🌹 Rose Giving ROSE RUCKUS

Hester MacGillivray

perky piper 💪 unstoppable! 🐸zoology student🐸
OOC First Name
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Curved 14 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2040 (23)
((Yellow, open after @Cassiah West ))

Hester always loved the roses, and she was excited to be taking part in the deliveries again this year. She had always thought Valentines ought to be more of an event, and this year she had decided to bring the drama herself. She had donned her MacGillivray tartan with pride and tucked her bagpipes under her arm, the posture and march coming easily to her as she entered the Great Hall, playing a jaunty tune to announce her arrival. She recognised the first name on her list from her classes, and quickly spotted the girl as she approached the Ravenclaw table. By the time she had reached Cassiah Hester had finished her song and she took her fingers off the pipe, smiling cheerfully as she reached into the basket hooked over her elbow. "Rose delivery for you!"
Cas was minding her business, talking to her other housemates while having her usual snacking. The Ravenclaw was bewildered when she heard a bagpipe being played loudly in the Great Hall. She turned to look at a schoolmate she recognized from her classes. Oh! Merlin, don't you dare come to me. She thought to herself, this was embarrassing and this is being witnessed by her siblings. As she came nearer, Cas wanted to disappear, "Are you sure that's mine?" Cas gave Hester a nervous smile. "Maybe it's Niklaus' rose" She looked around for the said guy and remember he wasn't there.
Hester couldn't help a small giggle at Cassiah's confusion, shaking her head. "It's definitely yours, it's your lucky day!" She said brightly, reaching into the basket hooked over one elbow and withdrawing the bright yellow rose and its attached note. She smiled broadly, handing them over to her classmate. "Happy Valentines day!"

You're amazing, we should go for a run together.
Niklaus Easterling
Oh! That's new. Somebody remembered me. She thought, calmed now as the people around them went back to what they were all doing before. "I guess it is." She took the rose and letter gently from Hester. Reading the letter, she tried not to give out a huge smile. The Ravenclaw pursed her lips together, "It's from Niklaus. Maybe that's why he's nowhere to be found." Cassiah looked around one more time, maybe he was hiding somewhere and wanted to catch her reaction. "Anyways! Thank you." She continued with a whisper, "And don't ever do that again, kinda scared the day lights out of me." Of course, it was a joke. But she smiled at her anyways.
Hester loved seeing people get their roses, grinning at the happiness on the Ravenclaw's face. She didn't really know Cassiah or Niklaus at all, but she was glad they were enjoying the day. She laughed lightly at the other girl's comment. "But now that it's happened once you'll be expecting it next time." She grinned with a wink before taking up her mouthpiece again, inflating the bag and beginning to play as she marched off to make her next delivery.

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