Open Roses, Among Other Flowers

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
(Yellow rose, open after @Connor Holland )

Poppy was excited to be delivering roses again this year. She had a great time last year, meeting new people and even delivering some to her friends. Although Lars probably wouldn't get one this year, she had heard he had broken up with his boyfriend at the end of last semester. But as she made her way to the garden where she hoping to find her first delivery of the day. "I was hoping I'd find you out here!" she said cheerfully as she spotted Connor.
Between all these deliveries, Connor needed a few moments to gather his thoughts. There was one name on his list that frankly terrified him, and Connor didn't especially want to think about how poorly that particular interaction was going to go. He had taken a moment away from all the noise to go to the place in the castle he felt safest, hiding in the Hogwarts garden and enjoying the peace and quiet. He jumped at the sound of a voice, relaxing at once as he realised who it was. Phew. "I was just taking a break." He smiled shyly, approaching Poppy. "How are your deliveries going?"
Poppy jogged easily over to the other boy and sat down next to him with a sigh. “You’re one of my first!” she said, and picked out one of the yellow roses in her bunch. “But I’m excited! I had a lot of fun last year and I’m sure this year will be great too.” She explained and handed over the flower, making sure the note was attached. “Are you doing deliveries this year? How is it going for you?” she asked curiously.
I didn't put any lizards in your bed. Promise.
- F
Connor smiled when Poppy joined him, glad to have a bit of safe company. As overwhelming as he found the volume of the castle with roses going on, it was nice not to be entirely alone. "It's going well!" He answered, smiling shyly. "I just needed a little break, but I've been enjoying the deliveries so far." He decided not to mention the delivery to Alice on his list, not wanting to bring all that up with Poppy. "Thanks!" He said instead, accepting the rose she had for him and opening the note to see who it was from. Connor hadn't expected to get any roses and he was pleasantly surprised by the delivery, though his blood froze as he read the message. F... that had to be Freya, who was quite possibly the most terrifying person he had ever met. And if she was saying she hadn't put lizards in his bed... "Oh no." Connor croaked, shoulders tensing up as he shot to his feet, grabbing his basket quickly. "I, uh, I have to go, I'm sorry Poppy..." He stammered, hurrying towards the castle, note still clutched tightly in his hand. There was no way she had really filled his bed with lizards, right?
Poppy took a deep breath, enjoying the peace of the garden before she had to go back inside to face the rest of her deliveries. “Good to hear it!” she said cheerfully as Connor read his note. “I just started so I don’t really need a break quite yet but it is just so nice out here its hard not to want to stop for a while. I hope I’ll be able to find everyone. Last year I delivered to a lot of people on the paper so that was easy but-” she started rambling until Connor cut her off. “What’s wrong?” she asked as he shot to his feet and grabbed his things. Soon he was hurrying towards the castle. Poppy glanced down and realized she still had another rose for him. “Connor, wait!” she shouted and started to run after him. “You have another rose!” she called out, hoping that he would hear her and stop.
Pure panic fueled the heartbeat thumping through Connor's head. Why would Freya fill his bed with lizards? It was Freya, she never seemed to need a 'why' for anything she did. Poppy's voice broke through his panic though, and Connor slowed down for her to catch up, looking at her anxiously. "A... what?" He asked, stumbling over the words a bit. Had Freya done more?
Poppy sighed in relief when Connor slowed and she was able to catch up with him. "You have another rose!" she panted."Here!" she exclaimed and handed him the second yellow rose and note. "What's going on?! Where are you going?" she asked with concern.
I know you like this sort of stuff, so whatever, here.

Connor skidded to a stop when Poppy called out to him, face distressed. "What?!" He said in dismay, accepting the other rose nervously. Was this about something else Freya had done to him?! Opening the note, Connor relaxed slightly when he saw who it was from. It was sweet that Eric had thought of him, and made him a bit less anxious about his brother's opinion of his involvement in the rose event. That didn't take away the fear twisting his stomach though, and Connor gave Poppy a pained look. "I'm sorry, Poppy, I have to go!" He said quickly, turning again and running away towards his dorm.

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