Run to you

Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Lilith ran across the grounds of Beauxbatons. Tears where falling from her eyes. As soon as she left Eden's house she had made her way to her mothers house and into the fireplace she she could find Parneil. Everything about her life had been perfect just a few hours ago. Now it was all gone. Looking around Lilith couldn't see him anywhere. Letting herself fall to the ground Lilith gave herself over to the tears. The box that held her very own silver snake fall to the ground beside and fall open. "Go away you stupid thing I hate you." Lilith said not even looking to see if it had broken or not. "Parneil where are you?" Lilith said her voice cracking. Laying her head down on the ground she couldn't help but wish the world would just end so that she didn't have to leave Beauxbatons or Parneil.
Praneil was in the Beauxbatton grounds having a walk in the cold when he saw someone running into the grounds. he could tell form first glance that it was his girlfriend Lilith. she didn't seem to be happy which was rare for her. he gave up his walk and turned to run after her, she was fit from all of the time she had spent on the quidditch pitch, and had a large head start that he couldn't close. he only managed to catch up to her when she fell to the ground. he heard her shout go away and slowed hoping that she wasn't shouting at him, thankfully she was shouting to the contents of a box. "I am here" he said sitting down beside her and holding her to him, she looked like she was in a state. he face flooded with tears, and her voice cracking. "whats wrong beautiful?' he asked wiping some hair from her face where it had stuck to the moisture.
It just wasn't fair to Lilith. Everyone in her family got to find happiness every last one of them but not Lilith never her. When would it be her turn? In her edge if her vision she saw Praneil coming toward her. All she wanted to do was to be in his arms and than stop time. Not like that was going to happen. In a few moments she would have to deliver the heart breaking news to him. Feeling herself being pulled into Praneil's arms Lilith felt safe for just a moment. Letting herself get lost in his arms for even a moment made Lilith feel better. "Everything is wrong. I don't even know where to start." Lilith said wiping away a few more tears.
Praneil held Lilth tighter anting to protect her from everything. Sue he had flirted with a lot of girls in the bast, but he had never felt the same towards any of them as he did towards Lilith, Not even tara who was back in some fancy art school in india. he Kissed Lilith lightly on the forehead, waiting for her to start to talk, not wanting to pressure her into saying something if she didn't want to. "How about you start be saying where you have just been" he suggested. he knew beuxbattons was lax about letting students leave the grounds, and he knew she would sometimes go to visit her family. still keeping one arm holding Lilith to him he let go with his other arm and conjured the bluebell flames. even though they were in the south of france, it was still winter, and hopefully the fire would keep them nice and warm.
Lilith watched as Praneil produce flames to keep them warm not that she even noticed the cold. How was she supposed to start? Lilith just wasn't sure anymore. Feeling the soft kiss on her forehead Lilith started to let herself calm down just a little bit more. "I was over at Eden's visiting her and the baby." Lilith said sitting up to reach for the box that still had the snake inside of it. Closing the lid Lilith pushed it away she would deal with it later. 'She gave me that thing and some pretty bad news." Lilith said trying not to start crying again just when she had stopped.
Praneil remembered Lilith saying that her sister was pregnant, and that she had had a baby girl. he had always seen it as strange how she would just vanish and travel half way around the works on random days however he liked how close she was to her family. "Is the baby okay?" he asked trying to work out what it was that was wrong so she could just nod or shake without having to think of how to say what was wrong.
he loosened his grip as she sat up still keeping one arm around her, and saw that se was examining the box. before pushing it away. he wondered what was in it, but it wasn't important right now. the most important thing would be to work out what was wrong with Lilith and see what he could do to make her feel better. when she said that she had received some bad news she frowned, bad news was never good, that was what good news was for. he reached into his pocket and withdrew a tissue, gently using it to dry around her eyes where fresh tears were forming at an alarming rate. He tried again to work out what was wrong, he asked, "no ones hurt or ill are they? your mother is well? and how about your sisters?" still thinking along the same track as he had when asking about he baby.
OOCOut of Character:
I am assuming that she would have told him about Aine being born, but i can edit if not
When Praneil asked if Eden's daughter was okay Lilith nodded her head. "Yes Aine is perfect in every single way." Lilith said with a smile. Her niece was one of the few things that was going right with her life. At least once she had to go back to Hogwarts she would still have that. Lilith would really miss this place. She had found out who she really was because of this place. She really didn't want to say good bye to it. Lilith knew that she would have to tell Praneil or he would start to worry and that wasn't good. "No my family is fine. Everyone is fine and happy. Everything is perfect for everyone in my family except for me." Taking a deep breath Lilith took Praneil's hand. "I won't be returning to Beauxbatton's for my Seventh Year. I have to try and go back to Hogwarts. My sister Eden said so." Lilith said the tears breaking through again. "I don't want to leave this place." Lilith said as she hid her face against his chest.

OOCOut of Character:
No it's fine we can assume he knows.
Praneil smiled when she said her niece was perfect, "thats good then" he said although it meant that he was no where closer to finding out what was wrong with her. he kept hold of her tight, and waited until she felt able to tell him. when she said everything was fine except for her he was about to ask her again what was up but she beat him to it. it was bad news. "Oh Lil, thats terrible, isn't there anything you can do to stay? your sister cant make you move if you don't want to, can she? isn't it your mothers job to decide where you attend school?" he said in disbelief feeling her tears soak though his shirt but not caring about it, only caring about his girlfriend and trying to make her feel better. she was the best thing that had happened to him and he didn't ant to loose her. holding her to him he stroked the back of her head in a reassuring way, trying to calm her down. he would see if his family would let him go to new zealand next year to start up a branch of the business there. he knew that they would rather he start one in france, hence their choice of school, but maybe he would be able to convince them otherwise.
OOCOut of Character:
I will be heading off soon, as i promised i would take my sister out jetty jumping, but i will be on again later to continue (i may have time for one more post before i go)
As Lilith told Praneil everything that was going on she started to sort of feel better about everything. It didn't make the pain go away from having to leave behind all the friends she had made and the love of her life but at least she didn't feel like her whole world was falling apart. "No Eden has complete control over this. I mean I could go to our mom but it would just cause problems." Lilith didn't want to get into the whole story. She didn't want her boyfriend to know that she had almost gotten herself killed because she had been stupid and if Eden hadn't stepped in Lilith wouldn't even be there to tell Praneil that she had to leave. "I love you Praneil." Lilith said softly she had never told him this but right at that moment it felt like the perfect time.
Praneil could feel Lilith relaxing slightly and calming down. when she said that eden had complete control over it it came out a little muffled. as she was still leaning against him, but she could tell from the tone in her voice that it was non negotiable. "oh Lil" he said again though he couldn't think of anything else to say. "when i finish here, i will head over to new zealand so i can still see you at the weekends" he said. no doubt he would have to do a brief internship on the family business but if he worked hard he should be able to get to new zealand before the start of the school year. if his family wanted a french branch of the business then they would have to find someone else to take it, his cousin maybe, he was going to make his mark in new zealand.
Lilith next words were a bit of a surprise to him, and a string of guilt twanged inside him like an out of tune guitar. If she knew about what was being organised at home she probably wouldn't say that. he vowed to himself to try and do whatever he could to call it off. as he realised now that he loved Lilith, she was the girl he would go to the other side of the earth for, not Tara. "I love you too" he said holding her gently to him and kissing the top of her head lightly.
Lilith knew that at the end of this year Praneil would be leaving school anyways but it was still sad to know that she wouldn't be able to leave school and visit him whenever she wanted to. Hogwarts was not as laid back with there rules as Beauxbatons was. "That would be nice if I got to see you when I can leave the castle." Lilith said already worried about what her being back at Hogwarts might do to her relationship. After Lilith told Praneil that she loved him she froze what if he didn't feel the same way? Had she said it to soon? Lilith just didn't know. Finally after what felt like forever Praneil said the words she had always hoped she would say. Kissing Praneil on the lips Lilith giggled. "I'm glad that we feel the same way about one another. It will make everything easier when I'm back at Hogwarts." Lilith said kissing Praneil again.

OOCOut of Character:
I love the banner!
OOCOut of Character:
thanks feel free to use it

Praneil smiled when she said it would be nice to see him when she was to leave the castle. over the months they had been going out they had started spending a lot of time together, and he hoped that being in new zealand wouldn't spoil their relationship. in the mean time he had to set his own affairs in order. this summer her would tell his farther a conversation that would need a lot of courage. as he would be saying two of the things that his farther Palliv (and to a lesser extent his mother Devi) had been planing for him for years would no longer occur. when Lilith kissed him he smiled and kissed her back but it was only brief as she pulled away and spoke. "It will defiantly make it much easier. and we can keep into contact via Owl too. when you cant leave the school" he said. she had heard Hogwarts was much stricter and only let the students out of the castle on certain weekends. when she kissed him again he was ready and kissed her back stronger this time. glad that he had decided on Lilith, as he had grown in love with her. and he was glad that she loved him back. when they finally broke apart what felt like ages later he grinned. "feeling any better?" he asked through his cheeky smile.
Now that Lilith knew that just because she was going to be at Hogwarts once again and than it wouldn't ruin what she and Praneil had she really felt better. The only thing that was still really upsetting her was the fact that she was going to have to give up Quidditch. That could hurt her chances for a professional team but Lilith knew she had skill and she wouldn't have any trouble proving it. "I'm going to have to buy an owl I don't really like the school ones." Lilith admitted they where nice but she really wanted an owl of her own. She now had a snake but Lilith was never a snake person that was more Eden's thing. As they continued to kiss Lilith realized that she could spend the rest of her life with Praneil and be happy. She knew she was a little young to be making choices like that but it just felt right. "I am feeling so much better. At least I know I wont be losing you. Just not being caption of the Quidditch team is going to suck." Lilith said glaring at the box. It wasn't its fault but she needed someone to blame and since Eden was no where around the damned snake would have to do for now.
when she said she would need an owl he didn't think twice about offering her his, Ullu was a reliable owl though probably not the best for particularly long trips that he was using him for, being a schops owl he was more of a short distance owl "you can share my Owl ullu, if you want, or i can get you one for christmas" he said. before kissing her again.
Praneil looked at Lilith, he knew almost exactly where her thoughts were heading. her main passion, quidditch. "I heard that new zealand has a stronger quidditch program than here, and i am sure that you will get onto a team there, and outshine the rest of them" he said brushing few hairs out of her face, and looking into her stunning violet eyes. however she was looking, no glaring, at something else. the box he had noticed before. "whats in there?" he asked wondering what it was that was displeasing her so much
Lilith couldn't help but smile at Praneil. "Thanks but I am going to make Eden get me an owl if I do end up going back to Hogwarts. If she wants me back there so bad than she will make it worth my while." As she let herself get lost in his kisses Lilith wondered what her family would think about Praneil. They had been dating for a while it felt like the right time to finally meet one another. "I know they have really great teams but its not the same. I am a caption here and I run the show there I would have to listen to someone else. I don't want to sound like a brat but I like being the star of the show here." Lilith had almost forgotten that Praneil was there with here. When he asked about the box Lilith grabbed it and pulled it closer. "It's a gift from my sister Eden." Opening the box and pulling the the silver snake. Lilith petted it on the head and it at once opened its eyes a perfect match to Lilith's. "Its a mechanical snake. It can speak and understand any language. I think I'll call it Ivy." Lilith decided putting the snake away. She would talk with it later and figure out just what to do with it.

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