Closed Room For Improvement

Oskar Strom

guarded ⏳ calculating ⏳ new in town
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 16 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
02/2048 (15)
Oskar still found it hard to believe he had not made the starting line up on the quidditch team over a first year. Had his performance been that horrible? Or had he made some kind of unspoken mistake? It wasn't like he knew any of the social intricacies of this school. He wouldn't be surprised if there was something bigger going on. But that didn't stop a constant loop of negative self talk from repeating in his head over and over, like a broken music box that just wouldn't close. Oskar figured the only way to make it quiet was to do something about it so he made his way to the quidditch pitch one morning while it was empty. He hadn't slept much but the brisk morning air seemed to help with that. He was doing some quick warm ups on the ground when he got the sense he might not be as alone as he thought.
Marley had been disappointed with the outcome of the recent game, she barely was able to hit anything before the Gryffindor seeker had managed to catch the snitch. She was disappointed with it all. But the Hufflepuff knew she had to practice as much as she could to be better as a beater as well as do better in future games. While Marley preferred to sleep in, she knew she had to get better and do better at what she needed to do. The Hufflepuff walked onto the pitch ready to get started on a bit of practice, though it had seemed like someone else was on the pitch too, which Marley honestly hadn't expected.

"I'm guessing you had the same idea too?" Marley said with a small smile, as she stood near the boy, as she tied her hair up and got started on some warm-ups as well. Though Marley had realised she hadn't really seen this boy around, maybe in one of her classes, she hadn't really seen the boy around before. "You're a new face, haven't seen you around before. Did you just start this year?" Marley then asked the boy, happy to have some sort of conversation with the boy. Maybe he had been here all along and Marley just didn't see him until now.
Oskar glanced over his shoulder and found that his instinct was correct and he saw a girl he recognized form some of his classes. "I guess so." he said rather stiffly. He had hoped to have the pitch to himself but it wasn't like he owned the place so he didn't have a choice but to share. He tensed again when she pointed out that he was new. He sighed to himself. He hated feeling like he was standing out just for being new. "I did." he answered, not wanting to seem rude no matter how uncomfortable he was. "My name is Oskar." he offered.
omg I apologise for this being very, VERY LATE (Ur welcome to discontinue the thread if you wish! just wanted to reply to some threads haha)

Marley nodded when it indeed seemed like they had a similar idea of practising. She had only been on the team for just over a year now, this year being her second year, and Marley knew she had to practise when she could. She smiled a little when her thoughts confirmed that the boy was indeed new around here, though she did seem to feel a bit bad when she noticed that the boy was slightly uncomfortable. She thought that maybe he had gotten that a lot recently. "Nice to meet ya Oskar, I'm Marley" Marley said happily to the boy while giving a wave to the boy. "So, what position are you playing? Did you... wanna I dunno... practice together? Maybe?"

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