🌹 Rose Giving Ruby and Rapture

Emily Madison

OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
3/2035 (28)
((Red, open after Derek Tahana))

Emily loved watching Quidditch, despite never having been any good at it herself. So, the next name on her list was plenty familiar to her, and Emily hoped she had some idea of where to find him. She headed out to the pitch with a smile, grinning when she got lucky and spotted the person she was looking for. "Hey, Derek!" She called out, hurrying over to him. "Got a rose for you!"
Derek's decision that quidditch was going to be the thing he does, he had begun spending more and more time on the pitch. And though it was rose giving day, and he knew he should probably spend all of the time with Athena, they were both swamped in the work they needed to do. He had just touched back down on the ground when he heard someone calling to him, telling him he had a rose and he had to assume this was a rose from Athena. "Hey, thanks," he said without even yet taking the rose.
Emily grinned as she rifled through her basket for the rose and message. She had always thought Derek was one of the more handsome players on the pitch, and he was even more so up close. She knew he was getting a red rose though, so she kept that thought to herself, smiling as she handed the rose and message over. "Here you go, happy Valentines day!"

Dear Derek,

I already said it, but this rose says it all. I love you! You make me smile everyday

and I can't wait to leave this school with you.

Love Athena
Derek took the red rose and held it lightly in his hands. It was a beautiful red rose. He took the note and wasn't too surprised at what was inside. Athena. He smiled fondly thinking of her. "Happy Valentines days," he said, moving to put this rose and note with his quidditch things so he could get back to practicing.

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