Kat was pulled haphazardly out of her chair once Margo realized she hadn't eaten yet. She barely managed to catch herself from toppling over into the other girl. "Woah!" She caught herself on the edge of the table as the dizziness from before came rushing back tenfold. She screwed her eyes shut, willing away the dizziness. "Uh sorry, I'll go with you, erm.. just give me a moment I'm just feeling a bit dizzy."

Kat stood there for a minute, fingers bone white as she clenched the table. After a moment she opened her eyes again and looked at Margo, blushing. "Erm... Sorry about that. Uhh.. let's go?" Her cheeks flushed even darker. She was so embarrassed that Margo, a girl she had just met, was there to witness that.

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