Closed Run Away

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire knew she was taking off, frustrated with her love life and ready to forget. But after her talk with Zennon, Sapphire had decided she wanted to take someone along with her. She walked up to the familiar house, bouncing a bit as she knocked and popped her gum. She rocked on her feet, impatient as ever. "Dianaaaaa," She called out, hands in her pockets as she swayed.
Diana opened the door as she heard the familiar voice through it. She sighed and opened it, frowning. "I could have had plans." She informed the girl. "I could have not been home at all." But then she smiled a bit. "But good to see you, Sapph. What's up?" She gestured for the girl to join her inside. Diana still lived with her parents while she figured out her next step. She had ideas, just hadn't really felt like pursuing them just yet. It was fine to relax a bit, she told herself. She had just finished seven years of school, a bit of a break wouldn't kill her. She knew her parents weren't thrilled with her hanging around the house all day, but they hadn't said anything so far. And Diana would get things settled in her own time.
Sapphire wasn't fazed by Diana's words. "Hey," She returned, sauntering inside and letting Diana lead her. When they were settled, Sapphire smiled and crossed her legs. "Come with me," She started immediately. "I got that new photography job, it's going to take me all over. I thought it could be fun to bring you along," She smiled impishly. "What do you think, wanna come see the world?"
Diana hadn’t really expected Sapphire to be bothered by her words, and it almost made her smile that she didn’t even react to them. She knew her friend, and Sapphire knew her. They were friends. Sapphire was honestly her closest and only real friend at the moment, though she wouldn’t admit that. They got settled and Sapphire launched straight into a wild idea. Diana listened, bemused. “I’m looking for jobs as well. What makes you think I could just travel all over the world with you?” She asked her friend pointedly. “I could have obligations here.” She said, though she didn’t give an answer yet. She was pondering things.
Sapphire just shrugged, smiling impishly. "Maybe you do, but my idea is more fun. I don't expect you to stay forever, but I am kinda hoping you can tag along for a little while. Adventures and all that," she leaned forward, nudging Diana. "C'mon, you know you missed me."
Diana couldn't stop her smile, Sapphire really did know her. "Well..." She said, not willing to admit how much she wanted to say yes just yet. "I could tag long for a little while. Merlin knows I need a break from my parents." She said, flicking back her hair. "But I didn't miss you, it's not been that long." She argued, nudging her back. "Where are you going first? If it's someplace ugly or cold I'm changing my mind."
Sapphire chuckled. "Sure you didn't, Di," she teased lightly, but didn't push it. She smirked a little. "Actually, since you're coming along for a little bit, I wanted to make a stop in Paris. My brother found himself a French boy and keeps sneaking off to practice French at this cafe there. I was wanting to check out the city, he made me curious," She shrugged. "You in?"
Diana perked up the moment Sapphire mentioned Paris, wondering for a moment if she had picked it just to lure her along. She decided in the end that it didn't matter. "Oh, I'll go to Paris with you." She said. "Though I can't imagine being that interested in Onyx' love life." She said dismissively. "But he's dating again? That's a good sign, right?" She asked, a little more sincerely. She knew Onyx had been badly hurt before and it was nice to hear of him doing normal things like dating. "I'm in." She then said. "As long as I can take you shopping." She said with a small dismissive glance at Sapphire's outfit.
Sapphire chuckled, shaking her head. She knew Diana would want to go to Paris. "Usually I'm not, but you know the way he clings. The mess with Chrys was annoying enough, I don't want to get stuck with some other egotistical pretty boy. Besides, Onyx's french boy is in Marsielle, not Paris. But I'm not heading that way, I was just curious about Paris." She rolled her eyes, smiling a bit. "No, they aren't 'dating'," She quoted with her fingers, sighing dramatically. "He's practically living with the guy but they aren't boyfriends. Onyx barely even admits that he likes the guy, even though it's obvious he's smitten." Sapphire shook her head. She laughed as Diana agreed to go, as long as she could go shopping. "Fine, deal, I could probably use something stylish."
Diana thought Sapphire was more interested in Onyx' boyfriend than she pretended, why bring it up otherwise? But she nodded and accepted her explanation, mostly because she really didn't much care about it. She had felt pretty bad for him when he lost his memory, but that didn't mean she needed to know details about his life. "Right." She said, privately thinking Onyx wasn't the only Michaels who couldn't admit to liking anyone, but she wasn't going to open that can of worms now. "Oh, you can definitely use something stylish." She said firmly.
Sapphire chuckled, smiling at her best friend. "I'm sure you'll find me something presentable. I'm thinking," she pursed her lips, considering a moment. "I'm thinking a day of shopping and then dinner reservations somewhere nice. When's the last time we had a girls day?" she offered, smiling impishly.
Diana smiled at Sapphire and sighed. "Very well, I'll go with you as long as it is entertaining." She said. "You know how to get me on board, shopping and nice food." She laughed softly, shaking her head. "But I am also on a job hunt, so I can't stay away from here for too long." She said, even if she truthfully wasn't in a big rush. "When are we leaving?" She asked, already mentally packing for a trip to Paris.
Sapphire laughed. Of course, but she had expected Diana to say that. "I'm sure we can make it entertaining," She spoke. She smiled impishly, winking. "Don't be silly, shopping and good food is fun." She flicked her hair behind her ear. "I'll get you back as soon as you want to come back," She promised. She chuckled again at her question. "Is tonight too soon?" she asked, smiling wickedly.

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