Rolling like I know this Place

Seth Makwa

Well-Known Member
This had to be like Seth fifth time here,
considering he work off site for the Ministry of New Zealand and still he felt like an outsider amongst the New Zealander residence of this place. If someone was to randomly walk up on the guy, asking for any directions, he would be stump. Perhaps mumbling while trying to figure which side pointed west, or which side pointed east. Nothing seem clear to him. He felt like ditching the place completely and go back to the western side of the hemisphere to continue his travel throughout America. His last stop before he came here was Washington Heights, somewhere near Colorado. He had been staying in a small town, where you had to catch the ferry to get there (he apparated of course) where it was sighted. The small town had an occupant of no more than three thousand residents. He went there to meet a few locals who were Makah Natives like him.
He had to come back here,
mainly because of Esme Makwa. A trouble youth with no mainstream goals in her life. Last time he heard about her, was rumors of her attending rehab for drinking to much and constantly abounding those trying to help her. It got to rough that she left school before graduating. Ger mom had loads to blame for misbehaving. Anyone that knew their family could tell you that. That was the whole point of the adoption and Seth wanting to hitch, so she can grew into a decent family. The plan fell apart when she rejected the idea of marriage. Seth never force the girl, so he agree along with her. Now with no string attach he made himself available to any cute looking girl that swung his way.
Single but worried.
She was apart of his family otherwise, he couldn't help the need to find her and her uncle too. Roswald was it? That was his two best friends father, Jake and Jon . They said they live a part of New Zealand, a part where Seth never been before. Holding back the search for a while, he decided he would wander around town. Getting use to the atmosphere around here. The weather was decent, it wasn't snowing like Washington Heights. He was glad to be wearing summer clothes and his 'famous' hats today. He had on some shades, covering his brown eyes. They made him appealing towards the girls moreover. He liked the comments and attention coming from those girl with big blue eyes, or red fiery hair. Any cute looking really made him flattered. He was slowly forgetting why he was here, instead made it a good old time.
There was a lot that the eldest Valentine had to work for. He had a job at the Ministry in the Uk, but for this day, he had to go to New Zealand. It wasn't a trip he made easily. He'd left while it was still night back home, with the family in the trusted care of the next two in command. He was sure that if anything did happen they would be able to deal with it. It was a simple trip, he to give a few items to an old friend from school. He'd contacted Zander, asking him to pick up several items from diagon alley and then bring them to him in New Zealand. It was a simple enough task, and Zander was glad for something to do, that was neither work related or family related. He needed to be away even if it was just for a couple of hours. He'd set an alarm on his watch to tell him when to return home. When the younger children would begin to be awake. He had to be up at that hour too. It wasn't that he couldn't trust him, more that he had to watch them. If anything did happen, it wasn't like his family could go through the same that it had with their parents. Although he was giving his all to protecting and taking care of his family, it was a lot easier said than done. It wasn't like he could easily get up in the morning and face the day. Being the eldest, he had spent the most time with the parents. He'd been incredibly close with his dad. And being the son, that took after him the most, it was difficult for Zander to really get past his parents being gone forever. He hadn't been given the same time as his siblings that had mainly all taken the time to be sad and to be upset. But even at the funeral, Zander had had to remain strong, because if he was weak, he didn't know how he could expect his family to be strong. Of course now several years down the line and Zander had helped raise Jamie, who was now nine and Tyler who was now 7. He'd had help, but he'd tried his hardest with them both. The elder children, were more difficult. They almost all had minds of their own. Different ways of acting, different friends. It was difficult for a boy of only 23 to be able to have an eye on them all and stop all manner of bullying from happening. he just couldn't. He wasn't superman. And he was still fairly new to the concept of taking care of all of those around him. He struggled and it was just the way things happened. But, this day felt good. He wasn't in the house, or at work. He didn't have a heap of chores. Sure he would be shattered when he returned and had to go through another entire day, but at least he was doing something, something that was for him. It had been a while since Zander had done anything for himself. He'd practically given up on friends. He had a few at work, but it wasn't like he could often join them, and he'd not been on any form of date since before his parents had passed. Now at 23 it was right to say, that Zander was pretty lonely, he loved his family and would do anything for each of them, but it wasn't enough.

The streets of Brightstone were confusing. His friend had given him an address to go to, but Zander was lost. He hadn't really been to this area much before. He didn't know it at all. And for this he was actually annoyed. He realised it would probably be of great use to him to know where everything was. He hadn't come with a map, and being the typical guy, he didn't really want to ask anyone for directions. It wasn't like he would take forever to find it. Brightstone wasn't that big, it couldn't take that long. He was sure. It was as he wandered down the street, for what seemed like the one hundredth time, that the green eyed boy decided that he would ask for directions. He walked over to a guy a little younger than him, he presumed. "Hey, excuse me," The deep English accented voice of the eldest Valentine sounded. "Can you help me, I'm trying to find this street, but I'm lost" He added walking up to the guy and waiting for a response, really hoping to get along with the guy. If it wasn't a possible friend, he still wanted the guy to act somewhat nice around him. Nice enough to show Zander the way.​
Seth had been busy chatting it up with a young woman who had the figure of a professional dancer. Every curve of her body, scream wow to Seth. He was a man, so being a man meant him looking and checking every detail she had to offer. A foreign like him, she had a very nice Caribbean accent, she spoke broken down English. Her color was of a dark moco skin, a lot more darker than Seth himself, though that's how he preferred his girl to be. Lot darker and lot curvier. He was enjoying his conversation with the young woman. She gave out that vibe she had no clue bout the wizarding world. The man could be wrong, he hate guessing if he could use magic or not. So many like him felt the same way, except so many that weren't him believe Muggels had no right in this world. He believe everyone should have equal rights, like the muggels in his tribes were allow to follow the same. "So can I get your number?" he ask the pretty girl.
The girl blush, she was feeling the connection between them both.

Not enough to give out her number, "Call me when you over twenty one boy, twenty just cutting it fo you" the girl walk away still glowing from their brief interesting conversation. Rejected, but not feeling down the boy took it as it is. She was interested, but not in no young stud like him. She ought be twenty-five or something for her to say no. Girls don't be liking em young no more. Just his luck too! He went on about his business, when someone approached him about directions again. Dang, he was no good with direction. How was he suppose to explain anything to anyone even if he did know where all the streets came across or where are all the most important places to visits. So many would ask where the wand shop was located, that he could tell you where it's located. He would have to take you there, but hey it was still direction in some way.

"To be honest I have no idea where this street at man, sorry" he expressed apologizing to the young looking dude. 'I'm a native from Maui, Hawaii brah, I work here but not on site, I'm a satellite employer" he said in thick Hawaiian accent."Where you from, if you don't mind that I ask?" he heard a bit of an accent there too. Something about his accent strike him to be like a northern cat. He meet a lot of them while attending that piss off school Drumstrang. Many of them didn't get along with Seth, cause he always got so many attention from the girls over there, for them he always been a threat. It was their luck he liked them more dark, but he didn't mind a few of 'those girls". Just like he didn't mind Esme to be his wife, when the plan was set.
It was by no means easy finding his way around the area. He found it difficult since he'd never really been before. Not since he was younger, and so much had happened between those two times, that his mind had completely spaced on it. It was weird for him however to be walking in a place he had once called home. It wasn't like he'd decided that he would never return to where he'd really spent some of his early life, just that it held nothing for him. He had nothing apart from old friends in New Zealand. The ones that had moved. It was odd that quite a number had moved, but it also didn't bother him, he'd long since stopped having to attend a school, and he'd quickly fallen out of contact with most of the people he had called his friends, and it was only until recently that he'd even found time to contact them. He felt somewhat irresponsible having left all his family in the hands of Robin and Mara. Not that he didn't trust them both, but that they had lives too, and he hated imposing himself upon them. But considering this was the first thing he'd done for himself in a long while, the two could hardly complain all that much. It was true to say that Zander's life revolved around two things, work and his siblings. He was by no means annoyed with them. He did not hate any of them, no matter how difficult they could be. He just was young, and had a lot more to offer, than his skills as a cook and at managing to run a home and be at work. He was hoping that Robin was at least taking the time to come up with a new job, at some point soon. Because Zander knew what awaited him, if Robin wasn't able to find one soon. Zander, knew it wasn't his place to look for a second job while Robin was between them, but if Robin was having no luck, having two look for jobs would greatly help keep up the families income. All that really needed to be done were more application forms, and hope that they had what was needed. It didn't need to be a wizarding job, just one to help keep money in the family. One of the many thoughts that Zander had on a normal day.

Upon hearing that the other guy could not help him find what he was looking for. Zander had to let out a long groan. It was annoying for him that he had to. It was pretty weird to hear an incredibly thick and not New Zealand sounding accent in the middle of new Zealand. But, as the guy went on to explain, where he was from Zander had to say he was jealous. It wasn't often that he got the chance to meet someone from another country. It was then odd for Zander to be asked where he was from. It wasn't a question he minded answering, it was just one that he found odd. Since he lived in England he was never asked it despite the hint of a slightly Durmstrang accent. One that all his siblings seemed to have inherited. Even if it was small. But, he would clearly sound english to the guy in front of him. "England, just outside London." Zander nodded, as if he was unsure and was reminding himself. "Thank you anyway. I'll call him up and ask. Just didn't want to annoy him." Zander took out his phone and had been about to call him, when he noticed there was no real hurry. "So, how come you're in New Zealand working?" Zander asked, not only quite curious but also secretly hopeful for a new friend. he lacked so much that anything was okay with him.​
"I'm sorry brah, I wish I could help you. Looks like a lot come by here" he notice. Just like Hawaii, new Zealand seem to attract a lot of aliens from other country. He wonder why that was? It was a nice mild weather country, but it was less exciting than Australia. Seth compared them both and if he had to choose, he would've picked Australia over New Zealand. This place just didn't scream fun to him, despite the fact it lack any hot spots, it did have its quirks. meeting that girl was one of them. The muggels world always been an equally attraction to Seth, he love the fact they didn't have to worry about exposing themselves or encountering forces of the unknown wizarding world. They live the life with simple worries, while his family live their lives trying to protect themselves from the UNKNOWN and twice as more since Leia Makwa was a squib. It was hard, but worth it all. It was sad their father abounded them, it would have been a lot easier on Laylah.

"Well mostly to get paid brah, you know you can't survive without it" Seth move his cap back and fourth, to brush the curly knotting head of his. It was growing rapidly into a small fro, he was considering getting it braided corn roll back. but he knew that would mean less hats for him and more wave caps. He detested the wave cap, it made his hair stink. He would have to apply grease on his hair so it won't stink and his scalp won't dry up. Now that he was thinking about it now, he thought of just getting a fresh cut, to keep it low top and he could continue wearing his hats. "It's fun when you get to be a satellite worker, I report back whenever I want too and my pay gets transfer" he said casually leaning up against the foundation of a black gate, waits high and strong to hold him up while he was posted there. "What's your name brah? Mines Seth" he took out his hand, forming his fingers slightly curl in, to all that know Seth knew he dap you before he ever shake your hand like a business hand. a dap was simply a hand shake, but the fingers slightly curled in. It was like a handshake, dap was just another slang.
It was odd for Zander to not have to worry about the siblings he'd left back home. They were safe in the hands of the eldest twins, though the worry was only depleted. As a "parent" Zander now knew of the worries his parents had had for him and his siblings. The ones that reminded him that life was precious and that he had to be back before they woke up. It was why his watch was still on British time. They other guy had an odd way of speaking. Pecuilar in the sense that he used these words that Zander had never heard of. Like Brah. Zander had no idea what that meant. It even made him feel old, but there was a small age gap between them, he was sure. Their was no way the guy was less than 3 years younger than him, and yet oddly the boy made him feel about forty. He wanted to blame on the fact he didn't really ever go through a young phase, and his life was split between home and work. With few friends to his name. But, it was all in the name of family, something that the eldest Valentine was more than willing to give up everything for. He looked to the boy, as he spoke about money and wondered if he had a family like him. Or if his family was less broken. Either way he wasn't bothered. it wouldn't really factor in. Since after this day, the boy would never met again. And while this was both a depressing and annoying factor it was one the Eldest was very much used to. He was very used to people meeting him, and then him never being able to see them again, because he was just too busy. As much as he had a great desire to change the factor, it wasn't like it was an easy thing to change. There was still a seven year old and a nine year old in the house. And they had to be looked after. And they had to be completely cared for, they had to have food on the table and a sense of security, and until they were old enough to look after themselves, Zander knew his hopes of having anything else, were pretty slim. It didn't matter if he finally managed to juggle home and work better. If the twins managed to get along more. Because he would still have to bring money in for them if they needed it. He was the parent after all. And he had to do all the things a parent needed to do. it was just his way of living. Without parents the eldest always had to take charge to be sure that everything would in turn be okay. That everything would work out. That they would all have the most perfect of lives.

"It's nice to meet you Seth. I'm Zander" Zander introduced, taking the guys hand, although not sure if he was doing it right. "I'm sorry I'm little out of touch with the world." Zander apologised, trying the form the same shape with his hand as the guy Seth had. It didn't look that hard, and eventually it seemed that Zander had managed it. He gave an apologetic smile. "I guess it must be fairly good money. I'm just here on a small holiday. I fly back to the UK, tonight." Zander obviously wasn't actually flying. he would just apparate back. And no one would even realise he'd been gone. The advantages of being a wizard were really many. "What's it like living in Hawaii?"

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