Room Re-Allocation

Noah Harley

Active Member
Noah sat in his room and smiled a small, shy and rarely seen smile. He liked his room now Damien had been chucked out of the school. He had a double room all to himself and it was bliss. There was no-one here to annoy him or tell him off. No-one to tell him he had issues. The only other place he felt as peaceful as he did here was at home. That was only because everyone else there was as messed up as he was.

Noah liked being in that household. Every one of his adoptive siblings had different backgrounds and stories and, most of all, they all had issues. His oldest brother had anger management, like himself, the other older brother had dependancy issues, his little brother had fire issues. His older sister had trust issues and, finally, his little sister had issues with, well, lots of things really. He loved his messed up family.

Noah lead back on his bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. He was meant to have a lesson but, well, it's not like he absolutely had to go to it. It was just a revision session anyway, he already knew all the stuff, it would just be a waste of time. He let himself dream for a couple of minutes until he was rudely awakened by a knock at his door. He kept his eyes closed, hoping whoever it was would go away, but the knocking continued. Noah stood, straightening out his smart clothes, and opened the door. "What?"
Maximilian sighed as he packed his last bag. His roommate had been causing him alot of trouble so far this year and it was quite annoying. Of course the boy had figured out Max may be gay and caused alot of trouble for Max. Max didn't mind being called names, he spent most of his time in their room working on different clothes for his sister to wear anyways so he never got out much to hear the things being said about him. Sure he had a guy friend that he happened to have an old crush on a few years back. It wasn't a big deal, the guy only came out to the school to meet with Max when he needed helped on his school year, Maximilian not being one of the brightest crayons in the box.

Grabbing his trunk and other bags he made his way down to his new room where he spent a good five mintues knocking on the door, as it was locked. Inside he could hear breathing and knew his roommate was in there. When the door opened he was suprised by the apprence of his roommate. "Uh, I'm Maximilian Jez, new roommate?" He said questioning the room number that was given to him as his new room. The teacher in charge of the boys didn't tell him anything else about his room, besides there was one other boy he'd share the double room with.
Noah looked at the boy in front of him and frowned, there wasn't a hint of a smile on his face now. "My roommate?" He didn't remember anything about a roommate, then again, he didn't really listen much. He should've known the bliss of a double room to himself wouldn't last. "Great(!)" The boy walked away from the door, back to his bed. He would let the other guy move in on his own. Surely the boy could find where his things went, it was the same as his old room after all.

Noah considered the idea of having a roommate. He needed someone around here, it was getting boring being avoided. Typically, he was the nerd that people bullied, except he had no problem with ripping off peoples arm, well, trying to at least. That generally lead to a lonely life. He was surprised this Maximillian person had accepted to share a room with him.
Maximilian didn't know what to take of the guy he was going to share a room with. He nodded to him as he made his way into the room. He put the medium size box that contained his sewing machince on his desk and put his trunk at the foot of his bed. He emptied the rest of his two remaining bags on his new bed ready to make this new room seem more home then the other did. He glanced occassionly towards the other boy to see what he was doing but didn't really make a move to get to know him just yet.

His new roommate hadn't even introduced himself which was slightly rude but Maxxie knew that the whole situation was sprung upon them suddenly. He had sent in a request to change dorms weeks ago and they were just getting back to him now. "So...?" He said as he moved across his half of the room putting things away. He was looking over at his new roommate wondering if he was going to give up his name any time soon.
Noah listened to the sounds of the boy sorting his things out and thought about the situation. He could always try and get the boy kicked out again but he knew that would be a waste of time, it must have taken him forever to get them to move him this time. The school weren't exactly amazing when it came to hassle and fuss about things. They would be reluctant to find the boy another room.

Noah wondered what kind of person this boy was to want to live with him. There were four options as far as he could see. One, he didn't believe the stories. Two, he didn't believe Noah could take him. Three, he hadn't heard the stories and, finally, Four, he hated the place he was in so much he didn't mind. Noah figured, after seeing the boy, that it was either three or four.

Noah rolled over to look at the boy when he spoke. "Yeah?" He didn't notice he hadn't given his name or anything, he wasn't exactly used to being polite after all. He knew from the tone that the boy didn't really have something to say, it was just to break the ice. Noah didn't exactly feel like being helpful though.

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