RP for a Good Time!!

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Helena Zingini

Active Member
Helena has been one of my unused characters for a while. Let's just say that a combination of other characters and real life drama added to the delay in her activity on this site. :(
Though she is not particularily new and has attended HNZ for a year now, I want to 'de-antisocialize' her and bless her with friends, or enemies, should she be so fortunate. :p
RP contents is open for discussion, however whereabouts I will be particular about.
Ze forbidden forest. :D Helena has a fascination with the wilderness.
Hi Helena,
We are classmates so we could RP, and Andrew could become an Average friend of Helena.
However, Andrew only goes to forest to save people and stopping others from entering it so that wouldn't be a nice way to start friendship. Do you have any other particular area where you would like to rp?
Well, I suppose somewhere on the school grounds would be okay.
I don't think I've been to the cliffs yet.
Average friends sounds good, since they are both in Slytherin and the same year.
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