Roses Monthly

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Archie had yet another rose to deliver. This time it was red, and addressed to the editor of the Hogwarts Monthly, Ellington Hayes. Luckily, Archie knew the girl from working with her on the magazine and had an idea of where to find her. He entered the Hogwarts Monthly room, smiling when he found Ellington there. He was glad that he didn't need to look too far. "Ellington! I have a rose for you!" He said in a mock singing tone.
Ellie had been so busy with the latest edition of the Hogwarts Monthly, she'd practically been living in the offices, except those few times she had to leave for... personal monthly reasons. When she was called, she initially assumed that Archie wanted help with something, but when she looked up she realised that he was holding out a rose. "Hey Archie, um, why?" She really had no idea why someone, or who would send her a rose.
Archie stepped further into the room as Ellington greeted him. He smiled, saying "It's valentine's day! Someone clearly loves you if they want to send you such a pretty red rose." and then holding the rose towards her, hoping she would accept it. He then handed her the note, continuing to smile at her. Archie loved these rose deliveries. Receiving a red rose himself first thing in the morning was the perfect start to his day, making the rest of it bright and happy. Ellington was such a hard worker, and kind to him so he hoped that her receiving this rose would have the same affect.
Dear Ellington Hayes

I really really really really like you!

From Aspen Faye <3
Ellie stared at the rose in confusion as it was handed to her. She would have understood a yellow rose, that would have probably been from Max, but a red one? Taking the rose from Archie and then the note, Ellie read it and shook her head slightly. A smile was forming on her face, but she tried to ignore it. Aspen was the sister of Riven, who was one of the reporters in the monthly. She'd never realised that she felt like this. "Aspen, you're a nutter." Ellie was happy, but she was going to have to nip this in the bud. She couldn't have this, there was no way. "Thanks Archie, I appreciate this." She said folding the note and placing it into her pocket.

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