Open Rose and Spider

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Henri Fontaine

smart; obsessive; aloof
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
none yet
02/2051 (10)
Henri had been surprised to have gotten a single rose, though he didn't necessarily think that this was the best use of the rose. He had intended to try to find Sage and give it to her, since he had sent her roses, so what was one more, but as he'd been looking for her, he had spotted a spider, a tiny thing which he had then promptly encouraged onto the rose. He stepped into the great hall, thinking that he'd spot her at the slytherin table, when it turned out that the hall was no at all what he'd thought it would be. "Oh," he was still in his uniform. How did he keep missing that these events were happening.
-godmod approved-

Sage had decided to try and cause a little chaos. She'd not bothered dressing up this time either, instead slipping in wearing a simple black outfit with a black beanie. She was slinking about near the doors, watching the kids coming in. She was waiting for the perfect target. It had been a little bit, but soon enough one had shown up that she couldn't resist. She smirked, sneaking up on him until she was in range. She slipped the small water gun from her pocket, fully loaded and charmed to be refilling. She waited until he wasn't looking before leaning out from around the kids she'd been hiding behind and squirting him in the face.
Henri hadn't been paying attention in the slightest, not to the hall, not to his surroundings and not at all to whomever was around him. he didn't notice anything until there was water on his face. He dropped the rose and the spider with it as he spluttered and wiped the water from his face.
Sage couldn't help but laugh, not noticing the rose or the spider. "Merlin, you make it so easy," She teased, leaning against the wall nearby and sheathing her water gun back in her pocket. "You should really pay more attention to your surroundings, Henri."
Henri wiped the water from his face and then looked at Sage. he rolled his eyes at her, flicking some of the water from his face in her direction. "I don't think I do," he countered, "But I did lose the spider I had found...," he said as he reached down to pick up the rose. "here," he offered it to her.
Sage raised a brow, taking the rose from him. "You do know it's generally rude to give people bugged flowers." She gave him a little smirk. "Unless, of course, you were trying to be mean. But somehow I don't think you have it in you."
Henri shook his head. "But it was a pretty spider, you'd have liked it," he told her, though he was pretty sure she did not actually like spiders. He shook his head lightly. "I can be mean," he did retort although he wasn't actually sure he could be.
Sage snorted. "Right, sure. I am a girl, you know. Did you think to ask if I was scared of spiders before you hid one on the flower?" She wasn't actually afraid of spiders, but that didn't mean she liked them as surprises. She leant against the wall. "Maybe you're already being mean. Can you say you know anything about me, bug boy?" She quirked a brow, curious how he might respond.
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