Rose for Theodore

Daisy Parker-Taylor

Meow Meow Meow 🐶
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Lizzie)
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Rose time was Daisy's favorite time of year. She couldn't believe that it was her last year, the last time she would be spreading the love around the school. There were so many to deliver, so she got started as soon as she could, having run down to the Great Hall without putting her shoes on. That was a usual occurrence for the Daisy, but she could honestly say that today she had completely forgotten.
After delivering her roses at the Gryffindor Common Room, Daisy only had one left, for a Ravenclaw. She knew they were up in the Towers, so made her way to the Ravenclaw Common Room, asking around for a boy named Theodore. Eventually, she asked someone to go and get him from the Ravenclaw Towers for her, as she stood outside, waiting patiently, humming a song to herself.
Theodore despised Valentine's day. It was a horrible holiday for shallow people. He would never send anyone a rose, he was quite sure of that. He wondered if Edmund would get a rose from his 'friend', but he didn't want to ask. Anything to do with the subject just created more tension between them. He decided to stick to the common room for most of the day, but apparently he wasn't even safe there. Another student told him someone was waiting for him outside of the common room. For a moment he was tempted to just let her wait until she gave up, but then he remembered who had probably sent him the rose. Last year he had gotten one from Zoe. Edmund had mocked him for it, but he had secretly kept it. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to read the note on this one. He headed over to the entrance of the common room and stepped outside, frowning at the girl. "You asked for me?"
A sullen looking boy approached her, and Daisy wondered if all Ravenclaws were gloomy. He had a frown on his face, but Daisy was sure that was going to change soon. "Cheer up buttercup! I have something for you Theodore!" Daisy said, taking out the yellow rose and note, presenting it to the boy. "See! A rose for you!"

Does crying make you uncomfortable? Are you scared of tears? Let me know if you wanna try and target me again, I can switch that on with a blink of an eye
Theodore's expression didn't waver when the girl told him to cheer up. He didn't have to listen to her, and he had no reason to be happy. The rose she was giving him might be from Zoe, which would be kind of nice, but he wouldn't want anyone to know he found that nice. Silently, he took it from her and read the note. His expression darkened when he read it and realized who it was from. That infuriating little first year girl who had started crying for no reason! He hadn't been scared of her tears, that was ridiculous! The boy was surprisingly disappointed that this rose wasn't from Zoe, and let it drop from his hand along with the note. He stepped on it, crushing both under his foot. "This was stupid." He told the girl. "You should go now." He was humiliated by this rose, though he didn't want this girl to know that.
What the boy did next was completely unexpected. Daisy's mouth fell open in shock and she took a small step back as the boy crushed the note and rose. "What - why did you do that? Was it something mean?" Daisy took a step forward again to put her hand on his shoulder. "Do I need to go kick someone's ass?" She asked again. She had sent a mean rose before, but she wondered if she would have apologized if a Seventh Year or Professor went knocking on her door.
Theodore frowned at the girl as she asked if it was something mean. As if he would tell her anything like that. He didn't even know her. "I told you to go now." He said instead, his voice still without emotion. Her offer to kick someone's ass was meaningless. She didn't know him either, why would she ever do anything for him? Theodore stared her down, something that usually made people leave him alone. Though he was glad to know he could disappear back into the common room if he needed, she couldn't follow him there.
Daisy held the boy's stare, a frown on her face. "I know. I just don't take orders from anyone so..." Daisy stood there for a moment. "I'm only going now because I have more deliveries. Not because you said." She lied, as he was her last, and she paused for a second again. "Take care of yourself little mister." She wasn't too happy to be leaving him after he crumbled the rose and note, but he didn't seem to want to talk to her. Perhaps she'd have to go to his Head of House and let them know that someone was bullying him. With a final look at the boy, Daisy turned and headed off.
Theodore was starting to get annoyed when the girl didn't seem intimidated by his stare. He supposed it was less effective without Edmund doing the same thing next to him. He let out small breath of relief when the girl mentioned she had to go. He didn't care about her reasons, he just wanted her out of his face. Her next words surprised him, and he blinked. "What?" He asked quietly, but he didn't think she had heard. Why did she care? And who was she to call him little? Confused, but not as annoyed as before, Theodore made his way back into the common room. He left the rose on the ground, but had taken the note with him so he could throw it into the fire.

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