Open Ruining Everything

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped dropout
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (17)
Gregory had enjoyed being home, but it hadn't really helped him feel as good as it might've in previous years. Years where school had been bad, but he could at least leave it at school. Gregory was back and he had to face the fact that he'd ruined one of the few friendships he had. Snow. He had liked her a lot, had maybe even really liked her, not he felt less sure of that. But it didn't matter, because it was ruined, and he'd hurt her feelings. He was thinking about sending her an apology note, but he knew the damage was done. The hufflepuff had arrived back to school and gone outside, letting himself just think over and hadn't even realised that he had walked into the forest.
Cecras had miscalculated the dates and believing most students were absent, he ventured closer towards the boundary than usual. His vigilance waned, a lapse uncharacteristic of him, only to be startled by the presence of an adolescent wand carrier. Instantly, Cecras tensed, his guard heightened. "What brings you here, human?"
Gregory was walking without thinking and without a set direction. So the voice broke him out of it with a scream. He glanced at the person, the half horse half human. "Oh, here?" he then glanced around himself and was surprised to find himself in the forest. "Oh, I didn't realise, I was just walking," he said. "I'll leave," he turned on his heel and began heading away.
"Of course. But be cautious, wandering in the forest can be perilous for the distracted," Cecras cautioned despite his own distraction. "If you'd like guidance finding your way back, I'm here to help. Otherwise, safe travels on your way."
Gregory shied away from the creature as he spoke. Feeling a little nervous at the words that he said. Gregory's only response could be that he was distracted, but that was the entire point of what this guy/horse was saying. "I should be okay, can we get out that way?" he asked, pointing in the direction he wanted to go.
Cecras fixed a discerning gaze upon the wand carrier. "I sense the route you believed to be yours has vanished. Yet, the forest has a curious way of leading you where you need to be, even if it's not where you think you want to go." He gestured subtly toward the direction indicated. "I won't dissuade you from your chosen path. If you maintain focus, you'll find your way through."
Gregory didn't really appreciate the answer given, since it wasn't much of a help to him in actually knowing where to go. He was a little frustrated by it, a little annoyed that he had to focus so much upon where he was supposed to go. "Okay, thanks," he said in a quietly sarcastic tone and began walking in the direction that was his, 'chosen path'.

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