🌹 Rose Giving Romantic Rose for Headboy

Crystal Holmgaard

🐉 Dragonologist Romanian Sanctuary | Insecure
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 15 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The white blonde girl made her way to deliver her second rose. This time it was gladly someone she could find, since she knew it was the headboy. Now she still had to find him. But figured to go to the great hall since it was lunch time. And as she made her way to the Hufflepuff table she looked out to see if she saw something familliar. But than noticed the headboy. Crystal didn't spoken with him so she wondered how he was. '' Hello Jordan. I'm Crystal and I got an rose for you.'' She than said to the boy with an smile. And showed the red rose for him. Crystal wondered how that must feel to get that colour.

@Jordan Harris
Jordie had been having a busy day. He paused when he heard his name, looking up from his food and smiled softly. "Hey, it's Jordie. Thank you," He offered out his hand, smiling a little more as he saw the red rose. He was getting quite a collection of those, he was wondering who else could possibly be left to send him a rose.
As the boy said an short or nickname was how he liked to be called she felt bad. But he didn't seemed to be bothered by it. She than handed over the red rose and the note to it attached. '' Here you go.'' The blonde said and smiled.

Up for cuddles tonight?
-Kaia XoXo :)
Jordie smiled, snagging the rose as it was offered out and letting out a warm chuckle. "This is adorable, thank you," He told her sincerely. He would definitely have to meet up with Kaia later.

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