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Madeline Walden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Okay so i'll just jump right in.

I have a First Year Gryffindor Madeline Walden


I'm looking for everything: friends, best friends, enemies, crushes (and with that future romances that we can talk about, open to any gender) and anything else you can suggest. I'll be open to anything and everything for Maddie.
She's fun, friendly and chatty. She loves adventure and meeting new people. She's incredibly loyal but the other side of the coin is that she can get quite jealous.

I also have Archie Villiers he's a First Year Slytherin.


I haven't developed Archie as well but i'm looking for mostly friends. I'm also up for future plans if anyone has any good ideas. Archie seems a bit strange at first because he has had an incredibly formal upbringing and therefore isn't very 'street smart'. He tries his best though and is working to be more easygoing and casual. He's very creative and his passion is drawing. He's quite the introvert so he doesn't meet many new people.
Ok I'll be first up. I like Maddie and I'd like to see another side of her. I have s couple of potential crushes/romances that I'd like to discuss, feel free to pm of your interested.

But on the friends side obviously i have my first years. James, who she knows, we can always develop them a little more but I also have Georgina who I think would get on well with Maddie.
Hemi already knows Maddie, I'd be keen to develop their friendship and see what happens.
Sure, that sounds interesting I shall PM you ^_^
In regards, I would like to see Maddie and Georgina and how they react together and obviously Maddie and James are always fun to RP with :p


Yes! I love Hemi ^_^ I think they could be very good friends, getting up to all sorts. Since the holiday forums are open maybe Maddie and Hemi could meet outside of school?
Sounds good, the holiday forums are still open for a few more days so we have enough time. Would you like to start something? Otherwise I can :)
I can start, i'll PM you the link :wub:
If you want, we could do a Theo&Maddie topic outside of the school events? Maybe they randomly run into each other around the school, and are like wanna hang out? And even if their personalities clash slightly, the sort of friendship from the Halloween and Yuleball kinda means they don't mind it, that sort of friendship which is strong because of a few shared strong experiences?
Maddie and Georgina can start the "we dated Felix" club :r
Well we already know how there meetings will turn out ;)
Professor Sloane Stark said:
Maddie and Georgina can start the "we dated Felix" club :r

James Cade said:
Well we already know how there meetings will turn out ;)

Oh dear, this is going to get so messy. I love it :shifty:

Yeah, I think that will be nice. It will be interesting to see how they get on outside the 'ball' atmosphere :)
Okies awesome! Do you want to start something or shall I?
If you don't mind starting it that would be amazing :)
Thank you, I'll reply ASAP :wub:
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