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Hello all,

If anyone is intrested in RPing with me please reply here. I am step-brother of Mallory Malkin. I am 20 of age and I will update my pofile soon as I buy a wand. I want to RP in Hogs Head, if anyone is intrested to RP there.

Antoinette would be interested. She's at school, but she sneaks out a lot. She works her charm on the professors and manages to get out, especially on their shopping weekends. She's 16, but she lies and says she's 18. She can pull that off fairly well. :lol:
Okay, kinda lame, but the offer's there. :p
Antoinette Greenwood said:
Antoinette would be interested. She's at school, but she sneaks out a lot. She works her charm on the professors and manages to get out, especially on their shopping weekends. She's 16, but she lies and says she's 18. She can pull that off fairly well. :lol:
Okay, kinda lame, but the offer's there. :p
I have started a topic here
But you must know he is rude, selfish proud and arrogant and wishes to be a death eater so he wont easily make friends with you.
It's okay, Antoinette is a stuck-up b1tch. :lol:
Who flirts with just about everyone. :oy:
This should be fun. :woot:
I have Adrian Petrescu, and he's 19 :)
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