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Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Hey you lovely people! ^_^
Sooooo my exams are finished tommorow ( woooooooooooooooooooooooooooot! xD ) and then I have a whole week off school and I feel a rather large HNZ binge coming on. So I'll be needing some RP's for that binge :lol: . I haven't been able to really RP a lot of my characters recently so its about time I get into the swing of things once more.

I'll keep these short and sweet ^_^ :
Sam is a fourth year Hufflepuff. Quidditch and music are his passion (always good conversation starters too :r ). At this age he's becoming a little more stubborn and grouchy but it really depends on the mood that you catch him in. Most of the time, he's just like normal: fun to be around, a little sarcastic, but overall nice guy.
What he'll be looking for:

[ul][li]Friends/Close Friends - To be around his age, 13-15. Old friends are just as welcome as new friends!</LI>
[li]Enemies- Pretty self-explanatory, although, again to be around his age.
[li]Mentor/Mentees - If Sam was to have a little mentee person this boy/girl would have to have at least one of the same interests as him.
[li]No love interests for Sam, if you wish your character to crush on Sam thats fine but it wouldn't be able to go anywhere.[/li][/ul]

veeeery willing to RP with Sam, he was my first character and I really do miss RPing him...

Jessica is a Fifth Year Gryffindor, she moved from Boston just this year and is finding some aspects of settling into Hogwarts difficult. Jessica is pretty confident in herself, not in any vein way, but just comfortable in her own skin, she really doesn't care what anyone thinks of her and does what she wants. She isn't very social and usually makes things pretty awkward when meeting people for the first time. She finds that she gets along with guys more than girls (Jenny being the exception), she feels she can just relax more with guys and that girls always seem to have some sort of 'drama' going on (Jess can also be very stereotypical of 'glamour girls' and can really hold grudges against them). Overall Jess is a very laid-back kind of girl, the odd time being a bit hot-headed and once shes comfortable around someone, she can be very fun!
[ul][li]Friends/ A best friend- Jess finds it hard to make friends, for the reason that she just doesn't talk to a lot of people. She also finds it hard to trust someone fully. Jessica prefers to just have a small close group of friends at the most! So I'm not really looking for a lot of friends for Jess. One or two but thats about it for now.
[li]Enemies- Like I mentioned before, Jessica can be pretty hotheaded and stubborn so making enemies would be pretty easy for her xD . These people would have to be 15 or 16, no younger.
[li]Love interests/Crushes- I'm unsure about how things will pan out for Jess in future with boyfriends and such but for now shes as single as can be! She usually has to be friends with the guy for a while though, she wouldn't just instantly crush on someone. And anyone who is willing to be a love interest in the future for her please go ahead and post your ideas![/li][/ul]

Ava Prince is a Slytherin 3rd Year. She is pretty snobby and has been brought up to be that way all her life. She is Sam's cousin but the two couldn't be more different. Ava really looks down on a lot of people even though she has a very flawed personality herself, even though she makes it appear that she's perfect, she has many worries and fears. Ava is very interested in fashion and anything to do with fashion. Since the beginning of first year she had admired the Glam Squad and now she is a member (I think) *reminds self to ask Abby*. Once friends with Ava she is very loyal and is even quite nice :o however, it does take some time before she fully trusts someone. She has yet to find someone who she can just have one big ole breakdown and spill everything that she feels to, that should be fun :lol:
[ul][li]Best friend(s)- As I just mentioned, Ava has yet to find that person whom she can trust with her life. Someone who she wouldn't be afraid to talk about anything to. This person would have to be a girl and in her year. House doesn't matter (although if that girl is in Hufflepuff, she might take a while to warm up to her).
[li]Crushes/Love Interests- This again is pretty self explanatory, if you're interested please post. Wheter you just want your character to crush on her, or Ava to crush on your character, post! We would most likely be able to work something out.[/li][/ul]
Thats all for Ava, for now ^_^

Here's his Biography. I just got lazy! xD
[ul][li]Friends/Close Friends- Benson has one best friend already, Clarice Herrington and really just likes to be with a small group of friends. He's not so good with the whole social thing! Benson also finds it kinda awkward with girls (Clara being the exception), its nothing to do with any romantic feelings or whatever because he's only 12! :r He just finds it harder to relate to girls. So for friends, they'd have to be guys or tomboy-ish girls. Also in his year preferably!
<LI>[li]Enemies- Benson can easily be made fun of as he is a little bit dweeby! xD So anyone older students who wants to bully him feel free :shifty: . Students his age are also just as welcome!![/li][/ul]

So thats it! Please post if you're interested! :woot:
Thanks guys,
Louise :cool:

I can offer you Two people.

Elijah Tine - My First year puff. He's completely crazy for music. He lives off it. He plays guitar and flute and a little piano. He can also sing. Eli is your typical 11 year old. Hyper all the time, loves nothing more than running around and having a lot of fun. He does act a little immature even for 11 but he has a very good time all the time. He's not great at quidditch. But hopes to be.
I was thinking Sam could be his mentor. Teach him quidditch. Elijah would very easily look up to Sam, but probably if Sam isn't in a good mood, he'd annoy him very easily with his hyper antics.

Lily Fossil - Can continue being enemies with Benson. She's on a reign of terror. She hates everyone and everything. She hates the school, and wants to leave. She thinks quite highly of herself, and loves her fashion.
Ava and Lily were kinda friends before, and around Ava Lily is a little calmer, so maybe, Lily could warm up to Ava more. And they could become good friends. Lily does have a heart inside the cold outer skin. She just has lots of trouble being honest, and trusting of others.
Ooooh yay! :woot:

Okay so for:
Sam: Elijah would be perfect! And even if Sam is in a bad mood, it'd kinda be like an annoying younger brother type of thing, which would be cute :wub: . Sam doesn't have any siblings so he'd really appreciate having Elijah around!

Benson: Again perfect! Those RP's were always fun! Are we still going ahead for the future plot? (A good bit in the future..... :r )

Ava: Sweet! :cool: Would Lily be her friend that she completely opens up to or just a close friend? Its up to you wheter or not Lily wants to have that baggage :lol:

Thank you!
Pat and Jess could RP again :D They had that one RP in Brightstone so now that she is at the school they could meet again and become friends.

And I know I fail as Nia but I could reply to that RP for Ava and Nia and just bring it up to the present time frame? Only if you want to that is, I'm trying to get RPing as normal with her.

And I have a new character James MacMillian. I've yet to make his bio but he is a first year Gryffindor and is sports mad. Loves football, rugby and especially Quidditch. Maybe he and Benson could become good friends seeing as they both like sports and both their best friends are girls xD

Elijah - Super. Eli doesn't have any siblings so it would be a lot of fun for him. Do you want to start a topic? Or Shall I?

Lily - Always fun. ^_^ And Yeah, that's to come. She's a very confused girl, so it would be very Lily to end up dating someone she hates. Do you want to start a topic? Or Shall I?

Lily - I'm not too sure. I think Lily would maybe back away slightly, even if they were close friends, if Ava started letting it all out. But maybe that could help Lily soften up slightly. Shall we let the RP decide? So Shall you? Or Shall I?
Sam-kun! Hoshi's out of the hospital and back to her old reble self so if you want us to open up an RP together we can :D
Why aren't these two best friends =)) ??

LOL random. Anyways let me tell you a bit about this dude. I'm kind of still developing him, sadly its not going well. All I have is he from California and he's a surfer wanting to go pro. I sort of made him a duke becoming but now, I'm like blah. I sort of stop that process because it was his great, great ancestors who had been a slave. Back than, well you get where I'm going. So basically Victor blood line harvest the dukes royalty, but his parents are not accepting that part of their history. Anyways...I don't mind rping with Sam, I'm usually good with group rp. So their one open in the quidditch pitch--its called Batters Up'. If not I don't know, maybe add a reck room somewhere in school. Pool table anyone? We can rp some place else basically :r
Roleplay with me you lame-o!
hai big sista! you know i love you but i love to make your life a living
hell (oh yours and matt's). so maybe i can bug you through letters?
idk jill my bff? hehe. they of course are best friends but they really
have to roleplay, especially when jenn and matt get together.
hey my ex beau. i think that jenn would want sam's blessing of
matthew because she has really bad experiences with boys.
maybe, even though he doesn't like her anymore, he doesn't
like the thought of her being in a relationship because of all
the past things they went through. oh and we also have to
figure out what is to happen now that sam thinks that she and
scorpius are dating? ooh he could be like "you're cheating on
scorpius?! what kind of person are you?"
and she'll be wtf sam,
i have no idea what you are talking about. hehe. idk, let me
know what you think.
new glammie? well these two have to meet first!
dislikes. i'm thinking jessica will assume things about abs
and of course she'll hate her automatically because that is
not at all how she is like even though she is a glammie.
i think these two could be friends. other than that, i'm not too
I can offer up Tohoru Koshiba to try and win the hearts of the girls. Tohoru is still a bit of a playboy and has not settled down yet so he could make them fall for him and than he can just push them away once he was done with them. Or maybe even fall in love and stick around.
:woot: WOWza! xD
Oooooh yeah!! That'd be great! For both Benson and Jessica! And how about Ava meets both Abigail and Nia in the one RP? She has just briefly met both so I think it would be good! She's already met Aly and of course shes met Isabella. So what do you think? :) Thanks Pat! :wub:
Elijah: I can start up the topic! Does the Hufflepuff Common Room sound good?
Lily: And could you start up that topic? And yeah, we can see how it flows ^_^
Toooooooooooootally! They have to RP again! Do you mind starting though? :r
I really don't know :doh: plus Sam needs more guys friends! :lol: Well I'll post in that Quidditch RP? And we can see how things work out? :cool:
:lol: Yeah, yeah, yeah! :p I'll start....whereabouts?
Lucie: Letters sound perfect!
Jenny: Well since my exams are officially finished, I can post in that RP at the cliff and once the whole Matt and Jenny thing becomes official we can RP again...? :) And for Sam's RP that sounds like soooo much fun! xD Genius! Should I start that or do you want to?
Abigail: See Pat's spoiler regarding Ava and lemme know what you think! And with Jessica that'd be perfect although can we leave that RP for a little while? Not long..just until I get control of all these RPs :shy:
Clemence: Oooh, whats Clemence like?
Thanks Alexis! :wub:
Would he be interested in flirting with/dating Ava? :r
Thanks you guys! You're awesome! :hug:
@Riley: Oh cool! Could you give me a bit of information on Riley? ^_^
Ava sounds perfect. Right at this moment he is going to be dating another Slytherin but he is going to get his heart crushed shortly before Yule or right after. Tohoru and Ava could meet become friends and once he is dumped he could realize that Ava was the girl he wanted all along and than ask her out.
Lucie/Jess: Great.
Jenny/Sam/Jess: Great :D I'm so excited for Sam/Jenn. Could you start please.
Abbey/Ava/Nia: That'd be lovely and no problem, I also have a lot :p
Clemence/Matt: She is kind of shy, a little nerdy, nervous around people and she kind of is in the shadows of her family so she doesn't stand out to many.. Oh um she doesn't speak much english so that could be a big problem.
Riley transferred from Australia where she was homeschooled, her father owns a computer company and had to move to NZ to start up a new branch. Riley is not your ypical Hufflepuff, she likes to think of herself as a huffleTUFF actually. She loves Quiddich and is hoping to play sometime for Hogwarts. She has a short temper but is nice to those she knows, she isn't a complete girly girl either.

Okay, I'll Start the Lily/Ava one now,
And the common room, sounds good.
@Alexis: I'll start up the Sam/Jenn one now! I'm really excited about it too :r And with Clemence is it alright if we RP them later? Because its not like theres a time limit like the Matt/Jenny RP which i still have to post in :r But yeah, she sounds perfect. He is in need of a friend!

@Riley: Fantastic! Do you mind starting?

@Lily: Ok thanks! And I'll start up Elijah/Sam ASAP! ^_^

@Tohoru: Awh! Well we can see what happens when we RP....if they get on and what not! But again, can this RP wait till a little later. Really sorry but I just suck at keeping up ith RP's <_<
It's fine we can put it off while I catch up on things on my end. Just shoot me a pm when your ready.
@Alexis: Jenn/Sam RP ^_^

@Riley: Well they'd be in the same classes so they'd recognise each other from there? But how about they meet in the Common Room? It seems like the place to be meeting people these days xD

@Tohoru: Thanks :D
sam/jenn: posting now :)
clemence/matt: that is fine :)
matt/jenn: get to it missay!
Le w00t Louise. All sounds good for me. Do you want to set up one and I'll do the other? And Ava/Nia/Abbey works just fine for me :) Who should set up that one?
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