
Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
It was the holiday season in New Zealand, but Lyra Potter wasn't feeling particularly festive. The first anniversary of her mother's death was looming closer and closer with no real distractions in sight. Quidditch was on a break, and it was too much to be around her family for too long with the gaping hole Kiera had left in their lives. Link would normally have been her go to if she was looking for trouble, but he wasn't even coming home for the holidays. There was only one other person she wanted to talk to, but she couldn't bring herself to send him an owl. Felix couldn't know how desperately she missed him.

Looking for any escape, Lyra walked into the pub. It was crowded to be so close to a holiday. The former Gryffindor made her way directly to the bar, not bothering to look around to see if anyone she knew was around. She waited on the barkeep rather impatiently before ordering something strong.
The first anniversary of his father's death had come and gone and Ezra had to admit he hadn't felt much and had barely marked the occasion other than briefly meeting James and sharing a drink. Ezra hadn't missed the chance to try and plant seeds of doubt about his brothers relationship. Maddie was off travelling the world with some guy, recently engaged or not could James really trust her? She'd been known to have a thing for older guys and girls for that matter. With his shop closed for the evening Ezra decided rather than return home to his empty mansion he would visit a nearby bar and made his way inside.

The bar was a little off the usual path for local wizards and witches so Ezra was hopeful he wouldn't run into anyone though once he got to the bar that hope was quickly dashed. Though Lyra Potter wasn't just anyone so seeing her wasn't so bad. He called over the bartender and ordered his own drink. "...and whatever the lady is having,"
Lyra wasn't expecting anyone, but still it didn't surprise her when the barkeep returned to tell her that a man had bought her drink. She glanced in the direction he pointed and smirked when she recognized the man easily. Ezra Cade. She hadn't dated James for a year and a half to not know that Ezra was a bad idea, but at this moment, she didn't care. Lyra made her way over to where he was with her fresh drink. "I suppose I should say thank you." she said. It was a nice gesture even if she was perfectly capable of buying her own drink. Since graduating from school, she had spent quite a bit of time in bars with men, and the occasional woman, buying her drinks. Lyra sat down, rather close, next to Ezra. "How are your holidays?" she asked, not caring to talk about her own.
Ezra hadn't necessarily expected Lyra to make her way over to him once she received the drink he bought her. She had dated James for over a year and a half so he was sure she had ideas about him based on what James had told him, and yet Lyra made her way over and seemed to care little for personal space as they were practically touching when she took her seat. "Thank you would be a good start," He smirked at her. Ezra had heard about her mother, she was relatively well known so her passing hadn't gone unnoticed even by Ezra who hasn't been in the country at the time. He got the sense she was taking her mother's passing a lot harder than he took his father's which explained why she was practically sitting on his lap. "Eventful," Ezra began taking a sip from his glass. Muggle whiskey had a certain kick to it that was far superior to firewhiskey. "I just purchased Borgin & Burke's on Bleak street so I've been working there for the past month or so and naturally enjoying all the delights places like this have to offer, how have you been spending your recent freedom?" He asked wondering if she'd open up about her mother.
”Well then thank you.” Lyra said with a smirk as she brushed up against him. “My grandmother did tell me she was selling her shop, but I didn’t realize you purchased it.” the Quidditch player said, knowing Ezra wouldn’t have connected her to Jaqueline Burke. It wasn’t something her grandmother publicized by any means. Lyra finished her drink and placed it on the counter in front of her. Her green eyes met Ezra’s directly at his question. “Do you mean my recent freedom from school or my freedom from my ex?” she asked coyly. “Professionally, I’m playing Quidditch on the same team as your brother, and I love it.” Lyra said truthfully. She knew it was exactly where she was meant to be. “As for my personal life, I think I’m done with relationships. Not my thing. I certainly haven’t been lonely though.” Lyra said, aware of the fact she was practically sitting in his lap, not that he seemed to mind in the slightest.
Ezra didn't expect Lyra to come out with the fact that his shops previous owner was in fact her grandmother, he'd never have made the connection himself as it didn't exactly scream obvious. "Lyra Potter aren't you full of surprises," He laughed bringing his glass to his lips. Seeing Lyra as she was in that moment Ezra couldn't believe James had ever got a girl like her let alone been stupid enough to her get away. Then again James had always lacked taste. "Lets say both, for arguments sake," Ezra didn't know much beyond what James had told him about Lyra and her post James boyfriend Felix, clearly he was a loser who couldn't keep a girl too. Ezra had wondered if his brother would come up at any point in the conversation given he was one of the few people they had in common. Funny, James had failed to mention he was spending nearly everyday with his ex. "You and James playing Quidditch all day every day, how does he keep his hands off you?" Ezra laughed only half joking. He knew how of course, James was madly in love, it was pathetic really. "Relationships are...overrated, I much prefer to keep my options open, wouldn't you agree?"
Lyra raised her eyebrows at Ezra as he said she was full of surprises. "Even more than you realize." she said, winking at him. A part of her knew, based on what James had told her, that she shouldn't be flirting with Ezra Cade. As far as James and Madeline had always acted, Ezra was not a person you wanted to get mixed up with, but Lyra was feeling reckless and looking for a good time. The blonde laughed and shook her head. "I'm not Madeline Walden, so I'm not his type." she said, without bitterness. James and Maddie really were perfect for each other, and she would never try to come between them. Besides, Lyra preferred James as a strictly a friend. "Absolutely. Relationships are boring. I'm never getting married so what's the point in a relationship when it's so much more fun to be single?" she said, shrugging her shoulders. Felix had wanted to marry her, but Lyra had seen to it that wasn't happening. Lyra had been enjoying her freedom and single lifestyle, and from the way Ezra was looking at her, she had a feeling tonight had suddenly gotten much more enjoyable.
Ezra raised his eyebrow as Lyra's suggestion there was even more to her that might surprise him. "I'd love to find out," He smirked at her as he sipped on his second drink. It was true that James only had eyes for Madeline Walden, she was the only girl he had ever loved and anyone who had seen the two of them together could have seen that. "Well he was a fool," He smirked, James might not have seen what Lyra had to offer, but Ezra had the girl right in front of him and he intended to take full advantage of that. "Being single is so much fun, free do whatever, or whoever you want," Ezra could tell from the way Lyra was looking at him, from her body language, the fact she had practically come over to him and sat on his lap, that she was thinking along the same lines as him. Ezra took his free hand and placed it on Lyra's knee and met her gaze.
Lyra bit her lip, trying to hold back a smile. "Mmhmm. I bet you would." she teased him lightly. She had already finished her second drink and signaled for the bartender to bring her another. Lyra smiled at Ezra and shrugged. "It's better this way." It wasn't as if she had been faithful to James, but she had a feeling Ezra knew that though he was in no position to judge her. Besides, she didn't make any apologies about who she was, and that was a part of her. Lyra didn't push Ezra away as he placed a hand on her knee. She knew what he was insinuating with his words and she raised an eyebrow at him. "But can you keep up with me? James certainly couldn't, and you are his brother." she said, challenging him. Lyra looked at him directly with a smirk on her lips.
"I couldn't agree more," Ezra agreed. Any scenario where a woman as fierce and as beautiful as Lyra Potter was not dating his brother and instead was on the market was better. Though he suspected it wouldn't have been difficult to get her to stray from James as he knew she had done exactly that while they had been dating, not that James could have said much as he hadn't exactly been boyfriend of the year. Ezra laughed as he signaled for another drink. It didn't surprise him she felt that way about James and wondered if she would ever say that to his face. "Oh Lyra, if there is one thing you learn about me tonight it'll be that I am nothing like my brother,"
Lyra grinned at Ezra as he agreed with her. She enjoyed the way he was looking at her. She took another large sip of her third drink. Lyra was a petite girl, but she had learned to handle her alcohol. The blonde laughed as Ezra said he was nothing like his brother. She already knew this from her time with James, but she preferred not to tell him that. Instead, she smirked at him and moved in closer, touching his face. "Prove it." she said before leaning in and kissing his lips. Her adrenaline raced through her veins as it always did when she kissed someone new. Lyra moved in so that she was physically sitting on his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck.
Lyra had been coming across as pretty forward but it still surprised him a little when she moved over to fully sit on his lap and crashed her lips against his. Ezra kissed her back sliding his arms around her waist to pull her as close to him as possible. He lost track of how long they stayed in the bar kissing but at some point Ezra broke the kiss. "Let's get out of here," He smirked at her. After paying the tab Ezra took Lyra by the hand and pulled her outside. Thankfully they weren't too far from Obsidian harbour. He wasn't sure what her living arrangements but Ezra kept a decent living space above his shop, after some renovations when he first took over it was now suited to his taste and perfect for evenings such as this. Once they were finally inside he closed the door behind them and pushed her against it and brought his lips to hers.

Ezra didn't make a habit of letting his guests stay overnight but the next thing he knew daylight was streaking through the curtains. The previous night still crystal clear in his memory, he smirked as he sat up in bed and looked around the flat, clothes flung around carelessly, a broken lamp that had just gotten in their way. Lyra had been everything he expected and more. The former Gryffindor lay in the bed next to him just barely covered by his sheets. Ezra pulled a pair of jeans off the floor and pulled them on and made his way over the kitchen.
Lyra Potter's eyes opened to an unfamiliar space. She hadn't been paying much attention to her surroundings last night. Lyra hadn't intended to spend the night in Ezra's bed, yet here she was looking at the sunlight streaming in the window. The former Gryffindor sat up in the bed, looking around the room. It was a disaster. She couldn't remember where she had lost her shirt...or her skirt for that matter. Her green eyes spotted a shirt laying on the floor that must belong to Ezra, and she pulled it on over her head. Lyra had enjoyed her evening with Ezra far more than she had imagined she would at the start of the evening. He had been correct. She could see no resemblance between James and Ezra.

Lyra followed the sounds of someone moving about out of the bedroom and into the living space. She followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen where she found Ezra. "Any chance some of that might be for me?" she asked, a smirk on her lips.
Ezra head movement behind him and assumed Lyra was waking up. He wondered if she, like him, hadn't intended on her still being there in the morning but now she was there he didn't completely hate it. Ezra had already began preparing two cups when Lyra asked if some of the coffee was for her he smirked and turned around revealing two cups in his hand. "You read my mind," He said handing her one of the cups. When Ezra checked her out and noticed she was dressed solely in the shirt from the night before and couldn't help but smirk. She looked good, really good. Ezra used his free to grab a fist full of the shirt and pull her gently towards him so he didn't spill the coffee and pressed his lips to hers. "Morning,"
A grin spread across Lyra's face as Ezra turned to face her, already holding two cups of coffee. She accepted the cup of coffee and took a sip. After last night, she could definitely use the extra caffeine boost of energy. Lyra smiled playfully as Ezra pulled her shirt until she was pressed lightly up against him. She kissed him back, slipping her fingers through one of the belt loops on his jeans. "Good morning." she said, smirking back at him. Lyra leaned up to kiss him once more, pulling him tighter against her. "I suppose I should be going, but I'm having trouble finding my clothes." she said. It didn't seem like he was all that interested in her leaving, which surprised her based on her previous knowledge of Ezra. Though, he seemed to be full of surprises and kept her guessing at what he was going to do next. It was amusing and entertaining. Even better than what she had been looking for in a distraction.
Ezra smirked when he felt Lyra fingers tugging at his belt loops. He didn't expect to like having her around as much as he had, the night had been fun, more fun than any other he'd had in a long time. It was exhilarating to feel her body against his so early in the morning, it was certainly a better jolt to the system than his coffee. "You look much better in mine," He smirked playing with the buttons on her shirt, slowly unbuttoning them. "Though you look much better without them," Ezra put down his coffee and planting several kisses on Lyra's neck. "Still thinking of leaving?" He asked.
Lyra would have been lying if she had said that the previous night wasn't the best night she had since her mother's death. The blonde looked up at Ezra with amusement in her eyes as he complimented her appearance and slowly began undoing the buttons on the shirt. "You're right. I do." she said, playfully. Lyra was well aware of her beauty and unashamedly confident about it. As he kissed her, warmth spread throughout her body. She put her coffee down and looked back up at Ezra. "I suppose I don't have to leave if you have something better in mind. I'm on a break so it's not as if I have anywhere to be." she said with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. Lyra sat the coffee down on the counter, moving to wrap her arms around his neck. She kissed his jawline lightly."Would you like me to stay?" she asked, slightly curious. Lyra Potter would have never imagined that Ezra Cade would actually want a girl to hang around the morning after.
Ezra grinned, Lyra was clearly confident with her body and she was right to be. Since she seemed onboard with his unbuttoning tactics so he continued until he could slip the shirt off her shoulders and let it fall on the floor."I'm sure we can think of something," He smirked. Ezra didn't know if he'd ever see Lyra again after she walked out of his flat but he knew he wanted to make the most of her while she was there. Ezra closed his eyes and exhaled softly as she kissed his jawline and asked if he wanted her to stay. "I would like you to stay," Ezra added as he picked Lyra up by her waist and carried her back over to the bed.
Lyra didn't object to Ezra's removal of his shirt from her body. He wanted her to stay, and she wanted to stay. There was nothing to consider. She didn't have anywhere to be, and she was having too much fun here to want to rush out the door especially since she didn't anticipate returning once she left. Lyra grinned as Ezra picked her up by the waist. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her back to his bed.

Clothed in only the thin sheet, Lyra Potter lay against Ezra Cade's chest, watching the fading afternoon light. It was difficult to believe she had spent the entire day with him, but she couldn't imagine a better way to spend the day. She didn't necessarily have feelings for Ezra, but she didn't hate spending time with him. There were certainly worst ways to spend the day. And, while she knew she would have to go home eventually, it was nice to escape from her reality and pretend as if she didn't have a care in the world. Her aunt would be expecting her for Christmas dinner though she absolutely didn't want to go. Christmas Day would forevermore be the worst day of the entire year. Lyra knew that James always said his brother was manipulative, but the former Gryffindor hadn't felt that way in the slightest. "You aren't what I imagined, Ezra Cade." Lyra said simply as she traced circles on his bare skin with her fingertips.
The day had turned out to be just as surprising as the previous evening. Ezra had a pattern when it came to meet ups of that nature, they were gone before morning more often than not. Never had he met someone the night before only to spend all the following day with them. Lyra was a first and part of him wasn't surprised. Ezra hadn't developed feelings for his brothers ex by any means but she was certainly a vast improvement on any female company he'd previously had, he actually didn't hate spending time with her. Ezra couldn't imagine a more perfect afternoon than laying in bed with Lyra laid against him, the faded afternoon sun shining through the crack in the otherwise closed curtains, a gentle breeze from the open window almost threatening to blow the thin sheet from Lyra's body. Ezra found himself closing his eyes as he felt Lyra's fingertips circling his chest and he found himself making similar motions on the small of her back. "What did you expect Lyra Potter?"
Lyra smiled as she propped her chin up on Ezra's chest so she could look at him. He looked so...peaceful with his eyes shut. "Well like the devil incarnate." Lyra said, bluntly. She didn't see the point in lying to him. It wasn't as if she cared what he thought of her. "I mean I expected you to be this horrible cocky, rude, manipulative person that I wouldn't wish to speak to for more than five minutes, and I expected to be back in my own bed at the end of the night. But, if I'm being honest, this is the most fun I've had with another person since my mother died last year." she said, only slightly struggling to get out the words about her mother. Lyra laid her head back on his chest, still tracing his skin with her fingertips. Hopefully, he wouldn't get the wrong impression. She didn't have actual feelings for him, but this was pleasurable, and she was comfortable.
Ezra listened to Lyra list her expectations of what she thought he would be like and her explanation screamed James. It was funny, she had thought all that of him and yet he still managed to get her home and into bed, he must have been more charming than he thought. "All that and you still came to bed with me," He smirked at her. Her comment about their time together being the most fun since her mother died hit a bit of a serious note that their day had so far avoided. "My dad died just over a year ago, we weren't that close so I doubt its the same as you and your mom, but I'm glad I could provide a distraction or comfort or whatever this was," Ezra smiled as he brushed a strand of hair out of Lyra's face and let his hand settle and stroke her cheek.
"Maybe I just find whole badass look irresistible." Lyra said, playfully, to his comment about still being able to get her into his bed. "Really, I learned from a young age that people love to talk and it's not fair to judge a book by its cover." she said, carelessly. Her entire life had been publicized, and people often judged her before they met her. Lyra tried not to do that with other people. Lyra knew about his father's death from James. It was one of the things they had reconnected over during their last semester at school when Lyra had been in a very dark place. "I only remember my father a little bit. I was so young when he disappeared that it wasn't the same as losing my mom." Lyra said, not intending their conversation to turn so serious. She wanted to avoid her mother's death by any means necessary. "It was the best distraction I have had, and I've had quite a few in the last year." she said, lightly as she wrapped her arm around his torso and his hand rested on her face.
Ezra scoffed, "It's not just a look babe, you're just not on my bad side," He smirked. Ezra listened to Lyra as she told him all about how her upbringing taught her not to judge a book by a cover after everything she'd been through. It was a little deep to a question where a response of 'you're hot' would have sufficed but Ezra found he wasn't bothered by Lyra getting into personal detail. He found he was actually curious about her. "Close or not, losing a parent is tough, losing them both if earth shattering," He smiled and kissed Lyra's forehead. The conversation seemed to get lighter when she told him he was the best distraction she'd had in the past year and there had been a few. Ezra smirked, "Flattery will get you everywhere Miss Potter," He said. Their current position was quite tender which Ezra wasn't used to, but quite liked. He just smiled and planted a soft kiss on her cheek where his had rested.
Lyra grinned as Ezra said she wasn’t on his bad side. She imagined that was true after the night and day they had shared together. Lyra thought she should probably go home, but she didn’t want to yet. Talking to Ezra about her family was nice especially when it usually sent her running in the opposite direction. She hadn’t really opened up to anyone in the last year besides Lanithro, but he was her closest friend since losing Felix and Falon. Ezra kissed her forehead and smiled so tenderly at her that it was hard to imagine him being the person James described. Really, where had he gotten all of that from? Lyra threaded her fingers through Ezra’s as she laid there listening to him talk. She laughed at his joke, the mood in the room much lighter. “Lucky for me, I always get exactly where I want to go. I can be quite charming, you know.” Lyra said, playfully.

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