Roleplays and Relationships for Demetre?

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Demetre's a Durmstrang 4th year, 15 years old :) .
He's a pureblood and his parents are pureblood prejudice, hopeful death eaters! Demetre, however, doesn't really see the big deal in being pureblooded and doesn't judge anyone on blood, he doesn't think about it all that much tbh. He's hoping to become an auror after leaving school, and is taking his studies quite seriously at the moment, although he's always been a bit of a trouble maker and didn't have the best start to his years at Durmstrang. He was always in trouble and fighting with the other boys, but after being threatened with expulsion, cleaned up his act a little and is now a lot better.
He's a nice guy, friendly and funny, charming and a little flirty at times. He's an honest and lovable person :) .

I'm looking for friends, best friends, a love interest and everything really :D !

Would anyone like to rp :jesse: ?
Heya, I have two durmstrang people :D

Markov who's in third year I think and Ivana who's in first year. If you wanna RP with either of them let me know

Also, If you want, You could RP with Sydney. She's not really blood mania anymore but she can be pretty prejdice around some of her friends
Hey :)

I have a Durmstrang aged 16, name is Zehava Damatril Or something..
Just search Zeh on members - thats what I do and it's my account o_O

:D She could be love... She needs someone
Sydney: Cool, perhaps Markov and Demetre could rp inside Durmstrang? I'd like to set him up with some guy friends aswell as girls :lol: I think Ivana's a bit young for him, but he could be a mentor sort of thing, like a big brother :lol: ?
Is Brightstone open at the moment? That way Sydney and Demetre could rp?

Taylor: Sounds good :D Would you like me to set up an rp inside Durmstrang?

Thanks for the replies ^_^ .

Okay, Well Ivana is Markov's little sister if that changes anything.
Yeah, brightstone is open atm so they could meet there.
Yeah, That could work.

How about you make the one for Markov and I make the one for Sydney?
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