
Simon Waterfield

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Redwood Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Simon after finishing his History lesson, had rushed to his dorm, grabbed a quick shower, put on some good clothes and then realised Alexan hadn't told him what he'd wanted help with. So Si just grabbed all his textbooks and brushed them into his bag. He grinned at himself, and the fact he got his Charms professor to put an undetectable extension charm onto his bag. He then grabbed his wand and headed to the Hall. There he gathered an assortment of food items and placed them into a basket he'd managed to find, including a whole watermelon. He than sat at a table nearest to the door and waited through the second and third period for Alexan to meet him.

He had just finished reading a chapter on Counter-curses, when Alexan walked through the door. So before Alexan could say anything Simon ran up to him and placed the food basket in his arms. He chuckled at Alexan's confused expression, so Simon turned him around and led him to the tree they had said they were going to go to. Luckily no one was sitting there, otherwise his plan would have been ruined, and Simon sat down with Alexan at the tree. "So how was your day?" He asked politely, while taking his jacket off. It was a lovely warm day, and there were a few students still walking about, but no one would spot them here. Not unless they were trying to.
Alexan had been rather surprised at the reception given to him. Looking down at the basket of food in his hands (that was heavier than he expected) Alexan looked up at Simon, expecting some sort of explanation. However, there was none, not eve as he was physically turned around and ushered to where they would be meeting. Considering he had decided on the location, he doubted he needed to be escorted. However, during the walk, he attempted to look at the contains of the basket, but found that his view was often constructed by something else - was that a watermelon? He had flipped the flaps open when Simon was not looking, and was surprised that he managed to fit it. But why did he bring a whole watermelon?

Alexan sat down, and placed the basket in front of him. "My day was good, Charms went pretty well." Herbology, on the other hand, would be starting next, and he was fortunate to not have ran into anyone taking the course yet. Alexan once again peeled the flapsof the basket open, and tugged out the watermelon, balancing it in his hands. "Why is there a whole watermelon?" he asked, smiling slightly at the absurdity of it all. "How on earth are we going to eat this?"
Simon's smile faltered at Alexan's questions. "I-I thought you liked watermelon?" it was watermelon they'd had at breakfast wasn't it? and he honestly hadn't thought about how they could eat it. He could always use a spell on it to turn it to chunks and make it easier to eat, but he had something else planned. "The food is for after we study or whatever it is we are doing." He grinned whilst taking the melon out of Alexan's hands and placing it into his own lap. "You get this after we do some work."

"Now I have textbooks, spell books and notes on every lesson available for OWL year, most of them are not mine, so where would you like to begin?" Simon pulled his bag towards him and rummaged through it knocking around quite a few books. He couldn't wait until they'd done some work, so then he could somehow open the melon.
Alexan snorted. "I like watermelon, honest, but," his eyes looked down at the whole watermelon, as he wondered whether they would actually eat all of it, and whether it could be cut without one of them having to get assistance or something, and without it going everywhere. "Wouldn't it have been more practical to bring already sliced watermelon?" He frowned slightly as the melon was taken from him, and his mind began to race on what he needed the most help in. Probably Herbology. He had a brown thumb, with the ability to instantly kill any plant he touched. The professor said he just needed to focus more, but perhaps plants just weren't his thing.

His eyebrow rose slightly at all the notes that Simon had. He had to give Simon credit, he seemed to have kept all his notes. Alexan's fourth year notes were somewhere under his bed, in the chimney at home, maybe a few lying on the bedroom floor back home. "Wow, umm... probably Herbology?" He looked at the notes, attempting to find something Herbology related, and tugged on some pages. "Right now I'm okay - but really skirting the line. How did you do in Herbology?"
Simon grinned again. "I could only find a whole melon, so I thought close enough, And I'm pretty sure I could slice it." He couldn't wait for the studying to finish so they could start eating, but the thought of food was so tempting he quickly sneaked his hand into the basket and grabbed a sandwich as Alexan was looking through some papers. He smiled at his own genius and subtly he was jerked back to reality by Alexan. So he needed help with Herbology? hmm. He quickly rustled through the pages and handed him the right one. He laid back onto the grass and munched secretly on the sandwich.

"Oh me? I got Acceptable in Herbology. But them notes should be good. The girl I got them off got Outstanding. I think." Herbology was a weird lesson for Si, on the one hand it was less studious than say, Arithmancy, but it was also practical, in the way which made dirt stick under your nails for a week, which he found annoying. "The notes for Potions, Charms, D.A.DA and Astronomy are mine however, so you should look at them as well." Other notes here were his as well, but he had failed a few subjects and did not want Alexan to know.
Alexan nodded slowly, allowing Simon know that he somewhat understood what he meant. But it was still rather intriguing. "Why not get a house elf to do it?" he suggested, knowing that the house elves would not dob him in for skipping class, and it also mean that it was not Simon doing the cutting. Good student or not, watermelon could be very annoying and very messy, very quickly. He then returned his eyes to the papers before him. "That would be easier, and cleaner."

An A was a pass mark, but Alexan was aiming for Os in everything. He knew that it would not always happen - especially in NEWTs. It was rare for a wizard or with to get Os in every one of their classes, but he had yet to actually fail. He could also drop some things later, so if he specialised, he would be prepared. He smiled slightly at the knowledge of the notes not being Simon's own notes, but he assumed that permission was given.Then no one would turn up and complain or anything. And, since Simon mentioned that they were his own, Alexan also reached for the potions, Charms, DADA and Astronomy notes, to see how he was going in his classes - well, to get a feel for how he was going. However, something about the Herbology notes caught his eye. "Hit the pumpkin with a shovel?" he asked, looking up at Simon in bewilderment. He was not the best, but that had to be incorrect.
Simon sputtered in mock disbelief. "Get a-a house elf to do it? We are Wizards Alexan we can do this simple task ourselves." He rolled the melon over in his arms. asking a house elf to it would mean moving, and simon was comfortable on the soft grass, he really wasn't going to move unless he absolutely had to, like if there was a fire. "As I said before, we are wizards Alexan we can make thinks clean again. With magic." While Alexan was reading, Simon had pulled his wand out, and was absent mindedly making flowers grow and shrink over and over again. Hoping it wasn't to much of a distraction he continued even as he talked to Alexan.

As confusion spread across Alexan's face like wildfire Simon moved over to sit closer to him and read over the other boy's shoulder, the enlarged flower forgotten. "Vermillous Tentacula is friendly. What? This is incorrect." He stated obviously, trying not to laugh. Either he picked up the wrong notes, or Janey, his friend had written up false notes to stop others from taking them, which would have been very rude of her. "Sorry Alexan, I think I picked up the wrong notes."
Alexan smiled slightly, and shrugged his shoulders. In the end, it would be Simon's decision, although the sixth year would have really rather place the melon's care into someone that was, perhaps a little more serious than Simon. He could blow the fruit up or something. "But-" He waited for Simon to finish, and released a calm sigh. "It's not just the mess, Simon. You could, I don't know, send melon everywhere, or even worse, attracted attention." He did not want to be seen. They were out in the grounds and the Herbology Greenhouses were nearby.It was rare for people to wander over to this spot, but if they started making noise and damaging the place people would surely come.

"Undiluted Bubotuber puss is used as a treatment for warts," he read skeptically, shaking his head when he was done. This clearly was incorrect, as he knew very well what undiluted bubotuber puss could do, having accidentally got some on himself in his Herbology class when first working with the plant. "I agree. Tentacula's are certainly not friendly plants." Unless their tendency to constrict people was considered cuddling, then they could be considered very loveable. But who would take that in such a naive light? He looked at Simon and, feeling a little claustrophobic at how close he was, just looming over him like that, he rested his weight onto his other side, and returned the notes to Simon's bag. "It's okay, if you can remember anything we can talk about it, or find something else to study. I don't want to be a bother."
"I suppose, but I have the perfect spell, which will cause minimal damage." He smiled, very unsure if he had the right spell in mind. was it Diffindo or Deprimo? He shrugged to himself, slightly confused as to why Alexen seemed worried about attracting attention as they were doing nothing wrong. He looked around the only class even remotely near them was a herbology lesson in the greenhouse, but that was far away, not even a spell cast away.

He sat back next to the melon and stuffed the books and stuff into his bag. He might as well tell Alexan what was covered in his OWLs so that he could have some fore knowledge. "What subject would you like to talk about? Or would you like to continue with Herbology?" He drew the watermelon into his lap and rolled it over in his hands.
Alexan released a breath through his nose as he considered what Simon had said. He could have gone on, but it was doubtful that it would actually accomplish anything other than annoying Simon and losing Alexan a friend. Well, pretty much only friend, as that really was what Simon could be considered. It was not an easy thought, having ones only friend planning to use a 'perfect spell' that would cause 'minimal damage', especially when he didn't know what the spell was, or what the effects were, but he had to at least trust that Simon would know his stuff. He was a year old, and was out here giving Alexan a hand with his own work. He probably knew more than what Alexan did and in greater detail.

"I'd still like to continue with Herbology," the Sixth year answered. "And maybe a little later we could get onto some Charms." He then looked back at Simon, pouting to try and convince him to weaken his stance on the watermelon situation. "Can I please have some watermelon?"
Simon's smile wavered. The whole point of this was to get some work done not eat Watermelon. Although, now Simon came to think about it, that did seem like a great idea. "Fine we'll have a little bit now, but then we must get the work done." He emphasised the word little is he stood up, placed the Melon on the grass and took a step backwards. He raised his wand and said the incantation that was in his head. If he was correct he'd be using a simple severing charm.

"Deprimo!" the spell shot out of his wand and the impact made him fly backwards. When he looked up again, all he could see was a dark grey mass surrounding the tree and the nearby area. Ash was floating down around him and he felt a cold sense of dread. Alexan. He shouted his name as he ran into the cloud of dust, ash and dirt.
Alexan grinned, being satisfied with his minor victory. It was rare for him to convince others to do anything, so when it happened he was particularly pleased with himself. He still held the nagging feeling that a nice, normal knife would be better to cut the watermelon with, but it appeared as if Simon was not having any of it, and was going to be using magic to cut it. How bad could it be, really? Nothing bad was going to happen - not that he could see, anyway. As Simon stood up, Alexan scooted back a little bit just in case the older boy's aim was off. he did not fancy being treated as the watermelon, and so gave him plenty of space to do his magic and get them watermelon before they knuckled down. If they ever did. However, for the few seconds it took for Simon to cast the spell, and the spell's effect to happen, Alexan did have the thought that perhaps Simon had been incorrect in his pronunciation. The aftermath of the spell removed all doubt.

With his hair blown back and lying quite a distance from the impact site, Alexan placed a hand on his head and sat up, now having a ringing in his ears and a headache. What in the name of Merlin's sandals did Simon do?! He heard his name being called, and looked over to find Simon looking rather pale. "Simon?" he muttered, slowly getting up and balancing himself via extended arms. "That... that wasn't the cutting spell," he said, trying to neaten up his singed and stained uniform.

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